JFK Poll

Do you think Oswald acted alone?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • No

    Votes: 33 68.8%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...you are in the same position to make assumptions as I am; all I know is what I take from what I've read, same as you.

Illegal ops:

The CIA, at AG Bobby Kenndys suggestion as per JFK's wishes ran several military training camps for Cuban ex-pats to get them ready to help in the overthrow of Castro. This included all manner of weapons and explosives, training in sabotage, assassination and so forth. Garrison chased some of this down, a lead about dynamite suppossedly, and backed off, if I recall, when his patriotism was appealed to.

The CIA can not operate like that on US soil.

The CIA and FBI knew all kinds of stuff about about Oswald and kinda kept an eye on him but everything pointed to him being a loser that the Russians and the Cubans didn't want anything to do with.

If you're CIA and FBI you can't say, over a dead body, you didn't take the guy serious enough.

That's part of the Oswald profile, the 'I'll show them' need to be a big man that's suppossedly common in assassins.

At the end of the day, he had motive, opportunity and ability. There is nothing about the assassination that precludes him from having acted alone.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

tomchamp said:
So have alot of regular people out there with the same types of problems. Most self created. Sorry no sympathy here...your wife married a closet lib I see!

I don't feel bad for Joe Sr. He was an evil bastard. He lobotomized one of his daughters and turned a retarded but functioning kid into a vegetable.

Joe Jr. the Golden boy, got blowed up during WWII.

Jack, always sickly, is the star of the most famous assassination video ever. Bobby killed. Ted crashed a plan (pay attention JFK Jr!) and spent a year in a hospital. JFK turned his twin prop into a submarine.

What else?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Think about it:

If Kennedy hadn't been knee-deep in the mob, they wouldn't have had him killed.

And if he hadn't been a James Bond wannabe, the CIA wouldn't have had him killed.

And if he'd have kept his hmm-hmm in his pants, Jackie wouldn't have had him killed.

So JFK pretty much assasinated himself and there are far too many people who wanted him dead to be able to figure it out. Easier to use the "lone nut" theory and be done with it.

When JFK caught a bullet in his head I was..well..-5 months..yes i was alive and Just had to live in this watery place for the next few months...that is just ####ing around...however JFK was a conservative when it came to the nations security and it it's economy!
(sp? on all)


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
At the end of the day, he had motive, opportunity and ability. There is nothing about the assassination that precludes him from having acted alone.
I'll agree with that of intent. However, how could that one man fire 4-6 rounds in that short time span? Or even three shots if you believe the Warren commission. Secondly, why didn't he take the more appropriate shot when JFK was coming straight towards him? No instead all shots were supposedly after JFK made the turn and was heading away from the shooter, plus there was foliage in the midst of that shot. Finally, back and to the left. How could a shot to the back force the presidents head back and to the left. It is almost certain that this shot came from the grassy knoll, from the right.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...but no one believes it.

Look at the SOMD poll for the love of Oliver Stoned!
But of course, just because it's easier to believe doesn't mean it's the truth!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...yah gotta pay attention.

Russo had a guy do the shots, simulated of course, no problem. 3 in 6 seconds. They could do 4 but it was pretty sloppy.

A History Channel special re-did it on the first try.

You don't hunt, do you? A target moving straight away from you, or nearly so, is the next best thing to sitting still. Coming at you is very difficult as, from the 6th floor, you have to keep dropping elevation and it is cramping you more every second. Visualize a target coming at you and you are moving the weapon towards your feet, then do it going away. Also, if Irecall, he couldn't see him coming at him enough for a shot. Straight away was just like the Marines taught him. EZ.

Many a dove has about made me break my back.

Anyway, the history Channel thing did it with a watermelon and got the SAME results, the slo mo snapping back and splatter pattern, bullet goes in, energy builds and blows BACK out as the hole in back is an easier place for the energy to go than the front hole which is JUST opening. It was so identical it was eerie as hell.

It's a compression and energy issue. We're all so 'Hollywood' wired as to what a gunshot does, everyone takes issue.

Russo had a number of ballistic experts sign off that what you see is what happened. Easy to do the three shots from behind with those expected explosion results.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
...yah gotta pay attention.

Russo had a guy do the shots, simulated of course, no problem. 3 in 6 seconds. They could do 4 but it was pretty sloppy.

A History Channel special re-did it on the first try.

You don't hunt, do you? A target moving straight away from you, or nearly so, is the next best thing to sitting still. Coming at you is very difficult as, from the 6th floor, you have to keep dropping elevation and it is cramping you more every second. Visualize a target coming at you and you are moving the weapon towards your feet, then do it going away. Also, if Irecall, he couldn't see him coming at him enough for a shot. Straight away was just like the Marines taught him. EZ.

Many a dove has about made me break my back.

Anyway, the history Channel thing did it with a watermelon and got the SAME results, the slo mo snapping back and splatter pattern, bullet goes in, energy builds and blows BACK out as the hole in back is an easier place for the energy to go than the front hole which is JUST opening. It was so identical it was eerie as hell.

It's a compression and energy issue. We're all so 'Hollywood' wired as to what a gunshot does, everyone takes issue.

Russo had a number of ballistic experts sign off that what you see is what happened. Easy to do the three shots from behind with those expected explosion results.
Interesting, I'll also have to look for this HC broadcast somewhere.


New Member

The platoon sits on bleachers facing HARTMAN.

Do any of you people know who Charles Whitman was?

No response.

None of you dumbasses knows?

COWBOY raises his hand.

Private Cowboy?

Sir, he was that guy who shot all those people
from that tower in Austin, Texas, sir!

That's affirmative. Charles Whitman killed twenty people
from a twenty-eight-storey observation tower
at the University of Texas
from distances up to four hundred yards.

HARTMAN looks around.

Anybody know who Lee Harvey Oswald was?

Almost everybody raises his hand.

Private Snowball?

Sir, he shot Kennedy, sir!

That's right, and do you know how far away he was?

Sir, it was pretty far! From that book suppository building, sir!

The recruits laugh at "suppository."

All right, knock it off! Two hundred and fifty
feet! He was two hundred and fifty feet away
and shooting at a moving target. Oswald got
off three rounds with an old Italian bolt action
rifle in only six seconds and scored two
hits, including a head shot! Do any of you people
know where these individuals learned to shoot?

JOKER raises his hand.

Private Joker?

Sir, in the Marines, sir!

In the Marines! Outstanding! Those individuals showed
what one motivated marine and his rifle can do! And before you
ladies leave my island, you will be able to do the same thing!

Camera slowly moves in on PYLE staring at HARTMAN.</pre>


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ Bogie

Larry Gude said:
Russo had a guy do the shots, simulated of course, no problem.
Russo is obviously in on it and paid those shooters off. And you fell for it!!!


I bowl overhand
Oswald was only 250 feet away?? Hell, easy shot!! Target moving away or coming straight at you, high powered rifle.. nothing to it.

But to stir the pot, Kennedy dying in office was the best thing that happened to his presidency, before society got to see how lousy a president he really was, then Clinton being the mental case he was.. his first 4 years spent doing all the same poses as the famous Kennedy pictures.. Clinton is a whack job..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
itsbob said:
to stir the pot, Kennedy dying in office was the best thing that happened to his presidency, before society got to see how lousy a president he really was, then Clinton being the mental case he was.. his first 4 years spent doing all the same poses as the famous Kennedy pictures.. Clinton is a whack job..

Yep and it was the WORST thing that could happen to the country because LBJ used the national sympathy to create the Great Society, in Jacks name, and, viola, instant ####ed up society.