It's hit the fan now!


Bookseller Lady
My daughter is starting MS next year and knows that skipping is one offense where the hammer shall fall. Education is top priority in our house.

I think the OPs friend is overreacting- If it was one day skipping school and not part of a pattern of bad behavior, of course. My kid would probably get an "ouch!" length restriction for a first offense, with something stricter if skip day activities were also something to give me more gray hair.


New Member
I skipped tons, specially my senior year. I graduated with a 3.875 gpa, a member of the national honor society, took all AP classes, and was a varsity ball player all 4 years. :shrug: Heck senior skip day, (this was my junior year) even got to drive a rental car to school so if I got caught driving out of the parking lot (they were taking tag numbers that day) they had no clue who I was. :lol:

I've allowed my boys one or two blah days here and there. My youngest doesn't do grades yet but has all VGs and my oldest has been a member of the A/B honor roll all year. (thats because of one lousy b in handwriting he cant seem to pull up because he writes like a doctor). :shrug:

There's a line that can be crossed, that as parents you have to be careful not to toe that line too much. You can't let them get away with too much. But you also can't be a prison foreman 24/7 either.

I hope they called CPS on your Mother! :lol: That is neglect if you ask me! :lol:


New Member
I would never let my kids skip. Weekends not good enough? they also have holidays, half days, snow days, summer vacation, christmas break, spring break, parent teacher conference days, little 15 minute breaks between each class, lunch, and to top it off, the school day is shorter then any given work day anyway.

If they feel the need to unwind in HS, then woe betide them when they get to the real world.


Bookseller Lady
I was actually sick on my senior skip day (and the days right before/after). I'm such a dork.

My grandmother would have rung my neck if I'd ever been caught skipping. The only time she let me miss school when I was not sick was when my 10th grade BF dumped me out of the blue on a Sunday night. Ripped my heart out. I went with her to a doctors appointment and then we hit the mall. Knowing how strict she normally was about school made me really appreciate that day off.
We always were told, 'if you want to take the day off, let us know. As long as your grades are up and have no tests it's OK. Just don't abuse it...'

Never skipped a day of school in my life with a deal like that! :angel: We always asked and were honest, most of the time it was for hunting or fishing...