Aimhigh2000 said:
Bush was only in the National Guard, if he even showed up. As a Vet, I will take Kerry's service record over Bush's anyday. I may not like or agree with either one, but Kerry's is more reliable.
You're a vet, and you'd take Kerry's side?? It disgusts me when I see a Vets for Kerry bumper sticker on a car.. You have NO problem as a vet, with him meeting with the enemy while your fellow vets were bleeding and dieing on a battlefield? You have NO problem with calling your brothers war criminals? He has NO respect for Vets, the uniform or any of the military branches. As a Senator he's NEVER voted FOR anything when it's come to Vets, or ways for our current generation of Active Duty soldiers to be better prepared for what might come.
He'll tell Vets groups ANYTHING they want to here, then go back to the Senate and stab every vet and current member in the back, and yet their are vets out STILL stupid enough to believe him.
You may not like what you here from Bush, but you know he means it, and will stand by what he says. He's showed his loyalty for those around him on more then one occasion even when politically it was NOT a smart thing for him to do, but it was the RIGHT thing for him to do, and has proved his love for his country, his admiration and respect for the military many many times.
I'M A VET, and I'm voting with Pride, and Respect for BUSH, any other vote would be a slap in every vets face.
After you vote for Kerry you should visit Arlington and complete your mission by pissing on a vets grave.