It's hit the fan now!


b*tch rocket
And parents should be parents. They need to know the importance of their education and allowing them to skip school is not helping that.

I'm sorry, but my kid could skip half the school year and still not be behind when it comes to the "education" she gets in public school.

Add me to the list of "parents who aren't parents." :howdy:


wandering aimlessly
You know, when I was in high school, I never skipped but there were days I just didn't want to go, and my mother let me stay home.

I ask my teenager, when I can tell he's really not up to going because he's exhausted or unwell, if he wants to stay home and he looks at me like I'm crazy. "And make up all that work? No way!"

Boy 2 is the same way. He'll only stay home if he's on his death bed.

The girl will stay home at the drop of a hat BUT she's only in 5th grade.


Lobster Land
I only read a few pages and have to say some of you are unreal IMO. Sure I skipped a few days and my #1 son skipped 39 days in a row but neither was done with permission. And you wonder why the world has changed so much. I don't give a hoot if he/she has an A average and turns out to be president, I just cannot understand giving your kids permission to not follow the rules of the land. Health days, BS. Sounds to me as if you want to be friends and not parents.


b*tch rocket
I only read a few pages and have to say some of you are unreal IMO. Sure I skipped a few days and my #1 son skipped 39 days in a row but neither was done with permission.

39 days in a row! :faint: :lol:

How the hell do you not know that your kid skipped school for 39 days?

I think I'll stick with my straight A student taking a day off from school every now and then. :lol:


Lobster Land
39 days in a row! :faint: :lol:

How the hell do you not know that your kid skipped school for 39 days?

I think I'll stick with my straight A student taking a day off from school every now and then. :lol:

Single parent and it took that darn long for the school to notify me. How was I to know until they told me? So sure, keep giving your kid the excuse to not attend school, and just what does he/she do while goofing off? Good lesson on how to beat the system Mom.


New Member
Single parent and it took that darn long for the school to notify me. How was I to know until they told me? So sure, keep giving your kid the excuse to not attend school, and just what does he/she do while goofing off? Good lesson on how to beat the system Mom.

You are just being silly. I don't think any of the parents who have said they allow 'skip/mental health/personal' days have children that are below average in school and I think we are well aware that they are doing the homework in school, nor do I think any of the parents are allowing more than 3 days off per year. I would have set somebody's ass on fire at the school for failing to notify me of his absence, had that been my son. For your son to skip 39 days of school and not be the least bit concerned about what would happen to him if caught, I'd say you have some other issues there, wouldn't you agree?

In this county, they have a notification system in place that will call the parent and let them know their child was marked absent for the day.

BTW, good to see you back and posting.