Jews vs Persians, round 2...


Football season!
Larry Gude said:
...had you not thrown the word 'Arab' out there like a magnet, why, we'd have never had all this fun, nor could ST have stood up for his non-Arab babe.

The honor is yours, sir.

Not standing up for a person. Just correcting an obvious misconception. Would you do the same if someone came on here talkiing about how Reagan was a great democrat?

It was cute seeing you and FT just foaming at the mouth. And at what? because someone taught you something you didn't know? You both come across as educated people, I would expect you would WANT to learn all you can.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
It was cute seeing you and FT just foaming at the mouth. And at what? because someone taught you something you didn't know?
It pains me to side with you but, in the spirit of fairness....

Iran is not considered an Arab state. Here's the list:

Nor was Iran involved in the Six Day War or the Yom Kippur War. Iran and Iraq are not allies and, to my knowledge, have never BEEN allies. The only reason Iran gives a crap about our invasion of Iraq is because THEY wanted to invade Iraq and we beat them to it.

Larry's thread title "Jews vs. Persians" round anything is incorrect.

That is all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

SmallTown said:
Not standing up for a person. Just correcting an obvious misconception. Would you do the same if someone came on here talkiing about how Reagan was a great democrat?

It was cute seeing you and FT just foaming at the mouth. And at what? because someone taught you something you didn't know? You both come across as educated people, I would expect you would WANT to learn all you can.

..the concept of comprehension is in vogue these days and, after reviewing what you call a misconception, your 'educating' is merely an exercise in advanced quibbling. There simply is no case to be made that referring to Persians or Iranians, if you like, as Arabs and objecting, is anything more than an opportunity for someone to make a six page (and counting) azz of themselves.

It's not a misconception, but you man those parapets because it's been interesting to see how far you'll go to try and blame others for the pooh you stepped in.

Oh, and for what little it is likely worth to your oh so wordly self, Reagan was considered a great Democrat.

Until he became a Republican.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You want a piece of me?

vraiblonde said:
It pains me to side with you but, in the spirit of fairness....

Iran is not considered an Arab state. Here's the list:

Nor was Iran involved in the Six Day War or the Yom Kippur War. Iran and Iraq are not allies and, to my knowledge, have never BEEN allies. The only reason Iran gives a crap about our invasion of Iraq is because THEY wanted to invade Iraq and we beat them to it.

Larry's thread title "Jews vs. Persians" round anything is incorrect.

That is all.

Did Iran suddenly become an enemy of Israel, overnight? Israel has a common enemies of which Iran is very, very much considered one. We're not talking about the difference between Finns and Iranians so, the concept of discussing Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqi's and Iranians as a readily identifiable region and pretty closely associated people AND common enemies of Hebrews is not a big deal.

Are we supposed to break down the various tribes of Saudi Arabia or is it OK to refer to them as Arabs even though some of them may correctly object?

How about Iran? 3% ARE Arabs. There's a fairly large percentage of Christians. Why the quibbling?

If we talk about religion in a broad context, say Christianity, do we have to spell out the various groups, who, though they would strenuously object to being called a Baptist when they are Episcopal, would have to admit that, in a general conversation, they are Christians.

Maybe we should just refer to Iranians as 'human beings' so that NO one can take offense? Maybe they, Arabs, Iranians, Syrians, Libyans, Palestinians etc. should think of Jews as human beings. Maybe Israelis should reciprocate?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And another thing...

YOUR source;

The political borders of the Arab world have wandered, leaving Arab minorities in non-Arab countries of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa as well as in the Middle Eastern countries of Turkey and Iran (Persia), and also leaving non-Arab minorities in Arab countries. However, the basic geography of sea, desert, and mountain provide the enduring natural boundaries for this region.

So, when an Arab nation is referd to as Arab, are we to then become netrenched in an educational seminar on the fact that not ALL people in Arab nations are Arabs?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And ANOTHER thing...

...are we in for the same made up objections if someone calls a German an European?

My ancestry has a tough row to hoe to get back to the Caucuas region, yet I am referd to, officially even, as a Caucasian.

The term Caucasian race or Caucasian is used to refer to people whose ancestry can be traced back to Europe, North Africa, West Asia, South Asia and parts of Central Asia. It was once considered a useful taxonomical categorization of human racial groups based on a presumed common geographic and/or linguistic origin.


In the United States, it is currently used primarily as a distinction loosely based on skin color alone for a group commonly referred to as Whites, as defined by the American government and Census Bureau. In Britain, "Caucasian" follows the North American definition, but in continental Europe, "Caucasian" currently refers exclusively to people who are from the Caucasus.

Now what?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
So, when an Arab nation is referd to as Arab, are we to then become netrenched in an educational seminar on the fact that not ALL people in Arab nations are Arabs?
Okay, I'll take a piece :shrug:

Reading for comprehension:

leaving Arab minorities in non-Arab countries of the Sahel and the Horn of Africa as well as in the Middle Eastern countries of Turkey and Iran (Persia),
Iran is not an Arab country. Middle Eastern does not mean Arab. They have a small percentage of Arabs living there, but that doesn't make them Arab anymore than our 12% Hispanic population makes us an Hispanic country.

What you should have said was "Jews vs. Muslims, Round 3,468".

But that's neither here nor there. Israel has managed to fight off any number of countries, taking them on several at a time. So unless Iran gets a nuke, they don't stand a chance against Israel. And the US should support Israel wholeheartedly instead of this loveyou-hateyou-tieyourhands relationship. AND the US should drop out of the UN because they are a bullshit organization that lets this stuff go on without a word, yet goes crazy when the US tries to liberate a country's citizens of their murderous dictator.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And ANOTHER thing...

...when we are refering to Great Britain in wars against, say Germany, should we say "The Irish and Scots and English' fought against Germany". The Irish will tell you damn quick they ain't English.

Or should we break it down into clans? Or, should Germany be 'Prussians and Teutons".



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...are we in for the same made up objections if someone calls a German an European?
No. Europe is a continent. So anyone living on the continent of Europe is considered a European. Just like Iran is in Asia, so Iranians could correctly be referred to as "Asians".

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So it's Tedium Wednesday, eh?

vraiblonde said:
Okay, I'll take a piece :shrug:

Reading for comprehension:

Iran is not an Arab country. Middle Eastern does not mean Arab. They have a small percentage of Arabs living there, but that doesn't make them Arab anymore than our 12% Hispanic population makes us an Hispanic country.

What you should have said was "Jews vs. Muslims, Round 3,468".

But that's neither here nor there. Israel has managed to fight off any number of countries, taking them on several at a time. So unless Iran gets a nuke, they don't stand a chance against Israel. And the US should support Israel wholeheartedly instead of this loveyou-hateyou-tieyourhands relationship. AND the US should drop out of the UN because they are a bullshit organization that lets this stuff go on without a word, yet goes crazy when the US tries to liberate a country's citizens of their murderous dictator.

Seeings how not ALL Muslims are threatening Israel with extinction and some Muslim nations NEVER attacked Israel, what would be acceptable to you when referring to Iran threatening Israel with nuclear extinction and Israel noting that that is a two way street?

If it is so objectionable to use "Arab" in a general sense, why does Iran share such a large trait with Arabs, hatred of Israel and, further, why do Iranians become so offended by being refered to as "Arabs"?


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I'll take a piece :shrug:

Reading for comprehension:

Iran is not an Arab country. Middle Eastern does not mean Arab. They have a small percentage of Arabs living there, but that doesn't make them Arab anymore than our 12% Hispanic population makes us an Hispanic country.


Also to shed a different light on the subject. Iran stands for "Land of the Aryans" or something like that. I believe they are considered the first Aryans, now that I COULD be wrong about. Not considering the current notion of Aryan (thanks to the Nazis) this is also a reason for the differences of cultures in the middle east.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have European blood in me...

vraiblonde said:
No. Europe is a continent. So anyone living on the continent of Europe is considered a European. Just like Iran is in Asia, so Iranians could correctly be referred to as "Asians".

...does that make me European?

I'll bet quite a few Iranians have Arab blood in them or is this what the big deal is, Iranian racism towards Arabs? In other words, for this to be such a big deal requiring this devling into techical perfection, why the need for such clarity?

To the world, Canadiens are Americans, North Americans. Mexicans, same thing, Americans, Central Americans.

I'm curious why the need for such a distinct differentiation on the part of Iranians?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh no!

SmallTown said:

Also to shed a different light on the subject. Iran stands for "Land of the Aryans" or something like that. I believe they are considered the first Aryans, now that I COULD be wrong about. Not considering the current notion of Aryan (thanks to the Nazis) this is also a reason for the differences of cultures in the middle east.

So, a simple conversation about the conflict between Iran and Israel and the casual use of the word 'Arab' which still conveys a close enough idea to serve the purpose, common, regional enemies of a given nation, now needs so much clarification that Aryan need now be used so as to not offend?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, big Anglo Stud...

SmallTown said:

Also to shed a different light on the subject. Iran stands for "Land of the Aryans" or something like that. I believe they are considered the first Aryans, now that I COULD be wrong about. Not considering the current notion of Aryan (thanks to the Nazis) this is also a reason for the differences of cultures in the middle east.

...(I'm guessing here as to Anglo) ask your SO why being refered to as an Arab is so objectionable?


This Space for Rent
I stand corrected. Iran entered the anti-Israel fray after 1979. While the Shah was in power, they were allied toward the West and Israel... something I knew but not being old enough to remember then, my mental timeline was incorrect. Which would have left them out of the Six Day War and Yom Kippur War which occured in late 60s/early 70s... not the late 70s.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
why do Iranians become so offended by being refered to as "Arabs"?
Wouldn't you? :lol:

Seriously, Iranians are predominantly Persian, not Arab. It's an ethnicity, not a nationality.

And their beef with Israel is because of religion - 90-some% of Iranians are Muslim and they are governed by a theocracy. So they pretty much hate any country that primarily consists of infidel. You think Iraq was stone age, get a load of Iran.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
...does that make me European?

I'll bet quite a few Iranians have Arab blood in them or is this what the big deal is, Iranian racism towards Arabs? In other words, for this to be such a big deal requiring this devling into techical perfection, why the need for such clarity?

To the world, Canadiens are Americans, North Americans. Mexicans, same thing, Americans, Central Americans.

I'm curious why the need for such a distinct differentiation on the part of Iranians?

Actually, according to ST they all have Arab blood now... since they are no longer a fair skinned, blued eyed people. I am teh win!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh no...

2ndAmendment said:
Much ado about nothing.

...this #### is REAL important because if you say 'Arab' in a casual conversation about people who want to wipe Jews off the face of the planet and you're actually talking about Iranians, why, no one, anywhere, will have even the remotest clue as to what you are talking about because Iranians don't speak Arab, don't act Arab, don't think Arab, don't look Arab, never had much to with Arabs, live in a part of the world that is OBVIOUSLY not Arab and, why, daggummit, when we speak casually, we need be accurate or people will take offense.

After all, imagine if someone refered to you as a Californian?

