John Kerry Timeline


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Something like half a million men served in Vietnam; it doesn't make them qualified to be President. Kerry WENT to war, and came home and actively campaigned against it, to the point of collaborating with our enemy.

If someone came back from Iraq, and then went to al-Qaeda or the insurgents to assist them - while still in active military - we'd call them traitors. And we'd be right.

He's way too dove-ish to handle the situation the nation is in, now. Bush made an outstanding point in the third debate - that when an international coalition was built in 1990-91 to eject Saddam from Kuwait - WITH the full sanction of the UN - AND France - he STILL voted against it.

He doesn't have the balls to defend us.


Aimhigh2000 said:
I am by no means a leftist liberal. That pancake person is a leftist liberal. I am a happy moderate, even if I am a registered democrat. I was referring to Kerry's service record, not his senate record. From the information that has been posted about both, I believe Kerry's service over Bush. And Kerry has posted his service record on his website. At least it was there. I believe I have also said previously that I don't care much for either. I guess if some of you think I am a leftist liberal, you must be so far to the extreme right that your center is off. I simply want to see proof that Bush actually showed up for his guard duty. About the only ones I know I am voting for are Mukulski and Hoyer. Combat is Combat, and as a combat veteran myself, Kerry went to war, Bush didn't. Albeit Kerry went to avoid being drafted, but you have to acknowledge that he at least went.

Praise Jesus. Amen. Bush dodged the war, and all of you know it. So just get over it and vote for Kerry. :patriot: Thanks for pointing out that I'm a leftist liberal. I take great pride in my liberal beliefs.


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I voted for Bush the first time, til he screwed up the economy, then I voted for Clinton. Bush #1 had an excellent military record, and, while I was in the Gulf, he showed excellent leadership.


SamSpade said:
Something like half a million men served in Vietnam; it doesn't make them qualified to be President. Kerry WENT to war, and came home and actively campaigned against it, to the point of collaborating with our enemy.

If someone came back from Iraq, and then went to al-Qaeda or the insurgents to assist them - while still in active military - we'd call them traitors. And we'd be right.

He's way too dove-ish to handle the situation the nation is in, now. Bush made an outstanding point in the third debate - that when an international coalition was built in 1990-91 to eject Saddam from Kuwait - WITH the full sanction of the UN - AND France - he STILL voted against it.

He doesn't have the balls to defend us.

You have to respect his patriotism though! He went over there and saw the horror that happened. He knew that war was wrong then, and he spoke out about it. Good for him. He is a true patriot. That's why we live in a country with freedom of speech. Get over it.


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Honestly though, I don't really give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. It was in the past, and as we all know people change, ideas change, and thinking changes. IMHO, I just don't feel like the President has been honest and truthful about a lot of things. Did he do well after 9/11? Yes, but Rudy did better. I would vote for Rudy. But then he fell under Cheneyism. I believe Powell privately didn't even support the conflict. (Iraq is a conflict, I wish people would stop calling it a war as Congress has not declared war) Bush means well, he just doesn't execute well.


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UrbanPancake said:
You have to respect his patriotism though! He went over there and saw the horror that happened. He knew that war was wrong then, and he spoke out about it. Good for him. He is a true patriot. That's why we live in a country with freedom of speech. Get over it.

Yeah, that's why he chose to serve in the Navy. By his own words, he did it to avoid combat. So he's not just a coward, but stupid.

His fellow Swift Boat vets testify they never saw these "horrors". Most of the testimony he gave from others (the "Winter Soldier Investigation" was proven fraudulent, wroguth with outright fabrications.

"In fact, the entire Winter Soldiers Investigation was a lie. It was inspired by Mark Lane's 1970 book entitled Conversations with Americans, which claimed to recount atrocity stories by Vietnam veterans. This book was panned by James Reston Jr. and Neil Sheehan, not exactly known as supporters of the Vietnam War. Sheehan in particular demonstrated that many of Lane's "eye witnesses" either had never served in Vietnam or had not done so in the capacity they claimed.

Nonetheless, Sen. Mark Hatfield inserted the transcript of the Winter Soldier testimonies into the Congressional Record and asked the Commandant of the Marine Corps to investigate the war crimes allegedly committed by Marines. When the Naval Investigative Service attempted to interview the so-called witnesses, most refused to cooperate, even after assurances that they would not be questioned about atrocities they may have committed personally. Those that did cooperate never provided details of actual crimes to investigators. The NIS also discovered that some of the most grisly testimony was given by fake witnesses who had appropriated the names of real Vietnam veterans. Guenter Lewy tells the entire study in his book, America in Vietnam.

Kerry's 1971 testimony includes every left-wing cliché about Vietnam and the men who served there. It is part of the reason that even today, people who are too young to remember Vietnam are predisposed to believe the worst about the Vietnam War and those who fought it. This predisposition was driven home by the fraudulent "Tailwind" episode some months ago.

The first cliché is that atrocities were widespread in Vietnam. But this is nonsense. Atrocities did occur in Vietnam, but they were far from widespread. Between 1965 and 1973, 201 soldiers and 77 Marines were convicted of serious crimes against the Vietnamese. Of course, the fact that many crimes, either in war or peace, go unreported, combined with the particular difficulties encountered by Americans fighting in Vietnam, suggest that more such acts were committed than reported or tried. "

As far as I can tell, Kerry was a coward who gave himself medals - Purple Hearts - to get out of service so he could further his political career. He was already known at Yale for his opposition to the war. Why else would he bring a *camera crew* to Vietnam, to re-enact his heroics?


Bush does not mean well. The Republican party was better off without Bush. Bush is now redifining what the Republicans stand for. He has steered them towards Bible Thumpers who want to install Biblical Law. He uses scare tactics to win votes from people who live no where near a terrorist point of interest. He lets the least populated part of America run the country, and sides with them at all cost. Bush uses religion like drug. When all else fails, he stamps his beliefs and policies with religion. Too me, this cheapens God and what he stands for. Bush is a disgrace. If you don't believe that that's fine. Just remember in the Bible that it says there will be false prophets, and Bush is one of these false prophets. He claims God speaks through him, and that he wanted him to be President. He is a false prophet. A vote for him is truely against Christianity. The facts are he sent us into a conflict with a country that held no threat to us. Now we have a mass of terrorists who want to destroy us because of Bush. Think about it. Bush sprinkles religion over everything like it is an opiate.
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And Furthermore,

Even if Kerry did all that, he still went. Most evidence I have heard/read cannot verify that Bush showed up for his duty. That is all I am saying. I just find it hard to believe that people think that Bush is so great. I don't see it. I don't see Kerry as great either, but, he is the lesser of two evils. Course there is always Nader.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
Bush does not mean well. The Republican party was better off without Bush. Bush is now redifining what the Republicans stand for. He has steered them towards Bible Thumpers who want to install Biblical Law. He uses scare tactics to win votes from people who live no where near a terrorist point of interest. He lets the least populated part of America run the country, and sides with them at all cost. Bush uses religion like drug. When all else fails, he stamps his beliefs and policies with religion. Too me, this cheapens God and what he stands for. Bush is a disgrace. If you don't believe that that's fine. Just remember in the Bible that it says there will be false prophets, and Bush is one of these false prophets. He claims God speaks through him, and that he wanted him to be President. He is a false prophet. A vote for him is truely against Christianity. The facts are he sent us into a conflict with a country that held no threat to us. Now we have a mass of terrorists who want to destroy us because of Bush. Think about it. Bush sprinkles religion over everything like it is an opiate.
Considering that you know nothing about religion or religious people, why should anyone care about your ignorant views on Bush's spirituality?


Active Member

Most people know I am aetheist and I make no bones or apologies about it. I can say (IMO) that church and state need to be kept apart. I don't want religion in my laws, and I don't want any president (liberal or conservative) to say we need something because (a) God says so. Religion belongs in the home and in the church, not the White House, State House, or Local House. I say, throw out the Conservative Christian Coalition and the Leftist Liberal Environmentalists, and we might actually achieve a middle ground.


I can't believe you buy the crap that is come'n out of Bush's hole. If you believe in the Bible then why couldn't Bush be a false prophet? He has done nothing but put the free world in harms way. Sounds pretty devilish if you ask me.


Speaking as an Agnostic, who does not believe in any religion, I must ask what's so wrong with the precepts of religious beliefs? I mean, you look at most religions and they share most of the same principals.

Pancake rails against Bush for following his beliefs, but what's so bad about that? Exactly what "beliefs" does Bush support that are so devastating to America? I've seen a tremendous amount of personal destruction taking place in the name of free love, abortion, open marriages, etc. We have kids that are less educated, less loved, less cared for, etc., to show for it. Many religious beliefs started as a means to prevent people from doing things that would be detrimental to society, and the down-playing of these beliefs has helped in great part to our societal breakdown. Whether the originated with God, or from the minds of men, they are still pretty good ideas.


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Aimhigh2000 said:
Honestly though, I don't really give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. .

Hoo-ray. Tell your man to stop reminding us. Tell your fellow Democrats to stop trumpeting about it. Tell them all that it doesn't matter. Honestly, Kerry supporters LOVE to talk about 30 years ago - until their opponents bring up VVAW and all that stuff. THEN, it suddenly doesn't matter.

It was in the past, and as we all know people change, ideas change, and thinking changes. IMHO, I just don't feel like the President has been honest and truthful about a lot of things. Did he do well after 9/11? Yes, but Rudy did better. I would vote for Rudy..

Wait for 2008. You'll get your chance.

But then he fell under Cheneyism. I believe Powell privately didn't even support the conflict. (Iraq is a conflict, I wish people would stop calling it a war as Congress has not declared war) .

Then you can discount the Revolutionary War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Civil War. The US has only ever "declared" war in 5 different wars. It's massively irrelevant.


Aimhigh2000 said:
Most people know I am aetheist and I make no bones or apologies about it. I can say (IMO) that church and state need to be kept apart. I don't want religion in my laws, and I don't want any president (liberal or conservative) to say we need something because (a) God says so. Religion belongs in the home and in the church, not the White House, State House, or Local House. I say, throw out the Conservative Christian Coalition and the Leftist Liberal Environmentalists, and we might actually achieve a middle ground.

Well, we need the evironmentalist to protect the evironment for our childrens future. But out with the christian coalition. Amen.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
Most people know I am aetheist and I make no bones or apologies about it. I can say (IMO) that church and state need to be kept apart. I don't want religion in my laws, and I don't want any president (liberal or conservative) to say we need something because (a) God says so. Religion belongs in the home and in the church, not the White House, State House, or Local House. I say, throw out the Conservative Christian Coalition and the Leftist Liberal Environmentalists, and we might actually achieve a middle ground.
When did Bush ever say that "we need something because (a) God says so"? This should be interesting.

If you want church and state separate, you might want to tell Kerry to stop campaigning in churches... For some reason, the Democrats have no problem with this practice (Gore and Clinton did it too).


Bruzilla said:
Speaking as an Agnostic, who does not believe in any religion, I must ask what's so wrong with the precepts of religious beliefs? I mean, you look at most religions and they share most of the same principals.

Pancake rails against Bush for following his beliefs, but what's so bad about that? Exactly what "beliefs" does Bush support that are so devastating to America? I've seen a tremendous amount of personal destruction taking place in the name of free love, abortion, open marriages, etc. We have kids that are less educated, less loved, less cared for, etc., to show for it. Many religious beliefs started as a means to prevent people from doing things that would be detrimental to society, and the down-playing of these beliefs has helped in great part to our societal breakdown. Whether the originated with God, or from the minds of men, they are still pretty good ideas.

He wants to limit abortion. I myself don't agree with partial birth abortion, but I do believe that it's a persons private choice. Why do we need big government telling us if we can have an aborition or not? The person who performs abortion will have to deal with this themselves. Bush is against gay marriage because his "religion" doesn't agree with it. If you don't believe in gay marriage that's fine, but don't limit the civil rights of homosexuals in the name of God. We should make life in our country equal for all of our citizens. Bush doesn't believe in that. He stamps faith on everything, and that's wrong. I don't mind if our President goes to church and has good moral belief, but he can't impose his belief on the masses, he can't use his faith as back up for his wrong doings.
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UrbanPancake said:
Well, we need the evironmentalist to protect the evironment for our childrens future. But out with the christian coalition. Amen.

Yeah, Kerry the environmentalist. Temasters Union chief Jimmy Hoffa said that unions were going to back him because Kerry told him they were going to "drill all over the United States". He's opposed to ANWR, but apparently still intends to drill there ANYWAY.\Nation\archive\200402\NAT20040225a.html


ylexot said:
When did Bush ever say that "we need something because (a) God says so"? This should be interesting.

If you want church and state separate, you might want to tell Kerry to stop campaigning in churches... For some reason, the Democrats have no problem with this practice (Gore and Clinton did it too).

They go where the masses are. Duh. I have no problem with them campaigning in a church. The church is usually the center for a community. I find that very appealing that Kerry wants to meet with the community in their meeting place. :angel:


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
I can't believe you buy the crap that is come'n out of Bush's hole. If you believe in the Bible then why couldn't Bush be a false prophet? He has done nothing but put the free world in harms way. Sounds pretty devilish if you ask me.
Do you even know what a false prophet is?