It's hit the fan now!


Love is Blind
I have this beloved friend whom I wish, I could kill! His step daughter a 9th grader was caught skipping school today.

In my house, the kids were given 3 free skip days a year. Just tell Momma so I don't have to freak out and think your dead. I'm sure they skipped more often but it was never an issue.

Anyhow, my friend is losing his mind. He has already called her father in Arizona and went rushing over to her friends house to inform the mom that her child was a bastage also.

He is sending his little, to Military school next year.

I'm listening to him, thinking My God, what a total over reaction! It's the last week of school... she skipped - BFD!

My mantra has always been " No kid will make my life hell!"

Did my hatred of hell make me a slack parent, or is he completely over the top?

Put her on a weeks restriction and be done with it! Dayum!

Sounds like overreaction to me. He's probably just nervous, doesn't want it to get out of control where the kid starts to skip all the time and thinks it's okay or they think they won't get caught. Then possibly losing control as a parent. In today's time, nip in the bud before it does get out of control.


Throwing the deuces
I only skipped school completely one time. It was Senior Skip Day and because I didn't lie about why I wasn't in school, I got an unexcused absense. I skipped one class another time to eat lunch off campus with my friends (we had different lunch periods) and ended up being left by them anyways. I was a Goody Two Shoes and even when I tried to be bad, it bit me in the butt. Got my "rebelness" out later on in life by getting a tattoo and getting married to a guy I barely knew who was moving out of state.