John McCain was not tortured


New Member
OK, I'll admit, when I was younger, I liked manga and anime - that's where the cabbit came from. I think its funny so I hung on to it.


In My Opinion
he swears he is not gay, skeered of poon, but not gay
maybe its not his fault, it might be a traumatic disorder brought on by being forced to take baths with his mother until he moved out of the hou,,, oh, wait a sec,,,,


New Member
MMDad, tommyjones, bcp, Larry and Mikey, have a glass of STFU and enjoy the rest of your evening.


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New Member
Your shower isn't coin operated like your washer and dryer? Huh... good to know, you can save your quarters for your wine and beer habits!


New Member
And even more astounding is that "he" isn't even embarrassed to post the idiotic tripe he posts! It really is mind-boggling.

Well, calling each other names last night was fun, but lets get back on topic.
I think the idea that Mccain was NOT tortured is BS.

What I don't understand is how some here think Torture, of any kind as one said, is acceptable for our country to use? If we act just like the people we call 'evil' doesn't that bring us down to their level? Aren't we judged by HOW we conduct ourselves? If we use torture in the name of 'protecting freedom' and to 'protect and spread out way of life', are we really so different than the terrorists? I am not suggesting these statements are true, I am posing honest questions.


Well-Known Member

That was actually pretty funny... see my other post, I am married.

When the educated show their credentials, its always the stupid folks that whip out their 'member' hoping to compensate.

And the witless resort to insult when logic and rational argument fails them.

Oh - I also have an engineering degree. And even if I needed one, there is something called a spell checker.


New Member
Considering I wasn't the one that started the insults, I'll assume you are referring to the right wing nutjobs here. (I admit, I love the 'right wing nutjob' quote from the jibjab videos)


New Member
well, we could torture him now by making him read your idiotic posts.

Actually, it was BCP that started the mud flinging, so there you go.
I was pointing out that Bush and Mccain differ on this issue and to see if Bush would not call it torture had he been through it, and that was her responce.


Well-Known Member
Well, calling each other names last night was fun, but lets get back on topic.
I think the idea that Mccain was NOT tortured is BS.

What I don't understand is how some here think Torture, of any kind as one said, is acceptable for our country to use? If we act just like the people we call 'evil' doesn't that bring us down to their level? Aren't we judged by HOW we conduct ourselves? If we use torture in the name of 'protecting freedom' and to 'protect and spread out way of life', are we really so different than the terrorists? I am not suggesting these statements are true, I am posing honest questions.

Generally, I think torture is pointless, but not because of humanitarian reasons, but because it frequently sends people down blind alleys and wild goose chases. Every man will break, but sometimes they'll say anything to end the torture.

On the other hand, I've been reading over the years SOME of what has been deemed "torture" and it amounts to the kind of crap I've had to endure all of my life. One famous case involved a Marine who fired a gun very close to the head of the person he was interrogating. Many of those prisoners at Abu Ghraib were humiliated, and I gotta say, *I* have endured worse, and so have other friends and family.

Perhaps it's because I've never seen combat, but I find it hard to be sympathetic to a hardened killer who, if he hadn't been captured, would certainly have had his life ended on the battlefield.