Jews vs Persians, round 2...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...this #### is REAL important because if you say 'Arab' in a casual conversation about people who want to wipe Jews off the face of the planet and you're actually talking about Iranians, why, no one, anywhere, will have even the remotest clue as to what you are talking about because Iranians don't speak Arab, don't act Arab, don't think Arab, don't look Arab, never had much to with Arabs, live in a part of the world that is OBVIOUSLY not Arab and, why, daggummit, when we speak casually, we need be accurate or people will take offense.
Now you're just being silly.

Arabs are not Persians. Mexicans look like Spaniards, but Mexicans are not Spaniards. Chinese look like Japanese, but they are not Japanese. Africans look like Haitians, but Africans are not Haitians.

Say you're sorry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Wouldn't you? :lol:

Seriously, Iranians are predominantly Persian, not Arab. It's an ethnicity, not a nationality.

And their beef with Israel is because of religion - 90-some% of Iranians are Muslim and they are governed by a theocracy. So they pretty much hate any country that primarily consists of infidel. You think Iraq was stone age, get a load of Iran.

I CONFESS. Iranians are NOT Arabs in ANY way. It was shear ignorance to use the word 'Arab' when refering to people who are all neighbors and want to kill Jews.

Can we now get into an arguemnt about Uzbeks, Afghanis, Taji's, Turkmenistanians and Paks and point out all their differences? I bet no self respecting Afghani is gonna put up with being called a Persian even though they share a border.


This Space for Rent
I once called an Indian a redskin. He got really mad. He said he is all for them Patriots though. Which is good. Because I was going to call him a drunk next. Good thing he brought up the Patriots.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Now you're just being silly.

Arabs are not Persians. Mexicans look like Spaniards, but Mexicans are not Spaniards. Chinese look like Japanese, but they are not Japanese. Africans look like Haitians, but Africans are not Haitians.

Say you're sorry.'re sorry.

Mexico-Spain = neighbors who wanna kill Jews.

Chinese-Japanese = neighbors who wanna kill Jews.

Africans-Haitians = neighbors who wanna kill Jews.

Iranians-Arabs = ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER. Oceans and cultures apart.

Yeah, right.

You're so cute when you dig in.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Watch it pal...

FromTexas said:
I once called an Indian a redskin. He got really mad. He said he is all for them Patriots though. Which is good. Because I was going to call him a drunk next. Good thing he brought up the Patriots.

...let's not make another faux pas and offend someone.

Which indian, exactly, were you refering to. Someone might get the wrong idea.


Football season!
Larry and FT really are cute. Continually dancing around a topic, even after they have been proven to be in the wrong. Then they try to draw attention away from their own ignorance by coming up with outlandish ideas.

As far as people from Afghanistan being called persian, I'll let you look that one up yourself.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does your...

SmallTown said:
Larry and FT really are cute. Continually dancing around a topic, even after they have been proven to be in the wrong. Then they try to draw attention away from their own ignorance by coming up with outlandish ideas.

As far as people from Afghanistan being called persian, I'll let you look that one up yourself.

..SO know you think other guys are cute? Is this Ok with Ara...err.. Persians?
Actually, you did not state that your SO is female. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Maybe you should make that distinction as well lest someone get the wrong idea. Besides, it has about as much importance to the topic at hand as your Arab distinction; none.

Afghans are not Persian...I already looked it up.

You feel we're dancing. It's been illustrated in numerous ways that your interest here was to make a distinction without a difference in the context of the thread in order to impress your SO.

So, why does being referred to as an Arab offend that person?

PS: Shouldn't you capitalized 'Persian' or are you trying to offend people?


Football season!
Larry Gude said:
You feel we're dancing. It's been illustrated in numerous ways that your interest here was to make a distinction without a difference in the context of the thread in order to impress your SO.

No, has nothing to do with my SO. Just the simple fact you guys were completely wrong. It has been shown over and over again on here in this thread, yet you refuse to see it. If you still can not understand the difference between persian and arab, then you are simply a lost cause and insist on remaining ignorant for the sake of being ignorant. No laws forbidding that I suppose.


This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
No, has nothing to do with my SO. Just the simple fact you guys were completely wrong. It has been shown over and over again on here in this thread, yet you refuse to see it. If you still can not understand the difference between persian and arab, then you are simply a lost cause and insist on remaining ignorant for the sake of being ignorant. No laws forbidding that I suppose.

We already agreed they were different, you ninny. The point has changed. It is now a pinot, or a piont, or a Pint-O. Anything but the original point.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
People like you...

SmallTown said:
No, has nothing to do with my SO. Just the simple fact you guys were completely wrong. It has been shown over and over again on here in this thread, yet you refuse to see it. If you still can not understand the difference between persian and arab, then you are simply a lost cause and insist on remaining ignorant for the sake of being ignorant. No laws forbidding that I suppose.

...are why we need lawyers.

Did you not read this?

I CONFESS. Iranians are NOT Arabs in ANY way. It was shear ignorance to use the word 'Arab' when refering to people who are all neighbors and want to kill Jews.

I posted that. What more do you want?

For whatever reason, it was important to you to make that stand.

There it is. When people think of aggression towards Israel they WILL think of Arabs and they WILL think of Iran and that's all there is to it and that's all the thread was ever about. Iranian and Arab is oranges and grapefruit in the context of Israel, not oranges and apples.

Here's yer sign.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the thread was...

vraiblonde said:
A simple "I was wrong and I stand corrected" will suffice.

...titled "Jews v. Arabs" and then referenced Iran, I could do that.

Instead, I titled it "Jews v. Persians" for a particular reason; It was about Jews v. Persians, not Arabs.

Tex referenced Arabs, I didn't make what I guess was the expected correction as the point was well within context of the thread and then the defender of Iranian honor comes rolling in to make sure everyone is properly educated.

Now, you and your new friend can spend the rest of your lives trying to change that, but, it still says "Jews v. Persians".

I wasn't wrong and I don't stand corrected because, 1+1 = 2. I wasn't incorrect.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Furthermore... may notice in the referenced link, they never say that Iranians are Arabs nor do they say Iranians are Persians, thus, it's fairly easy to see where I came up with "Jews v. Persians" ...hint; I already knew that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Now you're just being silly.

Arabs are not Persians. Mexicans look like Spaniards, but Mexicans are not Spaniards. Chinese look like Japanese, but they are not Japanese. Africans look like Haitians, but Africans are not Haitians.

Say you're sorry.
No they don't. Even I can tell them apart most of the time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah the Japanese...

2ndAmendment said:
No they don't. Even I can tell them apart most of the time.

...are the ones that, I've been told, fit in a thread pertaining to present day suicide/homicide bombings and the Perab/Hebrew spat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Instead, I titled it "Jews v. Persians" for a particular reason; It was about Jews v. Persians, not Arabs.
This is true. However, after FT made the Arab/Israeli war comments, you replied:
Good point. my bad.

Jews v. Persians round 1,375
indicating that the Iranians had gone round with Israel in the past.

THEN you said:

Who's culture reveres homicide bombers?
in an obvious attempt to link Arab suicide bombers to Iranians.

Now you can pitz around all you want, but ST was correct when he asked:
This thread, I thought, was about Israel/Iran. Why the talk of Arabs?
and you were just silly when you proceeded to say "Persian...Arab...all the same to me."

Don't make me come in there and kick your ass for you with my hai karate moves.



This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
This is true. However, after FT made the Arab/Israeli war comments, you replied:

indicating that the Iranians had gone round with Israel in the past.

THEN you said:

in an obvious attempt to link Arab suicide bombers to Iranians.

Now you can pitz around all you want, but ST was correct when he asked:

and you were just silly when you proceeded to say "Persian...Arab...all the same to me."

Don't make me come in there and kick your ass for you with my hai karate moves.

