Issue #2...the draft...


  • No draft no way no how...

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • A draft would make us one people...

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Draft in an emergency...

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Higher pay would make plenty of volunteers...

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft

This one, I guess, is a slam dunk, in terms of a solid majority. We'll vote anyway...


Definitely disagree. Not only should there be a draft, but it should be mandatory for everyone right out of high school. Minimum of two years of mandatory service with everyone going into the reserves after that. It would give us a better prepared military and not have to train new recruits for war or emergencies. They would have already gone through basic training, etc.


mmm pizza
Vince said:
Definitely disagree. Not only should there be a draft, but it should be mandatory for everyone right out of high school. Minimum of two years of mandatory service with everyone going into the reserves after that. It would give us a better prepared military and not have to train new recruits for war or emergencies. They would have already gone through basic training, etc.

:yay: :yay:


professional daydreamer
I don't know about making us "one people", but I do agree with Vince. In addition, it would give our kids a taste of real life, responsibility, self worth and confidence. Something our youth is sorely lacking.

And if you drop out of high school...straight to boot camp. Then reserves until you're old enough to serve.


I bowl overhand
A draft with NO exceptions.. no college deferrment, no sexual discrimination.. Draft EVERYONE (except my kids)

We would save BILLIONS over a recruited Army.. no more bazillion dollars for college, no more 30K cash bonuses to sign up.. just give them enough money to live off of, and give them everthing they need to live off of for two years, if they re-enlist then they get a HUGE pay increase, if not they go away and get a job. A lot of these punks on the street would actually learn what it is to be an adult, and would change many of them for life.


Vince said:
Definitely disagree. Not only should there be a draft, but it should be mandatory for everyone right out of high school. Minimum of two years of mandatory service with everyone going into the reserves after that. It would give us a better prepared military and not have to train new recruits for war or emergencies. They would have already gone through basic training, etc.
No way, when I was a division chief it was maddening dealing with the derelict scumbags who had actually volunteered, toss in a bunch of people who are there against their will and it would be intolerable and destructive. Remember the ability of a unit is somewhat similar to the median of a group of numbers in math. If you add a bunch of low numbers the median drops.

In other words, give me 10 motivated happy people and they will kick the crap out of 100 people who don't really want to be there every time.


I bowl overhand
Kind of a slanted poll.. I agree there should ba draft.. but making us one people?? Not so much..


elaine said:
I don't know about making us "one people", but I do agree with Vince. In addition, it would give our kids a taste of real life, responsibility, self worth and confidence. Something our youth is sorely lacking.

And if you drop out of high school...straight to boot camp. Then reserves until you're old enough to serve.
The military cannot repair shiatty attitudes in 3 or 4 years what it took 18 years to develop.


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
No way, when I was a division chief it was maddening dealing with the derelict scumbags who had actually volunteered, toss in a bunch of people who are there against their will and it would be intolerable and destructive. Remember the ability of a unit is somewhat similar to the median of a group of numbers in math. If you add a bunch of low numbers the median drops.

In other words, give me 10 motivated happy people and they will kick the crap out of 100 people who don't really want to be there every time.
I'm not so sure.. thre are a lot of drafted military's in this world that are just as capable as ours..

I would agree, there is a big difference in the Army we have today, and the Army of say 20 or 30 years ago... Improvement for sure


itsbob said:
I'm not so sure.. thre are a lot of drafted military's in this world that are just as capable as ours..

I would agree, there is a big difference in the Army we have today, and the Army of say 20 or 30 years ago... Improvement for sure
Name one.......besides Isreal, who draft into a militia and BTW are fighting for their very survival.

The Iraqi Republican Guards were hand selected elite troops from their conscripts and they withered in front of our volunteer forces.


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
The military cannot repair shiatty attitudes in 3 or 4 years what it took 18 years to develop.

Personally, I don't care if they have a sh!tty attitude. It's better than the wimpy, sissy soldiers and airmen they're allowing in today. Give me a sh!tty can kick azz attitude any day!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I highly recommend a 4-year military stint right out of high school - it really changes you....if you want to be changed.

How much are we willing to pay to have the military be a finishing school because parents didn't do their job? If it were up to me, I'd take every inner city kid who's on a path to destruction and put them in the Marines. Pampered hippie kids - don't want 'em. They can sit on their asses and smoke pot for all I care because they'll never amount to a hill of beans.

The the former inner city kids can look down their noses on the hippie kids. :biggrin:


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
Name one.......besides Isreal, who draft into a militia and BTW are fighting for their very survival.

The Iraqi Republican Guards were hand selected elite troops from their conscripts and they withered in front of our volunteer forces.
Almost of all of the Euro nations.. Israel is the best one to use for an example though.. Switzerland and/ or Austria takes it to an extreme.. Every able bodied person is issued a weapon(rifle), at LEAST trained, similar to our BCT, some serve in the militarty some don't, but they ALL get the training. They all have an area to go to in case of an attack to include individual space in underground shleters, food, water, ammo. etc..


elaine said:
Personally, I don't care if they have a sh!tty attitude. It's better than the wimpy, sissy soldiers and airmen they're allowing in today. Give me a sh!tty can kick azz attitude any day!
First of all those "wimpy sissy's" do a fine job.

And how do you suppose you are going to make those with shiatty attitudes do anything they don't want to do? Write them up and kick them out? Thats what they want in the first place. Put them in the brig? You could not build a brig that big.

Who is going to trust them?

Are you going to sit in an ejection seat that was armed by a dirtbag who hates being there, those who made him go and those who boss him around all day?

If you want a physical representation of what a drafted military would be like go outside and find some sand and get a handful. Pull back the waistband on your drawers and drop the sand in and walk around all day. Yea your shorts are full.....full of an irritant.


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
First of all those "wimpy sissy's" do a fine job.

And how do you suppose you are going to make those with shiatty attitudes do anything they don't want to do? Write them up and kick them out? Thats what they want in the first place. Put them in the brig? You could not build a brig that big.

Who is going to trust them?

Are you going to sit in an ejection seat that was armed by a dirtbag who hates being there, those who made him go and those who boss him around all day?

If you want a physical representation of what a drafted military would be like go outside and find some sand and get a handful. Pull back the waistband on your drawers and drop the sand in and walk around all day. Yea your shorts are full.....full of an irritant.

I'm not going to argue this with you. I'm not a stranger to our military, or the people who have served us in history. The problem isn't the kids going in, it's the PC approach the military takes with kids now. They give 'em freakin' time out chits so they can't be yelled at. :rolleyes:

Yes, we have some great kids fighting today, but for the most part, I wouldn't wanna' be in a fox hole with half of 'em. There was a time you'd only say that about a few.

So, we'll just have to agree to disagree.


itsbob said:
Almost of all of the Euro nations.. Israel is the best one to use for an example though.. Switzerland and/ or Austria takes it to an extreme.. Every able bodied person is issued a weapon(rifle), at LEAST trained, similar to our BCT, some serve in the militarty some don't, but they ALL get the training. They all have an area to go to in case of an attack to include individual space in underground shleters, food, water, ammo. etc..
Go to Burger King for lunch. Listen to the goober who can barely communicate in english, "Yo wan fri wid dat?" then stare at the person who cannot make change without the cash register telling him how to do it who was just picking his nose when you were not looking. Now imagine them giving your tank directions via a radio or covering your ass with a M-16. Does it give you a warm fuzzy?

Even with 8-16 weeks of training? Suppose you are doing the training and at the end of the 8 weeks are you going to feel warm and fuzzy sending a young Johnny Lyles back to Waldorf with his M-16?

What about the guy who shot the other kid in the melon at Monk's the other night? Think way down deep he would make a good soldier?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
What about the guy who shot the other kid in the melon at Monk's the other night? Think way down deep he would make a good soldier?
Actually, now that I think about it...yes.

He could be the guy who checks for landmines.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Actually, now that I think about it...yes.

He could be the guy who checks for landmines.

I'm thinkin' sniper. He needs an enemy to shoot at.