Jarboe Sounds Off! Renegade ATV Offenders...



A battle is being waged in St. Mary's County over outlaw all-terrain vehicles that tear up driveways and front yards, with the sheriff's office issuing criminal and civil citations to six people in the past month.

"We're aware of the problem," said Sheriff David D. Zylak (D). "We're trying to address it as best we can."

Zylak came under some criticism last week from Commissioner Larry Jarboe (R-Mechanicsville) over the issue.

The commissioner said he had received half a dozen phone calls from residents of the Ridge area in the county's southern end complaining about the ATVs and asserting that Zylak's office had been unresponsive to their plight.

Jarboe said the offenders are riding the untagged vehicles down the public right of way out of Lexington Park, along the road shoulders and onto people's property, where they spin their wheels and leave "a mess." He said they were adults wearing helmets that concealed their faces.

Jarboe pointed to the large police presence at two weekend motorcycle events, the "blessing of the bikes" at the county fairgrounds and at Cryer's Backroad Inn, near Compton. He suggested a similar presence around Ridge could solve the ATV problem.

"I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't," Zylak said, adding that he had received complaints from just one property owner and not recently.

He said the alleged offenders have been cited for operating an unregistered vehicle on a public right of way, a civil offense punishable by a fine of about $45, and driving on private property without the owner's permission, a crime punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine. He said the cases had not been adjudicated.

Zylak also defended the police presence at the two motorcycle events. The sponsors of the larger event, at the fairgrounds, "came to us specifically and asked for security," he said. The event drew about 4,000 bikes and 5,000 people, he said.

On hand to keep the peace at both events were a total of 60 officers, he said, including Maryland State Police and an Emergency Services Team from Calvert County. Zylak, defending the show of force, said motorcyclists coming together can "have the best intentions," but if tempers flare, "it can get dicey."

ATVs, he said, have caused problems in various parts of the county for years. "They're not meant to be on the highways," Zylak said, and when they barrel into the woods they can be hard to catch. "If they run from you, they can go places a police car can't, into the woods."
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New Member
This is crap

When i was growing up in Suitland, the police would simply impound your ATV and your parents would have to pay a heavy pricetag to get it back. That was much worse than the (OH MY $40) the current sheriff would make you go through. Most ATV owners which applies to half the county would respond with "Whats the big deal, Plant some Grass"
If you mandate the the atv's get impounded this will end quickly.


New Member
Mr Jarbo

If the county of St Mary's was thinking they could turn this problem into a way to make money and give these folks a place to ride. Southern Maryland ATV park in Charles County is open and does a booming business and provides a safe place to ride.

The Narrow minded people of St Mary's should wake up and look at situations like this as new possibilities rather than problems. Face it the ATV's are not going away. Organize a trail system register the machines and riders (Income for the county) and the "bad element" will now become income producers.

The typical knee-jerk reaction is to outlaw and crack down on the riders. The motorcycle shops in Maryland still sell these machines why don't you crack down on them.

Work with the community folks all of the community not just the privilaged few. Show the county that you do have a head on your shoulders and are interested in solutions that make sense!

Disgruntled profissional rider :mad:


New Member
Well I have never owned any of the ATV's though they do look like fun. I do know that at least in District Heights Md. They used to register your bicylces free of charge.

They could do something similar to that. They could register the ATV's for a fee 40 bucks to register. That way if they break any laws they can enforce higher fines. They could also make it a requirement in St. Marys that all ATV's must be registered. Naturally a grace period of no more than 8 weeks would have to be used for anyone that currently has one. After the grace period if you have not registered a 100.00 fee. I don't see why they are not required already to have a one. You have to have a license to catch fish and game, drive a car/truck or cycle or cessna whats the difference. it's a motor vehicle, They have helmet laws already. I like the idea of the ATV park good cash flow idea.

As it is presently there is no active controls on this from what your all mentioning and the limited amount for the fines currently in place seem very lax. Does the fine have a multiple increase with heavier fines or not?

The folks that are running these ATV's over other folks property should be required to repair the damage they cause. Lawn care is expensive and I am sure they would not want someone coming into their property and destroying it for a joyride. They are just not thinking.

Plus the police again need to really catch them in the act in order to do stuff. Unless you can get photographic evidence to help them. Video Cams are quite affordable and tapes are admissable. Simple surrveilance project for awhile and you have the perp.

Then you can get action taken if that is what your after.

Residents need to help police and be proactive. Md needs to cash in on the opportunity.

Not a hard one to figure out..

As a kid I read about the decline of western civilization and decided that was something I really wanted to make a contribution to.


Over here in Calvert, I see people riding the ATV's and dirt bikes along the powerlines in Lusby. I do not think anyone complains about that. There is no dedicated area to ride in. That is what stops me from getting one. No place (or time) to ride.


Well-Known Member
Re: Mr Jarbo

Originally posted by Catanna
If the county of St Mary's was thinking they could turn this problem into a way to make money and give these folks a place to ride. Southern Maryland ATV park in Charles County is open and does a booming business and provides a safe place to ride.

The Narrow minded people of St Mary's should wake up and look at situations like this as new possibilities rather than problems. Face it the ATV's are not going away. Organize a trail system register the machines and riders (Income for the county) and the "bad element" will now become income producers.

The typical knee-jerk reaction is to outlaw and crack down on the riders. The motorcycle shops in Maryland still sell these machines why don't you crack down on them.

Work with the community folks all of the community not just the privilaged few. Show the county that you do have a head on your shoulders and are interested in solutions that make sense!

Disgruntled profissional rider :mad:

Let me get this straight......... You don't have a county-sponsored place to ride, so it's okay to do it on private property?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: Re: Mr Jarbo

Originally posted by donbarzini
Let me get this straight......... You don't have a county-sponsored place to ride, so it's okay to do it on someone else's private property, and rip up their yard and flick them off and yell obsenities at them when they complain?



New Member
sounds like it's time for the ones that are having a problem with this to bring it to the county commissioners attention. I bet that if the ATV'ers were to tear up a commissioners yard you would have action taken and new harshers laws. Its easy to ignore the problem when your in charge and it does not affect your private property. But you also notice that they dont live where the ATV'ers are riding and the ATV'ers probably do make sure that they are not tearing up business property or state owned property. They only use the private property of the assorted Joe St. Marys. who generally doesnt have the means to retaliate, doesnt pester the commissioners, wont start a petition etc. So they know nothing will stop them. I still think that a video is worth a 1000 signatures. The folks that are having the problem need to become proactive. Of course heres an alternative idea, have they even considered fences. I mean yeah that will cost them a pretty penny to put up a fence but if you fence off an area that the ATV'ers are using they have to use someplace else. Then it's no longer on your property it's on someone else's and they may have the ability to be proactive or put up a fence. There are solutions but it will take actions.



There are ways around fences....or through them... If anyone wants to get action done you better start it now while its too cold out for the partially sane riders. Come spring they're gonna be out and about again. I have heard that the local PD has bought some ATV to chase these "hoodlums" into the woods. I have a buddy with acres of private land of trails so you dont have to worry about me riding on your lawns come spring.


Yo Gabba Gabba
I have a question, is riding along the powerlines, which is what most do in Hollywood, considered riding on state/county property or private property?

James White

Have a nuisance?Im 4 hire
power lines

Power lines are marked no trespassing,and are owned by the power company,even if they have an easement through private prooerty ,those who ride on power lines are trespassing,However,you will never see Pepco,SMECO,Mirant or GE or whatever they are called today prosecute anyone.I have the same problem with ATV'ers on my family farm in Clinton,When I catch them ,I impound their atv and tell them to walk home,adn call the police to get them back.Have even been in a live fire fight (shots fired) with some,In PG county the police do not go off a paved road.lol


Yo Gabba Gabba
Where the powerlines run parallel to the road, like on 235 just south of Hollywood Burchmart, there is a wide path for the poles cut out of the woods. You can ride beside the powerlines for quite a ways. I was just wondering if that land is considered private property or state/county property.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: power lines

Originally posted by James White
Power lines are marked no trespassing,and are owned by the power company,even if they have an easement through private prooerty ,those who ride on power lines are trespassing,However,you will never see Pepco,SMECO,Mirant or GE or whatever they are called today prosecute anyone.I have the same problem with ATV'ers on my family farm in Clinton,When I catch them ,I impound their atv and tell them to walk home,adn call the police to get them back.Have even been in a live fire fight (shots fired) with some,In PG county the police do not go off a paved road.lol
Thanks! My bf was riding down the powerlines, going to a trail on his friends land, and this guy blocked his path and threatened to shoot him if he ever saw him back there again, as it was his land. I was just wondering if he was blowing smoke, or if he was correct.

P.S. The boyfriend has since sold the atv, so I don't have to worry about his stupidity getting him shot anymore. :biggrin:


Yeee hawww
This is crap...there is nothing wrong with ATV's. Yes some people do take the privlage for granted, but that does not give anybody the right to crusify ATV owners. This county is nothing at all like it use to be. It is very upsetting to me...that every time "children" have a hobby or something they enjoy they are punished. ATV's are very popular here in Southern Maryland. 80% of the complains are from people who have moved here...or migrated with the base...and have not lived here there entire life and dont understand what heritage means. This is my home town and I am so sick and tierd of people coming here and trying to change this and that...because its too noisy...or too dangerous...or the tractor coming down Route 5 is slowing traffic down. :mad:


Originally posted by CowGirlUp
This is crap...there is nothing wrong with ATV's. Yes some people do take the privlage for granted, but that does not give anybody the right to crusify ATV owners. This county is nothing at all like it use to be. It is very upsetting to me...that every time "children" have a hobby or something they enjoy they are punished. ATV's are very popular here in Southern Maryland. 80% of the complains are from people who have moved here...or migrated with the base...and have not lived here there entire life and dont understand what heritage means. This is my home town and I am so sick and tierd of people coming here and trying to change this and that...because its too noisy...or too dangerous...or the tractor coming down Route 5 is slowing traffic down. :mad:

While I would like to agree with you being a fellow rider, nowadays aint like yesteryears. With people willing to slap a lawsuit or sue at the drop of the hat, landowners have to look out for their own interests, as well as the riders. I hate it as much as any other and it really sucks that a few bad apples have to ruin it for the rest of us, but that's how it is now.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by CowGirlUp
This is crap...there is nothing wrong with ATV's. Yes some people do take the privlage for granted, but that does not give anybody the right to crusify ATV owners. This county is nothing at all like it use to be. It is very upsetting to me...that every time "children" have a hobby or something they enjoy they are punished. ATV's are very popular here in Southern Maryland. 80% of the complains are from people who have moved here...or migrated with the base...and have not lived here there entire life and dont understand what heritage means. This is my home town and I am so sick and tierd of people coming here and trying to change this and that...because its too noisy...or too dangerous...or the tractor coming down Route 5 is slowing traffic down. :mad:

I still hope you feel that strongly someday when you are a homeowner and someone tears up your yard, for the sake of their God-given right to have fun. Oh ya, and when some kid breaks their neck on your propery and the good for nothing parents was to sue you and hold you accountable because you didn't stop the hooligans from staying of your property.