Jewish Buyers Remorse


PREMO Member

Critics blasted both the substance of the decision and its timing. Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brooks said:

Today, the Biden administration added yet another lowlight to its campaign of undermining Israel by overturning the Trump-Pompeo Doctrine, which recognized that according to international law, Israelis have a right to live in Judea and Samaria, which are rightfully part of the Jewish homeland. Labeling these communities as illegal affirms the BDS [boycott, divestment, and sanctions] movement’s anti-Israel premises. The communities at issue, located west of the West Bank security barrier, are not preventing peace – Palestinian terrorism is.
In the aftermath of the horrific October 7th massacre – when America’s leaders should live up to our proud history of standing with Israel against its deadly enemies – the Biden administration has: shamefully sanctioned Israelis by a first-of-its-kind executive order; pressured Israel to recognize a Palestinian state, which would reward Hamas’ barbarism; and said that Israel’s response to Hamas terrorists in Gaza has been “over the top”, even though – according to John Spencer, the chair of urban warfare studies at West Point – the Jewish state has done more to prevent civilian casualties than any military in history.
Joe Biden’s Middle East policy doctrine has been exposed: undermining the Jewish state while it is at war, and sending signals that will embolden our shared enemies.

The Biden administration has also begun sanctioning Israelis it says are implicated in “settler violence.” The phenomenon is largely contrived, and dwarfed by Palestinian violence against Israelis. The sanctions are a gift to anti-Israel extremists, in that the language of the sanctions is broad enough for the administration to apply sanctions to a wide swath of Israeli society.

One major problem with the Biden policy is that Palestinians consider eastern Jerusalem — including the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, where Jews have lived for millennia — to be an Israeli “settlement” and illegal under international law. Israel captured that area from Jordan in 1967, after Jordan attacked Israel despite pleas for peace. Jordan occupied the area from 1948 to 1967 after expelling the Jewish residents and destroying the Jewish Quarter.


PREMO Member

AIPAC Prepares Massive War Chest to Take Out Far-Left, Anti-Israel Democrats

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is planning to spend a $100 million war chest taking out Democrats who are viciously anti-Israel.

According to a report from Politico, AIPAC has set its sights on various anti-Zionist candidates across both the House and Senate as tensions and opposition to Israel's military campaign against Hamas grow within the far-left wing of the Democratic Party:

AIPAC is expected to spend $100 million across its political entities in 2024, taking aim at candidates they deem insufficiently supportive of Israel, according to three people with direct knowledge of the figure, who were granted anonymity to discuss private meetings.
The strategy has taken on new urgency this election season from donors animated by the Israel-Hamas war. AIPAC’s biggest targets are members of the so-called Squad of progressive House Democrats who have been openly pressuring the administration to call for a cease-fire.
But AIPAC’s ambitions are broader. United Democracy Project, the group’s super PAC, is monitoring 15 to 20 House races and polling in many of those districts, according to a person directly familiar with UDP’s strategy and granted anonymity to discuss the approach.



PREMO Member

Jewish Leaders Rebuke Schumer After He Tries to Defend Anti-Netanyahu Speech

In a press release, the leaders of the Conference of Presidents said they “remain distressed” by Schumer’s remarks (emphasis added):

We deeply appreciate Senate Majority Leader Schumer speaking to the membership of the Conference of Presidents this afternoon, as well as his longstanding support of Israel and the Jewish people. His decades of leadership are historic and without precedent.
Even so, the pro-Israel community and our membership continue to have deep reservations about Senator Schumer’s speech on the Senate floor last week regarding impediments to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. We believe that at a time when Israel is fighting an existential war, on the embers of the 1200 innocents massacred on October 7th, it is not a time for public criticisms that serve only to empower the detractors of Israel, and which foster greater divisiveness, when unity is so desperately needed.
Our member organizations, representing the broad swath of American Jewry, remain distressed that an American official would tell a sovereign, democratic ally when to conduct its electoral process and assert that the U.S. should possibly “play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change present course.’’ In actuality, what is really needed is U.S. leverage to bolster and support the Jewish state in this time of need.
We find it most unfortunate that Senator Schumer’s stated barriers to peace included the Hamas Terror Army and the democratically elected Prime Minister of Israel in the same breath. Hamas’ unwillingness to release the hostages, lay down its arms, and surrender are the actual barriers to peace.
The U.S.-Israel relationship has weathered many disagreements through close and confidential discussion of its leadership, which continues to be the appropriate forum for such conversations.


PREMO Member

HOA Accused of Blocking Synagogue to Keep Out Jewish Residents

The Rabbi did not believe his request would be a problem since the association had previously given property to Christian churches or sold them land. The Hertzels drafted a preliminary design for the facility and met with HOA board members in 2012. They presented another version of the proposal in 2015. The lawsuit contends that the HOA never bothered to consider the proposal.

The suit alleges that the Hertzel’s proposal “triggered a decline in their relationship with the HOA that has since devolved into ongoing, open antisemitism and discrimination” and claims that when the family met with lawyers for Loggers’ Run and HOA board members, they were told that the community “didn’t want Jews” in their neighborhood and were later told that “a synagogue would be constructed over then-HOA Board President [Ronald] Harp’s ‘dead body.’”

The Hertzels, along with other Jewish members of the community, decided to try a different strategy: Seeking election on the HOA board. However, Harp and other board members “responded by consistently acting to prevent their election.’

When the Jewish candidates arrived at the election meeting with enough proxy votes to secure seats on the HOA Board, the HOA and incumbents on the Board, including Harp, functionally cancelled the election by leaving the meeting and denying a quorum, leading the HOA’s representative to declare the election postponed until the next year. In later elections, Harp and other HOA Board members whipped residents of Loggers’ Run into an antisemitic frenzy by openly campaigning against electing Jews, sending letters asking residents to “read between the lines,” and warning residents that the “Jews are trying to take over.”


Well-Known Member

HOA Accused of Blocking Synagogue to Keep Out Jewish Residents

The Rabbi did not believe his request would be a problem since the association had previously given property to Christian churches or sold them land. The Hertzels drafted a preliminary design for the facility and met with HOA board members in 2012. They presented another version of the proposal in 2015. The lawsuit contends that the HOA never bothered to consider the proposal.

The suit alleges that the Hertzel’s proposal “triggered a decline in their relationship with the HOA that has since devolved into ongoing, open antisemitism and discrimination” and claims that when the family met with lawyers for Loggers’ Run and HOA board members, they were told that the community “didn’t want Jews” in their neighborhood and were later told that “a synagogue would be constructed over then-HOA Board President [Ronald] Harp’s ‘dead body.’”

The Hertzels, along with other Jewish members of the community, decided to try a different strategy: Seeking election on the HOA board. However, Harp and other board members “responded by consistently acting to prevent their election.’
To be fair, the Jews were attempting to take over the HOA. But if they have the votes and the desire, that's the way that HOAs work. I am more concerned about HOAs giving away property. Selling it is one thing, if the proceeds go to offer other HOA costs but giving it away without 100% approval from the HOA members is stealing from the non-agreeing members.


PREMO Member
To be fair, the Jews were attempting to take over the HOA.

Yeah and :sshrug:

They have a right to ....

The Hertzels, along with other Jewish members of the community, decided to try a different strategy: Seeking election on the HOA board. However, Harp and other board members “responded by consistently acting to prevent their election.’

When the Jewish candidates arrived at the election meeting with enough proxy votes to secure seats on the HOA Board, the HOA and incumbents on the Board, including Harp, functionally cancelled the election by leaving the meeting and denying a quorum, leading the HOA’s representative to declare the election postponed until the next year. In later elections, Harp and other HOA Board members whipped residents of Loggers’ Run into an antisemitic frenzy by openly campaigning against electing Jews, sending letters asking residents to “read between the lines,” and warning residents that the “Jews are trying to take over.”


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In a Thursday post on X, the rapper — born Matthew Paul Miller — wrote that he and his band “should have played a sold out show at Meow Wolf” in NM on Wednesday and was “excited for (Thursday’s) show at the Rialto (Theatre) in Tucson.”

“Instead, the staff at these venues refused to come to work, forcing cancellations,” the post read. “Without our permission or approval, the venue in Santa Fe misinformed our fans cancelling the show was due to ‘security concerns,’ when the only concern was a group of staff unwilling to work my show.”

“Tonight in Tucson, we have offered to supplement their staff shortages on our own dime, but to no avail,” the post added. “They do this because they are either anti-Semitic or have confused their empathy for the Palestinian people with hatred for someone like me who holds empathy for both Israelis and Palestinians.”

“It is truly a sad day when dialogue with those you disagree with is abandoned for hate mongering and silencing artistic expression,” the post continued. “Unfortunately, it seems that more and more people are choosing to cast their lot with actions that tear people apart.”

Initially, the Rialto theater responded and said it had changed its tune and decided the show was still on with a headline that read, “Tucson’s Rialto Theater: Matisyahu Concert Tonight Still On,” only to reverse its decision a short time later, citing staffing shortage and “safety concerns,” the Tucson Star reported.

Santa Fe is the belly of the progbot beast. The niece who I blocked on FB because she was spewing anti-Jewish hate speech - that's where she lives. NM is interesting to me because you'd think they'd be conservative, all westerny and somewhat hardscrabble, but they're not. Literally filled to the brim with dirty lazy ignorant hippies who have no clue what's going on in the world, completely led by the worst of Democrats to the point they *want* to be kept as pets by government. If you ever had a political or social discussion with one of them your head would explode.

I remember Las Cruces and Santa Fe and a number of other cities in NM, thinking wow this is a really cool place.....then you get into a conversation with one of the residents and it's like, WTAF?? They're pretty scary.


PREMO Member
Literally filled to the brim with dirty lazy ignorant hippies who have no clue what's going on in the world, completely led by the worst of Democrats to the point they *want* to be kept as pets by government. If you ever had a political or social discussion with one of them your head would explode.

I think they have been flooding out of CaliFU for decades taking over Red Cities .... fuking up

Wyoming - Jackson Hole
New Mexico


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think they have been flooding out of CaliFU for decades taking over Red Cities .... fuking up

Wyoming - Jackson Hole
New Mexico

In NM it's the Mexicans and Native American population, sorry to say. They are fairly downtrodden - imagine American citizens (the NAs) who have this idea they *must* live on a crappy disease-ridden reservation and cannot partake in housing or schools outside the res. I got into a conversation with a young NA guy at a bar and he was so ignorant I almost came across the table at him. He was lamenting the poor conditions of the reservations and how white people won't do anything about it, and I said, "You know you can get a job and house outside the res, right? And your kids can go to public schools? And you can shop in grocery stores? Because you're an American citizen?" He proceeded to explain to me why, no, he can't in some nonsensical diatribe the gist of which was....I don't know, they just can't. NAs, at least in NM, apparently don't see themselves as full fledged American citizens with the privileges that entails.


So when their terrorist dictator of a Governor literally barricaded cities during covid and wouldn't allow the residents to enter or leave, they not only took it as their due, they re-elected the bitch. When their city shut down the local rec center to house dirty disease-ridden illegals, they just took it as their due. Whatever you say, master.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and :sshrug:

They have a right to ....
So you just ignored my next sentence, "But if they have the votes and the desire, that's the way that HOAs work"? Or you just like replying to people with "Yeah and :sshrug:" when you have the same opinion?


PREMO Member
"But if they have the votes and the desire, that's the way that HOAs work"?

You must have ignored the rest of my post ;

When the Jewish candidates arrived at the election meeting with enough proxy votes to secure seats on the HOA Board, the HOA and incumbents on the Board, including Harp, functionally cancelled the election by leaving the meeting and denying a quorum, leading the HOA’s representative to declare the election postponed until the next year. In later elections, Harp and other HOA Board members whipped residents of Loggers’ Run into an antisemitic frenzy by openly campaigning against electing Jews, sending letters asking residents to “read between the lines,” and warning residents that the “Jews are trying to take over.”


Well-Known Member
You must have ignored the rest of my post ;
No, I didn't. We are making the same point; that the Jewish HOA members were going about getting representation in the correct fashion. I was ALSO pointing out that it was an attempted takeover, with the implication that this is expected and appropriate behavior for an HOA (the takeover attempt, not the blocking BS).


PREMO Member
We are making the same point; that the Jewish HOA members were going about getting representation in the correct fashion. I was ALSO pointing out that it was an attempted takeover, with the implication that this is expected and appropriate behavior for an HOA (the takeover attempt, not the blocking BS).

my mistake ...


Well-Known Member
Well : I know I am a radical, but IMO anyone carrying a Palestinian flag should be deported to Palestine with their flag shoved up their ass..


PREMO Member

Anti-Israel Radicals Vandalize AIPAC Headquarters in Washington

Pro-Palestinian activists vandalized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) Washington, D.C., headquarters on Monday, writing “F*** Israel” on the building in red paint.

Footage obtained by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and reported by Jewish Insider shows three masked individuals vandalizing the building early Monday morning. The department has since asked “for the community’s help to identify the suspects involved in a Destruction of Property offense in Northwest.”

Palestine Action, a U.K.-based activist group founded to shut down arms dealers in Britain, applauded the crime on social media, though it is unknown if members of the group were involved.

“Autonomous individuals paid visit to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) or the Zionist Lobby as a call to mass escalation across the DMV and the United States for Palestine. 10 Months into this continued Genocide has yielded movement yet there has been little systemic change,” the post read. “Escalation needs to increase 10 fold. The Zionist Entity needs to feel the heat from all sides.”

“This message is once again targeted towards those in Washington DC to move past liberal zionist organizations, Peace Police, and fear mongers that have stunted political growth and development,” the post continued. “The Al-Thawabet set forth by Palestinians in Occupied Palestine for their liberation should be the first thing you know and understand. Honor all the Martyrs and Glory to the Resistance from Hämãs, Jenin’s Brigade, the Lions Den, HezBol, Yemen, and more.”