

"Typical White Person"
Thank you...and it is not the coach..if the team does not have cant win...and it is not is the team.

I have watched Skins play since 1979 and have seen how well they did play with Gibbs..and they WERE a team...
There is more to winning than an impressive "Playbook".

And if you are gonna say "Gibbs sucks"..say it here and not behind everyones back in unsigned karma.

You are entitled to your opinion and to give red because I voice mine is chicken.

There was a time when Gibbs was coach and the team was HOT...some of us still remember adn still beleive they can be hot again....and it has been proven it is NOT the is the many individuals wearing Redskins uniforms...

Who knows...maybe it is the ghost of Jack Cook that is haunting the Skins...

I've been critical of Gibbs in these threads before, as have many of the die hard Skins fan club. Gibbs use to get excited about winning and get pissed when they lost. Now either way he shows almost no emotion.

Where has it been "PROVEN"? I am not saying that the team dosen't have issues but they are never gonna be a real winner with Gibbs the way he currently is. He dosen't seem to care, why should the team.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
I've been critical of Gibbs in these threads before, as have many of the die hard Skins fan club. Gibbs use to get excited about winning and get pissed when they lost. Now either way he shows almost no emotion.

Where has it been "PROVEN"? I am not saying that the team dosen't have issues but they are never gonna be a real winner with Gibbs the way he currently is. He dosen't seem to care, why should the team.
But Gibbs has a bunch of good guys.


I've been critical of Gibbs in these threads before, as have many of the die hard Skins fan club. Gibbs use to get excited about winning and get pissed when they lost. Now either way he shows almost no emotion.

Where has it been "PROVEN"? I am not saying that the team dosen't have issues but they are never gonna be a real winner with Gibbs the way he currently is. He dosen't seem to care, why should the team.

So what was the excuse with Snyder?



:clap: Touchdown :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


We're back!!! Maybe this will spark the defense - and then maybe we can get a touchdown and with a WR :lol:

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So you go to the top and deal with the guy who hires and fires coaches....
If Gibbs him and hire another....


And look what happened to Norv Turner..hired and Snyder...