John Kerry Timeline


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UrbanPancake said:
I don't mind if our President goes to church and has good moral belief, but he can't impose his belief on the masses, .

He can't. It requires our vote. If we approve an amendment that declares marriage as only between a man and a woman, that's not BUSH saying so, but the American population. It's impossible for him to railroad his beliefs on anyone.

This is something liberals are unable to stomach - that if the majority of the population want something, it's their right, even if it disagrees with what they think is right.


Active Member

I'll tell the democrats to shut up and tell the republicans to shut up about 9/11. Vietnam was a conflict, not a war. The Revolutionary War did not need an Act of Congress, as it was still being formulated and we were still a possesion of GB. Truman did not seek a declaration of war from Congress, instead, relying on the support of the United Nations. In the Gulf War, Congress narrowly passed a resolution on January 12, 1991 allowing Bush to use force to get Iraq out of Kuwait. The Civil War was a fight amongst ourselves. Split and the the North and South declared war on each other. :patriot:


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UrbanPancake said:
BUSH is. Before you know it he's going to state that he is the second coming. :killingme

Ok, I'm through rationally discussing with you today. You're just being obtuse.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
They go where the masses are. Duh. I have no problem with them campaigning in a church. The church is usually the center for a community. I find that very appealing that Kerry wants to meet with the community in their meeting place. :angel:
I never said that I had a problem with it. But the Democrats who are so quick to point out even the smallest connection between church and state and cry foul whenever a Republican is involved completely ignore close ties between Democratic candidates and churches. Hypocrisy at its best.


Active Member
I never said...

I never claimed that Bush said anything because that is what God wants. But, he is preventing gay marriage because of his religious beliefs. ( I am opposed to it as well) but I support civil unions.


ylexot said:
I never said that I had a problem with it. But the Democrats who are so quick to point out even the smallest connection between church and state and cry foul whenever a Republican is involved completely ignore close ties between Democratic candidates and churches. Hypocrisy at its best.

But Democrats don't enact legislation that reflect farout religious views. :angel:


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Aimhigh2000 said:
Do I not get credit for stating which wars were wars and which were conflicts? I thought I answered that one pretty good.

Irrelevant. The last war that was "declared" was WW2. However, several were explicitly authorized by Congress, even though there was no "official" declaration of war. These include the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Iraq War and the War on Terror (which includes Afghanistan). Congress no longer issues declarations as such, but issues "authorizations of force ".

It's a pointless argument. We all know what "war" is.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
Do I not get credit for stating which wars were wars and which were conflicts? I thought I answered that one pretty good.
Since you asked...

Your criteria for wether something is a war is if Congress declared war ("Iraq is a conflict, I wish people would stop calling it a war as Congress has not declared war")

However, not all of your later arguments about specific wars meet this criteria:
"Truman did not seek a declaration of war from Congress, instead, relying on the support of the United Nations."
Support of the UN is does not meet your requirement of Congress declaring war.

"In the Gulf War, Congress narrowly passed a resolution on January 12, 1991 allowing Bush to use force to get Iraq out of Kuwait."
Congress may have passed a resolution, but they did not declare war.


Active Member
I was right, admit it.

Spin it how ya want to :yay: WWI and WWII and the Gulf were wars, we were needed. Vietnam, Iraq? No, we didn't and don't. Our national interests include, educating our kids, affordable housing, health care, employment. We have resources here, we shouldn't be relying on third world countries for anything (oil). We have created the Department of Homeland Security......I thought that is what our military is supposed to be for. They can't protect the homeland when they are needlessly spread thin across the globe trying to be the World's police department. That is not their mission nor what it is for.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
I never claimed that Bush said anything because that is what God wants. But, he is preventing gay marriage because of his religious beliefs. ( I am opposed to it as well) but I support civil unions.
Are you sure he opposes gay marriage because of his religious beliefs?

Kerry opposes gay marriage too...

I think (but can't confirm) that Bush supports civil unions (as does Kerry).


ylexot said:
Are you sure he opposes gay marriage because of his religious beliefs?

Kerry opposes gay marriage too...

I think (but can't confirm) that Bush supports civil unions (as does Kerry).

But he at leasts thinks the states can make this decision for themselves. He also believes in Civil Unions. Which is the next best thing, as long as it provides equal rights for gay couples.


Active Member

I don't think I claimed Korea was a war. I said that Truman did not seek a declaration of war. That would make it a conflict. However, in that era, the United Nations declaration in which followed did not require our congress to formally declare war. The same with the Persian Gulf. The Iraq conflict basically has the support of the US and GB.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I never claimed that Bush said anything because that is what God wants. But, he is preventing gay marriage because of his religious beliefs. ( I am opposed to it as well) but I support civil unions.
Again wrong, Bush is not preventing anything, he proposed an amendment, the amendment failed and anyway that amendment said, “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.”

What Bush has said on the matter is that he did not want judges making the decisions that are normally done by the state legislatures. If you read the text of the amendment it doesn’t say that gays cannot form a union.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
Spin it how ya want to :yay: WWI and WWII and the Gulf were wars, we were needed. Vietnam, Iraq? No, we didn't and don't. Our national interests include, educating our kids, affordable housing, health care, employment. We have resources here, we shouldn't be relying on third world countries for anything (oil). We have created the Department of Homeland Security......I thought that is what our military is supposed to be for. They can't protect the homeland when they are needlessly spread thin across the globe trying to be the World's police department. That is not their mission nor what it is for.
I didn't spin anything. You just can't specify what a war is.

Why was the Gulf war "needed"? Maybe to clear your own conscience?

You can't define something as war or conflict based on "need" because "need" can be subjective. You don't think we "need" Vietnam or Iraq, but others would disagree. And nobody really knows for sure because nobody knows what would have happened if we were not involved. Who knows, maybe Germany would have been defeated without our involvement in WWII? Wouldn't that war then no longer be "needed"?


Active Member

Even if Bush supports civil unions, he would in no way endorse or admit it as long as he is president. I believe that he (privately) could care less about who does what with whom, lord knows he has pretty liberal daughters, and Laura seems kinda hip too. But it comes down to party affiliation. That is why I am a happy moderate. Do you think it would be devastating to the republican party if Bush came out (no pun intended) for Civil Unions? I think it would be. It would be a shame, but the conservative right and liberal left just cant seem to find the middle ground.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Do I not get credit for stating which wars were wars and which were conflicts? I thought I answered that one pretty good.
I don’t know what wars you said were declared or not but here are those that were formally declared.

The First Barbary War 1801-1805
The War of 1812 1812 - 1814
The Mexican-American War 1846-1848
The Spanish-American War 1898
The First World War 1917 - 1918
The Second World War 1941 - 1945


ylexot said:

Even if he is(which is just a front), then why did he vote in Texas to not include gays in the hate crimes bill? Why hasn't he introduced legislation to support civil unions? Why does he support a federal amendment that could prevent even civil unions from forming? This amendment would provide christian extremist the ammunition they need to prevent civil unions from ever happening. These same "activist judges" will use this amendment to prevent gay civil unions. Doesn't that just make "activist judges" still?