Jogger Kicked Poodle Across Street


In My Opinion
lets try to explain my theory of respect.

animals get first choice of respect because they do nothing out of malice unless trained to do so by a human owner.

humans have the lower end of respect because they do choose to act out of malice based on their own decisions.

I tend to think that a real human worthy of existence would have realized that this poodle escaped when the door was open, and might have tried to help the women contain the dog.. I would have.

punting a 4 lb dog across the street would not have entered my mind at this point. how much of a worthless wimp must one be to actually think his life is in danger due to one 4 lb dog?

no, I tend to think that this guy was trying to make a statement to the dog owner and had no concern for the well being of the dog, the owner or anyone else other than himself.

If he actually thought he was right in his actions and that those actions were justified, then he would not be hiding his identity like some little wimp hiding from the classroom bully... in fact, I bet that super hero joggerman would have jogged the same street the next day. But he didnt, he knows what he did was out of line and like all cowards he is stashed away in his house praying that nobody finds out it was him.


In My Opinion
itsbob said:
That's almost as ridiculous as getting mugged by a mdiget, and you beat the crap out of him, then they arrest you because he was ONLY a midget.
I was in a store once where some women was letting her three year old run around un supervised, some old man saw the kid was getting ready to pull a shelf of toys over on himself and quickly pulled the kid away from the danger, the kid bit the old man in the leg.

Sorry, but at this momen in time I laughed my backside off,,

anyway, should the old man have punted the kid across the store? or should he have done what he ended up doing,, picking the kid up, bringing him back to his mother and telling her to keep her little biting brat under control.


professional daydreamer
bcp said:
anyway, should the old man have punted the kid across the store? or should he have done what he ended up doing,, picking the kid up, bringing him back to his mother and telling her to keep her little biting brat under control.

He should have ignored the unsupervised kid and let him pull the shelf down on himself. One less future inmate. :yay:


professional daydreamer
bcp said:
lets try to explain my theory of respect.

animals get first choice of respect because they do nothing out of malice unless trained to do so by a human owner.

humans have the lower end of respect because they do choose to act out of malice based on their own decisions.

I tend to think that a real human worthy of existence would have realized that this poodle escaped when the door was open, and might have tried to help the women contain the dog.. I would have.

punting a 4 lb dog across the street would not have entered my mind at this point. how much of a worthless wimp must one be to actually think his life is in danger due to one 4 lb dog?

no, I tend to think that this guy was trying to make a statement to the dog owner and had no concern for the well being of the dog, the owner or anyone else other than himself.

If he actually thought he was right in his actions and that those actions were justified, then he would not be hiding his identity like some little wimp hiding from the classroom bully... in fact, I bet that super hero joggerman would have jogged the same street the next day. But he didnt, he knows what he did was out of line and like all cowards he is stashed away in his house praying that nobody finds out it was him.

The super hero joggerman is hiding out because he knows that PETA's like you are looking for him.


I bowl overhand
elaine said:
He should have ignored the unsupervised kid and let him pull the shelf down on himself. One less future inmate. :yay:

WOuld have been a lot easier to control if he was unconcious!


I am so torn on this issue.

On the one hand, I cannot force myself to condone cruelty to animals in any way shape or form. I'm not a PETA activist, and I eat KFC, but deliberate cruelty to animals initiates my launch sequence.

On the other hand, I hate little friggin' ankle biting yappers (particulary poodles) and I had to stifle a giggle when I read that.

So, I am abhorred to find myself siding with the jogger - but I have a feeling that my opinion is being tainted by my distaste for ankle-biters.

The problem is I'm trying to be objective, so I try to picture a larger dog (because I love big dogs), to see if I still feel the same way: And I do! I still side with the jogger, because if a larger dog attacks then the jogger is faced with a real danger, (whereas with an ankle-biter, there's no "real danger" unless the little bastard is rabid or something.)

At least the nasty little furball wasn't named "Precious" or "Froo-froo" or something equally enraging.


Well-Known Member
This "horrible incident" was on the D.C. and Baltimore news all last night. Yudda thought a terrorist attacked the little booger. They've got the jogger tried, convicted and want the maximum sentence. No one thought the whiny owner bore any responsibility.


New Member
OK. I read this entire thread. Some of it had me laughing, and those posters will get some green as soon as I'm done with this.

I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of both parties.

First, the dog owner. Now, I have NEVER met an owner of a toy poodle, that I didn't want to just :smack:. Not that there are some out there that are fine, responsible pet owners. I just haven't met them yet. This is me holding my breath.

That being said, growing up, I had a little ankle biter of slightly larger size than a toy poodle. She was a mutt, and a nasty little #####. She HATED kids, and had a special place in a nasty little heart for kids on Big Wheels. My dog had MANY neighborhood kids in tears, SCREAMING in fear though she never bit anyone. Yes, we were bad owners. I knew this dog would chase any kids moving faster than a walk. The daily ritual of the Mailmen became a daily game and the mailmen were fearful. One even told me that she was going to kill my dog...and that was only due to an unfortunate sneak attack at the screen door from which mail was pushed thru. :lol:

We did not have a fenced yard. We kept my dog chained up most of the time if we were outside working in teh yard, relaxing or whatever, 'cept when we wanted to excercise her by having her chase a ball, frisbee, or other. Everytime that dog took off after something, and sometimes it was nothing, we would go out running too. We would have TOTALLY understood had someone booted this dog across the street. There were plenty of times where I wanted to do it myself. It was embarrassing to say the least to have to retrieve my dog from the ankles, or simply the personal space of someone enjoying a public jog, or the hill that we lived on, on their big wheel. We knew that we were open to being sued had she bitten someone, or caused someone too trip and fall, or like we thought happened to the mailman, a heart attack. We had talked about it, needed to keep her chained up :blahblah: We did what we felt was reasonable knowing that this dog wouldn't bite anyone.

Enter the jogger. Joggers usually run the same route everyday. This guy has gone past this house everyday for lord knows how long. The little "innocent toy poodle" knows it too. Like my dog and the mailman, I'll bet that this dog waited for this jogger to run past the house every morning so she could let out a barking rage from inside the house, or give chase from time to time. The dogs owner had to have known it too. But going back to my first statement about toy poodle owners that I have known...they are a unique bunch, and generally ignorant to the rights of others and live to make their damn dog happy and nothing else. From the woman that used to carry hers with her everywhere, including into the Hardware store that I worked. She'd come in EVERYDAY with that damn dog, knowing that it upset the store owners german shephard, along with any sales people that had to wait on her. She was every bit as mean as her dog, and ignorant to other peoples feelings about her and her damn dog. To the little shiat that lived on the corner that used to run along side me on the other side of the fence barking and raising all the hell it could muster and whose owner yelled at me one day for continually running past her house everyday upsetting her dog.

I'll bet that the jogger did what he had to do, surely this not being the first encounter with this dog. The dog is a victim of circumstance being owned by an ignorant owner. It sucks for the dog, but no way should that jogger be held accountable for defending his personal space and right to use a public sidewalk or street in a manner that normally does not disturb or cause conflict.

There is a responsibility that comes with dog ownership that too many folks disregard for pure ignorance. Did it happen this time? I dunno. I'd bet on it though.

I'd love to hear what the neighbors of this little dog had to say about it. :popcorn:
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professional daydreamer
Ponytail said:
I have. :insert pun here: Seriously, I have. :lol:

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's not a common occurance. My cat was a biter. I told everyone to "pet at own risk", and I kept him indoors. Interestingly, when he did sneak out, he never went after anyone. The kids in the 'hood would pick him up and bring him home. :shrug:


New Member
elaine said:
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's not a common occurance. My cat was a biter. I told everyone to "pet at own risk", and I kept him indoors. Interestingly, when he did sneak out, he never went after anyone. The kids in the 'hood would pick him up and bring him home. :shrug:

The old g/f from College had a 30 lb West Virginian Coon Cat. That cat SHREADED my arm. It sucked me right in, purring, rubbin' up on me, rolling upside down up against me, just BEGGING to be pet. I lightly scratched his ear, and he rolled upside down again, purring again, legs limp, so I began scratching his chest...and WHAMMO!!! That sumbiatch latched on to my fingers with his teeth, rapped his front paws around my wrist and proceeded to tear the shiat out of my upper arm with his back leg for what seemed like an eternity. That little #### held on despite my best efforts to fling him across the room, while the g/f lie on the floor paralyzed with laughter. :lol:

The second time was my old community college buddies cat. I don't blame this cat though. I really think this cats brain was fried from sharing too much weed, shrooms and acid with the owner. But this cat sneaked up from behind, jumped on my back and bit the back of my head, and just that fast, took off running into the next room while we were quietly studying and trying to get thru some calculus homework. My bud's comment: "Oh yea, forgot to mention that. My cat's psychotic dude. Watch your back. Now, on problem #53..." :lol:


professional daydreamer
Ponytail said:
The old g/f from College had a 30 lb West Virginian Coon Cat. That cat SHREADED my arm. It sucked me right in, purring, rubbin' up on me, rolling upside down up against me, just BEGGING to be pet. I lightly scratched his ear, and he rolled upside down again, purring again, legs limp, so I began scratching his chest...and WHAMMO!!! That sumbiatch latched on to my fingers with his teeth, rapped his front paws around my wrist and proceeded to tear the shiat out of my upper arm with his back leg for what seemed like an eternity. That little #### held on despite my best efforts to fling him across the room,

Sounds exactly like Jack. I had him declawed, all the way around.


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
Appropos of nothing: Please to describe the owner.

1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch:

The fact that she wanted severe punishment for the guy and she was not about to accept any responsibility put me more solidly on the joggers side. Her personality gave me the impression that the mutt was the only warm blooded creature in her lonesome life.....just an ASSumption.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Interestingly, when he did sneak out, he never went after anyone.
Of course not - cats avoid, not attack. Unless it's a feral cat, then there's no owner to get pissed if you kick it across the street.

I'm sorry, but these pet people drive me wild. Why shouldn't a person be able to jog down the street without being molested by someone's pooch? Obviously the dog came at the guy several times before the fatal kick was delivered. At what point do we say humans have more rights than some damn poodle??

Anyone calling for the evisceration of this jogger is a freak. End of story. It's not "cruel" to defend yourself against a dog attack. And those of you who are saying "It would just be a little bite" - I invite you to come over to my house so I can bite you on the arm. It would just be a little one, I promise.



New Member
vraiblonde said:
...I invite you to come over to my house so I can bite you on the arm. It would just be a little one, I promise.


Then come over to MY house, and we can compare scars. :whistle:


In My Opinion
I must be a freak,,,

the offer of a little bite just excited me... Damn, I was almost out the door when it suddenly hit me,, that was not a real offer, and if I did show up one of two outcomes would be for certain.
1) her hubby would beat me like a red headed step child right there in the driveway
2) the only thing that would bite would be the cast iron skillet as it shortened me by a good 6 or 7 inches.

so, I came back in where I can be a freak in the safety of my own home.


New Member
bcp said:
I must be a freak,,,

the offer of a little bite just excited me... Damn, I was almost out the door when it suddenly hit me,, that was not a real offer, and if I did show up one of two outcomes would be for certain.
1) her hubby would beat me like a red headed step child right there in the driveway
2) the only thing that would bite would be the cast iron skillet as it shortened me by a good 6 or 7 inches.

so, I came back in where I can be a freak in the safety of my own home.

Go head...we'll keep Larry busy for ya. :yay: Really! :popcorn:


In My Opinion
Ponytail said:
Go head...we'll keep Larry busy for ya. :yay: Really! :popcorn:
sure you will, I know the drill.

you all pretend to hold Larry back while vraiblonde pans me repeatedly about the head and body.
As I stagger back to the car, bleeding, whimpering and in need of a bandaid, you let Larry go and then he has fun beating on me too.

the whole time you are taking video of this all the way up to my being booted across the street like a superbowl football in overtime.

no thanks, my chicken behind will just back on down now and stay were I am safe...
Cowering in my home, with my curtains closed pretending that no one is here.

but thanks anyway.


New Member
bcp said:
sure you will, I know the drill.

you all pretend to hold Larry back while vraiblonde pans me repeatedly about the head and body.
As I stagger back to the car, bleeding, whimpering and in need of a bandaid, you let Larry go and then he has fun beating on me too.

the whole time you are taking video of this all the way up to my being booted across the street like a superbowl football in overtime.

no thanks, my chicken behind will just back on down now and stay were I am safe...
Cowering in my home, with my curtains closed pretending that no one is here.

but thanks anyway.

Dang. Been there once already, eh? :lol: