Jewish Buyers Remorse


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Anti-Israel Radicals Vandalize AIPAC Headquarters in Washington

Pro-Palestinian activists vandalized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) Washington, D.C., headquarters on Monday, writing “F*** Israel” on the building in red paint.

Footage obtained by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and reported by Jewish Insider shows three masked individuals vandalizing the building early Monday morning. The department has since asked “for the community’s help to identify the suspects involved in a Destruction of Property offense in Northwest.”

Palestine Action, a U.K.-based activist group founded to shut down arms dealers in Britain, applauded the crime on social media, though it is unknown if members of the group were involved.

“Autonomous individuals paid visit to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) or the Zionist Lobby as a call to mass escalation across the DMV and the United States for Palestine. 10 Months into this continued Genocide has yielded movement yet there has been little systemic change,” the post read. “Escalation needs to increase 10 fold. The Zionist Entity needs to feel the heat from all sides.”

“This message is once again targeted towards those in Washington DC to move past liberal zionist organizations, Peace Police, and fear mongers that have stunted political growth and development,” the post continued. “The Al-Thawabet set forth by Palestinians in Occupied Palestine for their liberation should be the first thing you know and understand. Honor all the Martyrs and Glory to the Resistance from Hämãs, Jenin’s Brigade, the Lions Den, HezBol, Yemen, and more.”
Was Cori Bush with them?


Well-Known Member

I'm still astonished that the connection isn't palpably clear - Germans were made to hate Jews, beat them and turn them in - hence, Nazis rose to power.

Gina wasn't even comparing the events to say, conservatives - or MAGA - or any political party for that matter.

It was JEWS AGAIN. And it was clearly correct.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You know one might understand this hatred if, IF, it were Jews bombing pizzerias, shooting up concerts, murdering infants, raping, torturing, bombing buses and flying planes into buildings…

But that’s the religion of peace.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Its Lightroasted's dream woman.

Ya know something? Fuk off. I may not ascribe to the worshiping of all things jew, as do many here, but I have never, NEVER, advocated violence against them.

Referencing Palestine ... Opposing Israel’s atrocities in Gaza doesn’t make one a good person, it just makes them a normal person; conversely, supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza does makes one a bad person. Nobody gets any points for opposing an active genocide; that’s just the basic, bare-minimum requirement for a normal human being with a functioning empathy center in their brain.

If you can’t meet that basic, bare-minimum standard, you deserve to be viewed with suspicion and disdain, and anyone in your personal life who cares about truth, morality and humanity should seriously reassess their relationship with you.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Ya know something? Fuk off. I may not ascribe to the worshiping of all things jew, as do many here, but I have never, NEVER, advocated violence against them.

Referencing Palestine ... Opposing Israel’s atrocities in Gaza doesn’t make one a good person, it just makes them a normal person; conversely, supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza does makes one a bad person. Nobody gets any points for opposing an active genocide; that’s just the basic, bare-minimum requirement for a normal human being with a functioning empathy center in their brain.

If you can’t meet that basic, bare-minimum standard, you deserve to be viewed with suspicion and disdain, and anyone in your personal life who cares about truth, morality and humanity should seriously reassess their relationship with you.
As long as azzholes like you try to justify the ragheads, the ragheads will continue their jihad against the west. If a population supports what the ragheads did in Israel (going after the civilian population and still holding them as hostages) I have no problem whatsoever going after them also. Cease fire my azz, don't stop until everyone involved, and their extended families are taken out.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

What atrocities :sshrug:

you mean all those FAKE deaths reported by the PA ? or Hamas hiding among civilians and using them as hum,an shields

Funny how it is always lies coming from the Palestinians or Hamas, or from anyone really that goes against the narrative, but always always always the unvarnished 100 percent transparent truth coming from Israel. Seeing as there are no embedded journalists in the area, (as are most wars nowadays), and many of the journalists that are there are purposely targeted and killed, over 150+ so far, reckon we'll just have to believe the one's whose motto is 'War by deception".


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Funny how it is always lies coming from the Palestinians or Hamas, or from anyone really that goes against the narrative, but always always always the unvarnished 100 percent transparent truth coming from Israel. Seeing as there are no embedded journalists in the area, (as are most wars nowadays), and many of the journalists that are there are purposely targeted and killed, over 150+ so far, reckon we'll just have to believe the one's whose motto is 'War by deception".
You are hilarious, here you are defending ragheads when the other ragheads don't want anything to do with them. Have YOU been asleep for the last 60 years. The closest there ever was for a chance for peace in Israel was in the seventies and Arafat blew that deal up. I have no sympathy for the Palestinians, they have refused every chance at peace F**K'em


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Funny how it is always lies coming from the Palestinians or Hamas, or from anyone really that goes against the narrative, but always always always the unvarnished 100 percent transparent truth coming from Israel. Seeing as there are no embedded journalists in the area, (as are most wars nowadays), and many of the journalists that are there are purposely targeted and killed, over 150+ so far, reckon we'll just have to believe the one's whose motto is 'War by deception".
If you're willing to start a war by attacking civilians and kids while your consitiuents cheer you on. You and your constitiuents should be ready to bare the payback coming your way.
If ALL these RAGHEADS, recognized Israel's right to exist and laid down their arms, you could potentially see Lebanon and Gaza (by proximity) become the "Pearl of the the Mediterrainian" again. Verse Quran Ghettos.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

If ALL these RAGHEADS, recognized Israel's right to exist and laid down their arms, you could potentially see Lebanon and Gaza (by proximity) become the "Pearl of the the Mediterrainian" again. Verse Quran Ghettos.

You too funny. By that logic then, one must, as well as Israel, recognize Palestine's right to exist as well. It's a two way street.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

You too funny. By that logic then, one must, as well as Israel, recognize Palestine's right to exist as well. It's a two way street.
Uh, the Israelis have supplied them water and a secure fence line to keep out the Hezbollah raiders from the north.

When has Israel ever cut off the basic essentials to stop them from surviving? They haven't.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Uh, the Israelis have supplied them water and a secure fence line to keep out the Hezbollah raiders from the north.

When has Israel ever cut off the basic essentials to stop them from surviving? They haven't.

RE: Uh .... You must be off on a tangent since I never brought up anything related to your above post.


New Member
The people who caused this realizing that it has negative effects, yet the accountability isn't there.
I'm shocked, I really am.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

You too funny. By that logic then, one must, as well as Israel, recognize Palestine's right to exist as well. It's a two way street.
It's my fond hope that so many of those islamist rats are exterminated, that there won't be any "population" left to inhabit more than a damned Ruby Tuesday. A toxic religion...a failed race...the dustbin of history is where all such end up and those rabid sand niggars are long overdue for checking in.