It's hit the fan now!



I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!


Well-Known Member
I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!

1. It's not cool to let your kids skip school.
2. Has this kid ever done anything like this before?


chomping at the bit
I damned near killed both of mine tonight. They get shipped off to dad's tomorrow morning and I get $50 to do whatever I want this whole weekend or as he said "Watch Lifetiime and relax" :bigwhoop:

Btw, thanks to Steve Harvey and some chick who wrote in today, her disease I am showing symptoms in and my support system is there for me. :rolleyes:

You don't have enough time to see my list of what they've done. Just know it's a wonder I'm not on crack or have a white liver.

Lastly, My son's dad and I have been fighting about him coming back to live with him in PG. I say no, this is a better place for him (14y/o) and that the youngest loves living down here. WTFever!!!! My kid has done everything that he could to embarrass the living crap out of our family. I look like the community fool. Dad wins! He won't be back to live with me ever again. :howdy:

You ask if skipping school is a bad enough thing for a parent to become proactive (or as you state over-reactive)? Everything starts with something little.

Taking a puff or a swig or groping or taking loose change, taking a few of mom's white socks, etc. Some kids do practice discipline but most kids don't know how to bring their behinds back on the right side of the road.

Do I feel sorry for the oldest girl, nope. Do I feel sorry for the youngest, not really. It's military school, not jail. One of those you can go to and leave from on your own. The other you can not. Parents should accept when they can't keep a grip on their kids and allow someone else to before the law has to.

That's all I'm saying.

:faint: Wanna skizz out a little more?


Obama destroyed America
Skipping school should NEVER be condoned. :nono:

The guy is going a lil over the top though.


New Member
I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!

I'm surprised you gave your kids 3 free skip days a year.... :lol:

I thought I was the only one who did that, but my father allotted me "skip" days too, with the same condition, don't sneak... :nono: Be up front and open about it, and I understand the mind set. We all get tired, even children get tired and need a break. Restriction and be done with it, but maybe your friend is one of those people who needs to blow it off and then come down to reality?


I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!

It really depends on the kid. Military school is a little much unless he sees her going down the wrong path, grades aren't good or making friends with the unsavory types. I was sent to catholic school and was kicked out (for wearing the wrong color penny loafers, having pink hair and a mowhawk). Thats all I did, I was a polite kid, had a job and hung out with everyone, jocks, nerds, preppies, punks, metal heads, stoners, straight edge band geeks, all of them. My problem was I didn't care about my grades, I was so bored in school.

I think its good that you give 3 skip days, he it seems is not cool with this and never has been. If your child is getting good grades, is polite and has never been in trouble with the police I say give them room to roam.

To each his own:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Skipping school should NEVER be condoned. :nono:

The guy is going a lil over the top though.
I'm surprised you gave your kids 3 free skip days a year.... :lol:

I thought I was the only one who did that, but my father allotted me "skip" days too, with the same condition, don't sneak... :nono: Be up front and open about it, and I understand the mind set. We all get tired, even children get tired and need a break. Restriction and be done with it, but maybe your friend is one of those people who needs to blow it off and then come down to reality?

I got my ass kicked when I skipped school! And rightfully!!!


New Member
I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!
She probably got knocked up today.


New Member

I got my ass kicked when I skipped school! And rightfully!!!

You must not have had it kicked enough. :shrug: Girl, if I would have come home pregnant without being married, I would have been as good as dead. :lmao: You did it 3 times, not ragging on you, just saying.

Had my father not authorized me to skip, I would have NEVER done it. You would have to have known my father (back then) to understand that.


Well-Known Member
You must not have had it kicked enough. :shrug: Girl, if I would have come home pregnant without being married, I would have been as good as dead. :lmao: You did it 3 times, not ragging on you, just saying.

Had my father not authorized me to skip, I would have NEVER done it. You would have to have known my father (back then) to understand that.

I was almost 27 when I had my first child. Find some new material. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't have mattered if I was 67, I still couldn't have told him.

:lmao: New material? :killingme Your apparent insecurity issues are showing. :whistle:

Eventually you would have had to tell him. I suppose you never had sex before you got married? This has nothing to do with insecurity issues. We are talking about parenting and YOU bring up the fact that I've had three kids out of wedlock. Let's not make this personal. How about that?


New Member
Eventually you would have had to tell him. I suppose you never had sex before you got married? This has nothing to do with insecurity issues. We are talking about parenting and YOU bring up the fact that I've had three kids out of wedlock. Let's not make this personal. How about that?

It wasn't made to be personal until you took it personally. :whistle:


Pandora I don't say this often but I love your philosphy! LIfe is to damn hard as it is! Understand your kids will be kids and make it easy for crap sake! :huggy:


Well-Known Member
It wasn't made to be personal until you took it personally. :whistle:

Whatever. How was I not supposed to take that personal? Basically you said that there was something wrong with me having 3 kids out of wedlock and I disagree. I'd rather be happily single than miserably married!


Well-Known Member
Pandora I don't say this often but I love your philosphy! LIfe is to damn hard as it is! Understand your kids will be kids and make it easy for crap sake! :huggy:

And parents should be parents. They need to know the importance of their education and allowing them to skip school is not helping that.


And parents should be parents. They need to know the importance of their education and allowing them to skip school is not helping that.

Just wait little missy! You'll learn to pick your battles... I promise. :huggy: