I've been infected!


animal luvr
I'll keep an eye out. I really don't need this right now. Yes, I'm having a pity party for myself! :tantrum:

the earliest they can test you for lyme disease is 2 weeks after the tick has bitten you. I know this because i was bitten by 2 ticks last year and that is what i was told.


Jam out with ur clam out

I've had no symptoms for 2 years or so. I think I'm fine

I had no major symptoms for many years as well... some people never have symptoms till their immune system is worn down.. then it comes to a head...

It will stay dormant for a long time... just depends on ir immune system

You never get rid of it.... even after treatment.. more so if u are chronic lyme


New Member
I had no major symptoms for many years as well... some people never have symptoms till their immune system is worn down.. then it comes to a head...

It will stay dormant for a long time... just depends on ir immune system

You never get rid of it.... even after treatment.. more so if u are chronic lyme

If the period between the time when the tick was found and the antibiotics were administered is short enough... it's possible you could have killed the bacteria.... so you don't get full blown Lyme Disease...

If, as in my case, the bacteria have plenty of time to colonize, then Lyme and its various co-infections can kill you.

I was tested for Lyme but the test came up negative too.... so yes they do hide.... I was lucky to find a doctor who knew how to stir them up [by giving me the anti-biotic that they don't like] and my test lit up like a Christmas Tree and I got the long term care to put it into remission.....

I have chronic Lyme.... it almost stopped my heart.... it did play with my eyes, my equilibrium, and more.... But I'm in remission... and maybe I'll stay that way for the rest of my life.... I do suffer now with arthritis... a major side affect of Lyme...

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not impressed
I had no major symptoms for many years as well... some people never have symptoms till their immune system is worn down.. then it comes to a head...

It will stay dormant for a long time... just depends on ir immune system

You never get rid of it.... even after treatment.. more so if u are chronic lyme

It wasn't a deer tick though.


Adopt me please !
Lyme Disease: The Perfect Storm Is Headed Our Way

"Blood-sucking ticks coming to a field and forest near you.

That may sound like the latest horror film, but unfortunately it is a reality due to a surge in ticks that spread Lyme disease this spring.

Fortunately, the media interest in Lyme disease appears to be growing with the threat. At the start of the month I was interviewed on Martha Stewart Living Radio about Lyme disease."

Leo Galland, M.D.: Lyme Disease: The Perfect Storm Is Headed Our Way


Well-Known Member
If the period between the time when the tick was found and the antibiotics were administered is short enough... it's possible you could have killed the bacteria.... so you don't get full blown Lyme Disease...

If, as in my case, the bacteria have plenty of time to colonize, then Lyme and its various co-infections can kill you.

I was tested for Lyme but the test came up negative too.... so yes they do hide.... I was lucky to find a doctor who knew how to stir them up [by giving me the anti-biotic that they don't like] and my test lit up like a Christmas Tree and I got the long term care to put it into remission.....

I have chronic Lyme.... it almost stopped my heart.... it did play with my eyes, my equilibrium, and more.... But I'm in remission... and maybe I'll stay that way for the rest of my life.... I do suffer now with arthritis... a major side affect of Lyme...


OK internet docs. I do not specialize in Lymes, so I need assistance with this matter.

Does it have to be a certain type of antibiotic? Because now I have the cooties. You know, hacking up the lung, green phlem, the works. I just finished a course of the Z pac. Does this kill lyme early?


not impressed
OK internet docs. I do not specialize in Lymes, so I need assistance with this matter.

Does it have to be a certain type of antibiotic? Because now I have the cooties. You know, hacking up the lung, green phlem, the works. I just finished a course of the Z pac. Does this kill lyme early?

Ceemeign is the only thing that will cure you


Jam out with ur clam out
OK internet docs. I do not specialize in Lymes, so I need assistance with this matter.

Does it have to be a certain type of antibiotic? Because now I have the cooties. You know, hacking up the lung, green phlem, the works. I just finished a course of the Z pac. Does this kill lyme early?



New Member
It wasn't a deer tick though.

Different ticks offer different diseases. They draw out blood and gift the donor with their own bacteria. Think of it as backwash.

Just because you have a tick bite, you may not be infected with Lyme.

Green phlem is not a real sign of Lyme. It could be allergies.

You need to see a doctor. If the symptoms are in line with a tick bite, you need a blood test to determine the type of tick born bacteria you have been gifted with.

The bacteria leave dna in the blood that identify the specific disease you are dealing with. I know someone who had a tick bite and she was infected with Bebasia [sp?] instead of Lyme.



Jam out with ur clam out
Different ticks offer different diseases. They draw out blood and gift the donor with their own bacteria. Think of it as backwash.

Just because you have a tick bite, you may not be infected with Lyme.

Green phlem is not a real sign of Lyme. It could be allergies.

You need to see a doctor. If the symptoms are in line with a tick bite, you need a blood test to determine the type of tick born bacteria you have been gifted with.

The bacteria leave dna in the blood that identify the specific disease you are dealing with. I know someone who had a tick bite and she was infected with Bebasia [sp?] instead of Lyme.

WOW.... really? not very common

I got the gift of Lyme and RMSF!! :cds:

but have finally started to feel a little more like normal after 8 months of treatment!! :yahoo: (oh and finally listening to my dr about getting REST!!!)


WOW.... really? not very common

I got the gift of Lyme and RMSF!! :cds:

but have finally started to feel a little more like normal after 8 months of treatment!! :yahoo: (oh and finally listening to my dr about getting REST!!!)



New Member
WOW.... really? not very common

I got the gift of Lyme and RMSF!! :cds:

but have finally started to feel a little more like normal after 8 months of treatment!! :yahoo: (oh and finally listening to my dr about getting REST!!!)

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Mine is in remission too.... although sometimes a symptom will pop up and quickly fade away again....

My little Lyme Bacteria are afraid to give me too much trouble [hopefully] because they know I'll run right out and get help.



Adopt me please !
WOW.... really? not very common

I got the gift of Lyme and RMSF!! :cds:

but have finally started to feel a little more like normal after 8 months of treatment!! :yahoo: (oh and finally listening to my dr about getting REST!!!)

YES you NEED rest ......


Well-Known Member
Different ticks offer different diseases. They draw out blood and gift the donor with their own bacteria. Think of it as backwash.

Just because you have a tick bite, you may not be infected with Lyme.

Green phlem is not a real sign of Lyme. It could be allergies.

You need to see a doctor. If the symptoms are in line with a tick bite, you need a blood test to determine the type of tick born bacteria you have been gifted with.

The bacteria leave dna in the blood that identify the specific disease you are dealing with. I know someone who had a tick bite and she was infected with Bebasia [sp?] instead of Lyme.

Just to clarify, I didn't say the green phlem was a sign of Lyme. I just happen to have caught the crud late in the year. Not related to the tick bite. Just wanted to know if the antibiotics I was taking would kill it off, if in fact I did happen to contract Lyme.


New Member
Just to clarify, I didn't say the green phlem was a sign of Lyme. I just happen to have caught the crud late in the year. Not related to the tick bite. Just wanted to know if the antibiotics I was taking would kill it off, if in fact I did happen to contract Lyme.

Bummer.... my heart goes out to you....

I had Lyme for a long time before it got diagnosed. I would be walking along a flat surface and boom fall right on my nose.... put my tooth through my chin the last time it happened.... my arms didn't even begin to go out to stop the fall....

My brain stopped talking to my body at times.... headaches awefull never ending headaches .... body aches .... wierd pains .... spots in front of my eyes.... and OMG I was so so so tired all the time.... the list went on and on and on.... my heart even started to beat when it wanted to!

After months and months on Doxy and a year on the central line.... I finally got back to myself.... We figure I must have gotten infected years and years before I started to really exerience the symptoms.... Lyme will absolutely kill you if it's not diagnosed....

Good luck to you... now that Dr. Cafferty is no longer practicing... I don't know who to send you to see.... He saved my life... and probably a good number more.... He was courageous.... I miss him dearly...
