Issues with my HOA!!!! Please help!


New Member
Just was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on this. My husband and I are new homeowners and have been battling with our HOA for the past few months. We live in a townhouse in the Wakefield Neighborhood and have been complaining about the condition of our street. Namely our neighbors just simply trash the street. There seems to be an endless amount of trash daily, kids running around in the parking at all hours, loitering, etc.
We started emailing our HOA asking for some help on this since our fees are supposed to handle the clean up of the common areas. We were told that the managment company hired a maintenance company to clean every 10 days or so- and this has not happened ever in the months that we've been living on this street! So we continue to complain and have had no results.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions they could offer or have you experienced a situation similar to this.



New Member
journey_2000 said:
Just was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on this. My husband and I are new homeowners and have been battling with our HOA for the past few months. We live in a townhouse in the Wakefield Neighborhood and have been complaining about the condition of our street. Namely our neighbors just simply trash the street. There seems to be an endless amount of trash daily, kids running around in the parking at all hours, loitering, etc.
We started emailing our HOA asking for some help on this since our fees are supposed to handle the clean up of the common areas. We were told that the managment company hired a maintenance company to clean every 10 days or so- and this has not happened ever in the months that we've been living on this street! So we continue to complain and have had no results.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions they could offer or have you experienced a situation similar to this.


What did the street look like when you bought your house??


Where are my pants?
1. Join your HOA.

2. Call the management company and ask why they haven't been coming out to clean the contracted area.

3. Walk next door and voice your concerns to your messy neighbors.

Good luck! :howdy:


New Member
journey_2000 said:
Just was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on this. My husband and I are new homeowners and have been battling with our HOA for the past few months. We live in a townhouse in the Wakefield Neighborhood and have been complaining about the condition of our street. Namely our neighbors just simply trash the street. There seems to be an endless amount of trash daily, kids running around in the parking at all hours, loitering, etc.
We started emailing our HOA asking for some help on this since our fees are supposed to handle the clean up of the common areas. We were told that the managment company hired a maintenance company to clean every 10 days or so- and this has not happened ever in the months that we've been living on this street! So we continue to complain and have had no results.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions they could offer or have you experienced a situation similar to this.


Move, it is only going to get worse.


New Member
when we first saw the house it was during the winter. so we couldn't really tell what the condition of the street was like. but after we moved in and the weather warmed we noticed that there was a serious problem.


24/7 Single Dad
journey_2000 said:
our fees are supposed to handle the clean up of the common areas. We were told that the managment company hired a maintenance company to clean every 10 days or so- and this has not happened ever in the months that we've been living on this street!
What's the relationship between the management company and the HOA?
If you're paying the HOA to clean, are they paying a management company to pay a cleaning company?
Have you attended any HOA meetings?


Salt Life
aps45819 said:
Is that a Waldorf getto hood?
Put it this way...when I was in middle school (I'm now 28) that neighborhood was bad. It has never been desirable. I can't imagine what it is like now.


New Member
thanks for the responses. we are planning to move. looks like we will only stay one year instead of two like we planned. we have joined our HOA and have been contacting the management company daily asking why they haven't fixed this problem. we were told that funds were limited for cleaning common areas.
so we requested the balance sheet. and found out that there was well over $15,000 for grounds maintenance, etc. so we fired back- where's this money being spent?

then we were told to come before our next HOA meeting in September and voice our concerns before the board. we were floored with the level of ignorance and incompetence we have had to deal with.


Set Trippin
journey_2000 said:
we were floored with the level of ignorance and incompetence we have had to deal with.
you aint seen nothing, keep posting here...:lol:

oh and welcome...


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Move :coffee: Wakefield has been on the decline for many years. I was told not to buy there in 1995. You can stop paying your HOA fee due to them not meeting their end of whats supposed to be done. At least it will get their attention but be prepared for the storm that follows.


Harley Rider
journey_2000 said:
thanks for the responses. we are planning to move. looks like we will only stay one year instead of two like we planned. we have joined our HOA and have been contacting the management company daily asking why they haven't fixed this problem. we were told that funds were limited for cleaning common areas.
so we requested the balance sheet. and found out that there was well over $15,000 for grounds maintenance, etc. so we fired back- where's this money being spent?
then we were told to come before our next HOA meeting in September and voice our concerns before the board. we were floored with the level of ignorance and incompetence we have had to deal with.
No offense, but almost all townhouse neighborhoods in Waldorf are declining and 95% of ALL HOA's are useless. I was on the board in White Oak Village for 10 years and was thoroughly frustrated at their excuses and lack of action. If you don't pay your dues, THEN they will spring into action, but an HOA is nothing more than good neighbors paying for bad neighbors to be told to clean up their properties. My home is one of the cleanest in the hood but years ago one of the HOA people did a neighborhood inspection and found a slight crack in a piece of wood trim that no one can see from the road and wrote me up for it. I threatened a lawsuit because there are so many more serious violations that nothing was being done about and I never heard from them again about it. The best option is to move to a neighborhood without an HOA, but there aren't many in Waldorf. :howdy:


Im On 1.
journey_2000 said:
thanks for the responses. we are planning to move. looks like we will only stay one year instead of two like we planned. we have joined our HOA and have been contacting the management company daily asking why they haven't fixed this problem. we were told that funds were limited for cleaning common areas.
so we requested the balance sheet. and found out that there was well over $15,000 for grounds maintenance, etc. so we fired back- where's this money being spent?

then we were told to come before our next HOA meeting in September and voice our concerns before the board. we were floored with the level of ignorance and incompetence we have had to deal with.

Hi. :howdy: I use to live in Wakefeild myself...let me has to be Robinson, Red Lion or Rooks Head...because those are the areas that HOA's NEVER service. What did "we" do at the time? Moved....and rented out the house...since you just bought it, why don't you consider that instead of buying something new? I would think financially that would be a sound move rather than trying to sell it in this horrible market right now.

Oh and the HOA mgmt company has NEW MANAGMENT....instead of calling go over to their office on Old Washington Road & demand action. As said already, going to the meetings also helps. They'll be the first ones to put a lien against your house if you don't pay them but on the daily you'll never see your parking lot cleaned and free of trash.

I remember one time the community had to organize their own "clean up" day!! Which shouldn't have to be done if your paying HOA's to clean up your area....

good luck. :huggy:


New Member
we haven't been able to attend the HOA meetings- primarily because we got a different time each time we asked someone. now the next HOA meeting isn't until September. we were told to voice our concerns at that meeting before the board- so we will see how that goes.
probably nowhere.


New Member
how'd you know? it's robinson place. and don't get me started on those neighbors. we bought the house with the intention of moving in two years and making it a rental property. we got it pretty cheap- but it needs lots of TLC. so we are slowly but surely making the changes. looks we will be out of there by May of next year.


Well-Known Member
journey_2000 said:
how'd you know? it's robinson place. and don't get me started on those neighbors. we bought the house with the intention of moving in two years and making it a rental property. we got it pretty cheap- but it needs lots of TLC. so we are slowly but surely making the changes. looks we will be out of there by May of next year.
Being a Landlord in a neighborhood like you describe will be a disaster.