John Kerry Timeline


Active Member
Self Correction

Ok, I am corrected now. Interesting article. Figures the religious groups are opposed to his view. Now, if he is truly sincere, then that is a good thing. Political ploy, that would make him a sleezebag.


Aimhigh2000 said:
Ok, I am corrected now. Interesting article. Figures the religious groups are opposed to his view. Now, if he is truly sincere, then that is a good thing. Political ploy, that would make him a sleezebag.

If he is for it, then he should introduce federal legislation to legalize gay civil unions. It's easy for him to say he is for it, and then does nothing as President. Actions speak louder then words.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
Even if he is(which is just a front), then why did he vote in Texas to not include gays in the hate crimes bill? Why hasn't he introduced legislation to support civil unions? Why does he support a federal amendment that could prevent even civil unions from forming? This amendment would provide christian extremist the ammunition they need to prevent civil unions from ever happening. These same "activist judges" will use this amendment to prevent gay civil unions. Doesn't that just make "activist judges" still?
Hate crimes bills are descriminatory. If something is against the law, it is against the law for everyone.

The amendment does not prevent civil unions moron. Such an outright lie...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
If he is for it, then he should introduce federal legislation to legalize gay civil unions. It's easy for him to say he is for it, and then does nothing as President. Actions speak louder then words.
BS, this belongs at the state level and that is where it should remain. You "fellas" should move on up to Inmyassachusettes and become residents and then you can marry/unionize to your hearts content.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
If he is for it, then he should introduce federal legislation to legalize gay civil unions. It's easy for him to say he is for it, and then does nothing as President. Actions speak louder then words.
How many Democrats in Congress have introduced legislation to legalize civil unions (they should not be limited to "gay" civil unions)?


ylexot said:
Hate crimes bills are descriminatory. If something is against the law, it is against the law for everyone.

The amendment does not prevent civil unions moron. Such an outright lie...
So you think when an african american male goes into a white neighborhood in Texas (he's there becuase he's visiting friends) and then gets the life beaten out of him from skinheads who believe he is a "mudrace" that it shouldn't be pursued as a hate crime? When someone believes in hate and acts on it, then they should be punished in the ut most extent of the law. Republicans believe in the death penalty (as do I), so why is a hate crimes bill so bad? Unless you promote hate and discrimination then you have nothing to worry about do you?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Thinking and believing are not crimes, though I am sure you wish they were. When a person is beaten or murdered there are laws to cover that. I say that anyone that intentionally, and with malice aforethought, assaults or kills another that they are probably acting on some form of hate and with that intent the crime becomes one of the first degree and garners greater punishment. It is already covered in the many laws of the states.


Active Member

I may be on the lighter side of life, but I don't intend on civil unioning anyone anytime soon. I don't plan on marrying anyone either. I am planning on graduating with a 3.72 gpa, going on for my MPA and MBA, getting my commercial pilots license, and enjoying my life, as long as I can do enjoy it my way.


I bowl overhand
Aimhigh2000 said:
Bush was only in the National Guard, if he even showed up. As a Vet, I will take Kerry's service record over Bush's anyday. I may not like or agree with either one, but Kerry's is more reliable.

You're a vet, and you'd take Kerry's side?? It disgusts me when I see a Vets for Kerry bumper sticker on a car.. You have NO problem as a vet, with him meeting with the enemy while your fellow vets were bleeding and dieing on a battlefield? You have NO problem with calling your brothers war criminals? He has NO respect for Vets, the uniform or any of the military branches. As a Senator he's NEVER voted FOR anything when it's come to Vets, or ways for our current generation of Active Duty soldiers to be better prepared for what might come.

He'll tell Vets groups ANYTHING they want to here, then go back to the Senate and stab every vet and current member in the back, and yet their are vets out STILL stupid enough to believe him.

You may not like what you here from Bush, but you know he means it, and will stand by what he says. He's showed his loyalty for those around him on more then one occasion even when politically it was NOT a smart thing for him to do, but it was the RIGHT thing for him to do, and has proved his love for his country, his admiration and respect for the military many many times.

I'M A VET, and I'm voting with Pride, and Respect for BUSH, any other vote would be a slap in every vets face.

After you vote for Kerry you should visit Arlington and complete your mission by pissing on a vets grave.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
So you think when an african american male goes into a white neighborhood in Texas (he's there becuase he's visiting friends) and then gets the life beaten out of him from skinheads who believe he is a "mudrace" that it shouldn't be pursued as a hate crime? When someone believes in hate and acts on it, then they should be punished in the ut most extent of the law. Republicans believe in the death penalty (as do I), so why is a hate crimes bill so bad? Unless you promote hate and discrimination then you have nothing to worry about do you?
No, I don't think it should be pursued as a hate crime. It should be pursued as murder and the bastard should be fried. Murder is illegal last time I checked and is prosecuted to the utmaost extent of the law.

How about we play with the scenario a bit...

White kills black - hate crime?
Black kills white - hate crime?
Black kills gay - hate crime?
Gay kills white - hate crime?
White kills white - hate crime?

It doesn't matter what the race or sexual orientation is. A crime is a crime. Murder is usually either motivated by hate or greed. Should we let people off easier if it is motivated by greed?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Spin it how ya want to :yay: WWI and WWII and the Gulf were wars, we were needed. Vietnam, Iraq? No, we didn't and don't. Our national interests include, educating our kids, affordable housing, health care, employment. We have resources here, we shouldn't be relying on third world countries for anything (oil). We have created the Department of Homeland Security......I thought that is what our military is supposed to be for. They can't protect the homeland when they are needlessly spread thin across the globe trying to be the World's police department. That is not their mission nor what it is for.

Unless martial law is declared, the military is forbidden to do what Homeland Security is authorized to do. It's not THEIR mission, either. They're not security guards.


I bowl overhand
UrbanPancake said:
So you think when an african american male goes into a white neighborhood in Texas (he's there becuase he's visiting friends) and then gets the life beaten out of him from skinheads who believe he is a "mudrace" that it shouldn't be pursued as a hate crime? When someone believes in hate and acts on it, then they should be punished in the ut most extent of the law. Republicans believe in the death penalty (as do I), so why is a hate crimes bill so bad? Unless you promote hate and discrimination then you have nothing to worry about do you?

If I beat the hell out of you and you are white, and I'm white, wouldn't that be a hate crime too!?? WHY should it be race based? WHy should your azz-beating be any less a crime then anyone else's??


Ken King said:
Thinking and believing are not crimes, though I am sure you wish they were. When a person is beaten or murdered there are laws to cover that. I say that anyone that intentionally, and with malice aforethought, assaults or kills another that they are probably acting on some form of hate and with that intent the crime becomes one of the first degree and garners greater punishment. It is already covered in the many laws of the states.
Of course you would say that. I guess you think that in todays world there is nobody out there who actively seeks someone they truely dislike (based on skin color, sexual identity) and then beats them with a lead pipe or other blunt object while shouting out obscenties, and sometimes killing based on there own hatred. I find you a little disturbing that you think people shouldn't punished for promoting hatred, and acting on it by attacking innocent people. I can't believe that you think that the prejudice and discrimination deserve to be honored fairly under the current laws, when the only way to prevent such violent and hatefilled crime is to punish the individuals(rather harshly) :patriot: under a hate crimes bill.


UrbanPancake said:
So you think when an african american male goes into a white neighborhood in Texas (he's there becuase he's visiting friends) and then gets the life beaten out of him from skinheads who believe he is a "mudrace" that it shouldn't be pursued as a hate crime? When someone believes in hate and acts on it, then they should be punished in the ut most extent of the law. Republicans believe in the death penalty (as do I), so why is a hate crimes bill so bad? Unless you promote hate and discrimination then you have nothing to worry about do you?

So Pancake, is it any less of a crime if these same skinheads go out and attack and kill a white woman because she looked their way with a scowl? That's not a hate crime, as defined, but is it in any less worthy of equal punishment? What's always bothered me about Hate Crimes bills is their eternal expansion. They're just like Sexual Harassment laws, which were intended to prevent employers and managers from compelling sexual services from their employees but that have now expanded into telling dirty jokes. Now, Hate Crimes laws have been expanded from the dreaded killing you mentioned to telling jokes about another race or religious group. Is that a hate crime? Are two kids telling a Polish or Gay joke on a level with those skin heads killing the black guy? Under many laws they are, and that's just foolishness. What was once a means of having a laugh is now a violation of the law. Is that what we really need?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
If I beat the hell out of you and you are white, and I'm white, wouldn't that be a hate crime too!?? WHY should it be race based? WHy should your azz-beating be any less a crime then anyone else's??

Isn't most murder a hate crime? Do some people kill others because they *LOVE* them?


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
A crime isn't considered a hate crime until there is evidence proving that a hate crime happened.
You can't use "hate crime" to define "hate crime". Didn't you learn that in elementary school? Or did you drop out?

Please...define hate crime if you can.


Only the people who believe in Hate, and attack people based on the known hate have anything to worry about. If you don't have anything to worry about then why does it matter? Unless you are a hateful person who plans on attacking somebody in the nearby future! Then you might have something to worry about.


Active Member
you kill me bob

It disgusts me to see vets voting for Bush. Like I said earlier, I don't give a belly-hoo about what happened 30 years ago. What happened then has nothing to do with today. Big Whoop. We went to battle and got our a** kicked. He spoke out about it, he has the right to. Clinton dodged it, I don't care. Show me Bush's combat record, maybe I will change my vote.