Jogger Kicked Poodle Across Street


I bowl overhand
cattitude said:
Good Lord. We are talking about a 4.5 pound dog, about the size of a Chihuahua. .
So if I get this right.. about the size of a football?? Maybe it was a flashbcak to the glory days of High School. Wonder if we are going to get an official distance..


Two vital pieces of information are missing from this story. The first is a timeline of events. The story reads like this guy went and gave this dog a royal ass kicking, but in reality it was probably more like he tried to shove it away once and the dog came back, then he kicked it to make it go away and it came back, then he drop kicked it and that ended the problem.

The other missing bit is how many times this dog has gone after this or other joggers. When I sued to ride my bike around Golden Beach there were a couple of dogs that would come after me every day, and I eventually got bitten by one of them. After that I would ride with a small pellet gun in my tool bag and shoot them square in the face. When they got used to that I got some pepper spray and hosed them. That stopped the chasing.

A dog that's chasing after you usually will keep after you until after you've left what it perceives as their territory, you out pace it (which a runner can't do), or you take some action to make it stop (which is what this guy did.) The blame should be 100% on the owner. I'll gurantee you this isn't the first time this dog has taken off after someone, and for her to open her garage door with the dog able to go out of it, and without checking for potential targets, was irresponsible.


Super Genius
Bruzilla said:
but in reality it was probably more like he tried to shove it away once and the dog came back, then he kicked it to make it go away and it came back, then he drop kicked it and that ended the problem.
Actually, the story says exactly that...
Tippett said the man shoved Jacquelyn with his foot as the dog came up on his heels. Then he turned and kicked the animal, "... he stopped and did it again, this time 4 feet in the air and across the street."


Active Member
A) Total wussy to be afraid of a toy poodle

B) Pretty out of shape jogger if he can't outrun a toy poodle.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bushy23 said:
A) Total wussy to be afraid of a toy poodle

B) Pretty out of shape jogger if he can't outrun a toy poodle.
You're right. The guy should have stood there and let the dog bite him. And unless he can outrun a dog, he should stay locked in his house so he doesn't disturb the groove of any aggressive animals out there.

I've seen the light. Thank you.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
You're right. The guy should have stood there and let the dog bite him. And unless he can outrun a dog, he should stay locked in his house so he doesn't disturb the groove of any aggressive animals out there.

I've seen the light. Thank you.

You're brilliant! :huggy:


Chasey_Lane said:
I went and looked at two Pugs over the weekend. :biggrin: Neither of them were Chasey quality, so I passed them both up. :frown:

High Standards. :razz:


Routinely Derailed
This whole thing is one more good reason for the leash law we have in Maryland. It doesn't take much imagination for me to think of what could happen to Lenny if I let him out loose; he's a very bright boy, but very territorial and doesn't know how to handle other dogs. If he were ever hurt as a result of my negligence I'd never get over it.

It strikes me as wrong that people can make the dog pay so severely for the negligence of the owner and basically get away with it. But it's the owner that caused the situation to occur. Because the dog was so grievously injured, I think the owner should be charged with something like criminal negligence.

In our house, the leash goes on before the door opens - ALWAYS. If we can do it, anyone can.


ylexot said:
Actually, the story says exactly that...

When it says things like "stopped and did it again" that tells me that what likely happened was the jogger shoved the dog with his foot and then started running again. Then the dog came after him again and he kciked, then started running again. Then the dog came a third time and that's when it got its ass kicked. But the article makes it sound like the hits on the animal came as a result of the same attack.


New Member
elaine said:
You're brilliant! :huggy:

OK - I know it's OT :
Now don't friggin :smack: me for asking but ....

Elaine - what does C.I.B. stand for ?
Crazy In Bed ?
Caring Insane Butterfly ?
Cruel Insensitive Biatch ?

I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight unless I know


"Typical White Person"
If I get attacked by a ball of pubic hair, I'm kicking it 'til it is down for good too.

Story would be even better if they descibed the dog with having pink bows tied up in it's fur and one of those stupid hair cuts some poodle owners love to give their dogs. What up with that? damn those dogs look dumb.


In My Opinion
The dog escaped when the door was open, its natural for a small dog to run after someone that is running.

to kick the dog all the way across the street was excessive. to keep jogging on without a care after doing so is just ignorant.

Im afraid that should I see this jogger doing his thing in my way,, I would have to remove him from the gene pool.. matter of fact, it might even be worth the 10 minute trip into edgewater today to see if I can locate him.
Im sure the dogs owner and the women that witnessed it would be glad to silently assist me in my quest.

joggerboy needs to be kicked across the street now.

I have been approached by dogs in the same manner, with the small ones you can almost always just stop, look at them and scream real loud, they put the tail between the legs and run.

####### boy was just trying to make a statement that he did not care about anything except his right to jog. F-EM

This is what happens when they take a nice little area like what Edgewater used to be and try to turn it into a city. The city scum are sure to move in and try to change it into a high crime undesirable place to live.

Hmmm, maybe this guy has some children that happen to run into other peoples yards...


professional daydreamer
bcp said:
matter of fact, it might even be worth the 10 minute trip into edgewater today to see if I can locate him.


I wish you would, though. I'd love to see the jogger bring charges against the woman who had two chances to keep her precious little ankle biter from getting out.


I bowl overhand
bcp said:
####### boy was just trying to make a statement that he did not care about anything except his right to jog. F-EM

ANd quiet enjoyment of a jog on a public street IS his right.. the neighbor and her dog tryed to interrupt that right..

bcp said:
This is what happens when they take a nice little area like what Edgewater used to be and try to turn it into a city. The city scum are sure to move in and try to change it into a high crime undesirable place to live.

actually if he treats criminals the same way, maybe crime won't creep into his neighborhood.

bcp said:
Hmmm, maybe this guy has some children that happen to run into other peoples yards...

Then yet again, where are the "owners" (parents) of the children running around in others yards? Personally I don't have a problem with children running around in my yard, as long are they aren't destroying anything of mine, or as long as they don't attack me as I'm backing my bike out of the garage, or trying to bite me as I jog around the neighborhood (OH yeah THAT's gonna happen).

Bottom line is, he was doing nothing wrong by jogging, there is no law against it, when in fact there is a law against lose dogs, and maintaining control.. if you read the article it sounds like tried your "proven" way to rid himself of the nuisance, and it DIDN'T work! Damn shame there are such obtrusive gun laws in this state, he could have just shot the little peckerwood.


I bowl overhand
I guess my point is, when is it RIGHT to defend yourself? Some of you siad it was ONLY a poodle.. what if it was a ROt?? What would have been acceptable then? Or a doberman? Where's the line where it's right to defend yourself and it isn't?

That's almost as ridiculous as getting mugged by a mdiget, and you beat the crap out of him, then they arrest you because he was ONLY a midget.

Either you have the right to defend yourself or you don't!