Jews vs Persians, round 2...


This Space for Rent
Although, if we are going to talk the Japanese, we should note the complete difference between Japanese suicide and Islamofacist Terrorist suicide.

The Japanese did revere life. They were in no rush to death. They did not want to sacrifice more than was a necessary. When they did suicide, it was a ritual for honor... but suicide is not what got them a place anywhere in the afterlife, just in the current one. They also only targeted military opponents in a war... not civilians. It was derived from being on the losing side of a war against a suddenly superior naval force (it didn't start that way because of Pearl Harbor). The Japanese also had to suicide from shame (Samurai). It was because their life was so meaningless. The same thinking goes with the suicide pilots... losing is a worse fate than death.

Now, look at the terrorist suicide bombing. It goes after any target (children, civilians, etc...), it will take any number of suicides (not limited to immediate target need), and you can go on from there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, no you don't...

FromTexas said:
Although, if we are going to talk the Japanese, we should note the complete difference between Japanese suicide and Islamofacist Terrorist suicide.

The Japanese did revere life. They were in no rush to death. They did not want to sacrifice more than was a necessary. When they did suicide, it was a ritual for honor... but suicide is not what got them a place anywhere in the afterlife, just in the current one. They also only targeted military opponents in a war... not civilians. It was derived from being on the losing side of a war against a suddenly superior naval force (it didn't start that way because of Pearl Harbor). The Japanese also had to suicide from shame (Samurai). It was because their life was so meaningless. The same thinking goes with the suicide pilots... losing is a worse fate than death.

Now, look at the terrorist suicide bombing. It goes after any target (children, civilians, etc...), it will take any number of suicides (not limited to immediate target need), and you can go on from there. can't be making idiotic references and then deciding hither and yon as to what is and what is not the point of the thread. Japanese suicide = Iran suicide. Suicide is fungible.



Well-Known Member
I was reading a critique...

a few years old that said that Iran could prove to be a valuable ally if the right people come to power.
There is this undercurrent that desires the freedoms, the liberties (if you will) and the western culture--these people have bided their time...been intimidated and now see a looming nuclear nightmare.
How can we get them to toss their wacko/towel-headed lunatic leaders?

Sometimes it seems we are playing two different games...and only their side is taking it seriously.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said: can't be making idiotic references and then deciding hither and yon as to what is and what is not the point of the thread. Japanese suicide = Iran suicide. Suicide is fungible.


FromTexas said:
Although, if we are going to talk the Japanese



Football season!
Larry Gude said: can't be making idiotic references and then deciding hither and yon as to what is and what is not the point of the thread. Japanese suicide = Iran suicide. Suicide is fungible.


If you were asking a rhetorical question, then you should have specified a certain group in your question about suicide bombers. Instead you dance around when people point out an answer to your question that kind of spoils your intention.

You are right, the Japanese and current day bombers ARE different. The ones today are MUCH more efficient at what they do. Maybe they did learn a few things from the Japanese after all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

SmallTown said:
If you were asking a rhetorical question, then you should have specified a certain group in your question about suicide bombers. Instead you dance around when people point out an answer to your question that kind of spoils your intention. . can try to pawn off how you interpet the world around you all you want and it won't change that the thread was clearly about present day Iran and didn't have a thing to do with Japan and that's fine. I could care less.

And you can get offended that I pointed out your interpretation was quite odd and call me names if that makes you feel better as well, because that doesn't matter to me either.

You can sit there for the rest of the day trying to figure out how you had a brain fart and made a stupid point. got called on it and got defensive instead of just rolling with it and THAT won't matter to me either.

But don't ever, EVER expect me to sit by an be accused of dancing.




This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
You are right, the Japanese and current day bombers ARE different. The ones today are MUCH more efficient at what they do. Maybe they did learn a few things from the Japanese after all.

If you put down the bong for a moment and stop arguing just the last points because that is all you remember, you might remember the entirety of the thread and the debate within it. And BTW -- the Japanese vs Islamofacist point was mine and just to distinguish. In addition, the idiotic idea that what the Radical Muslim Terrorists do is more efficient has no merit. They don't destroy anything that decreases the ability of their counterparts to assault them. It is somewhat less efficient because they just hit the first place they can get themselves to. That would be like bombing the Midwest to destroy our Naval power... you sure make a lot of noise and kill some people, but have you really done anything to prevent your enemy from coming at you? Or, have you just pissed them off a lot?


Football season!
FromTexas said:
If you put down the bong for a moment and stop arguing just the last points because that is all you remember, you might remember the entirety of the thread and the debate within it.

If this was about Jews Vs. Persians. Why did you start talking about Arabs?


This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
If this was about Jews Vs. Persians. Why did you start talking about Arabs?

I didn't think anyone would get themselves wrapped around the interchangeable use of Arab or Persian since an Iranian can be an Arab or a Persian... and in regards to Israel, it has never been just Persians vs Israel -- it has been Iran and a host of Arab countries vs Israel -- Iran just happens to push a lot of the buttons. I am still on topic. :shrug:


Football season!
FromTexas said:
I didn't think anyone would get themselves wrapped around the interchangeable use of Arab or Persian

Wow. I am stunned. Out of all of the crazy stuff that comes out of mouth, this has to be the worst. You should preface that by saying "In southern maryland, the interchangeable use of Arab or Persian..." Ignorance is bliss...


Football season!
Larry Gude said:'s YOUR fault! You made ST drag the Japs into this!


In your eyes, the japanese don't belong in this thread. The same could be said about Arabs. Yet, you chose to go after one group, the Japanese, and let the Arab comments slide. Imagine that.