Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormon Religion


I bowl overhand
However, calling other peolpe's beliefs fiction, etc., probably doesn't really demonstrate respect for other people's beliefs.

And would you agree, this is the equivalent as pointing at someone and saying..

"You aren't REALLY a Christian!!"

They are saying the SAME thing, just using different words..


Well-Known Member
And would you agree, this is the equivalent as pointing at someone and saying..

"You aren't REALLY a Christian!!"

They are saying the SAME thing, just using different words..
Yes, I would agree that those are very similar things. They're both disrespectful to the other person's point of view. "You don't follow the same thoughts on Christianity I do", or something similar, would be a more respectful way of dealing with differences. "That's not how I see it" would be good as well. "In my view, a Christian thinks this..." is really good. "You follow a cartoon, fictional character created out of fear and ignorance" is probably a really, really, really disrespectful way of discussing belief systems.


Well-Known Member
Except one is being said by a "Christian" and the other isn't!
I'm not following your point. Do you think I'm putting forth that Christians can't be wrong about something, especially personal conduct in a discussion? If you think that, I can tell you I don't think like that. Being disrespectful to someone's belief system is disrespectful to someone's belief system, regardless of who you are.


New Member
i defy you to find where i have told anyone that their chice of church is the wrong one.
But Star and others here who have made the choice for themselves ARE intent on saying that other religions and even other sects of chritianity are WRONG.

Hi tommy,

I will be glad to stand back and ask you to please read the New Testament context of the Biblical account of who Jesus Christ is for yourself. Then, you would need to read the accounts, in context, of what other religions teach regarding their version of Jesus. When you do that you will then be able to comprehend and identify those doctrines which claim to be "Christian" but that teach another Jesus - totally different from the New Testament Saviour.

You may recall that David Koresh claimed to be "Jesus" and started his own following; the Branch Davidians. The Holy Bible warns of such counterfeits who would claim to be Christ or claim to have teachings from "God" but who, in reality, are false prophets and deceitful teachers that would lead many people astray.

A counterfeit of anything means that there is an authentic original somewhere. The True Jesus Christ is found in the New Testament and that is where the basis is established regarding which religion preaches the True Jesus or a counterfeit Jesus.

You will arrive at the same conclusion that the "Jesus" taught by Mormonism is not the Jesus of the New Testament.

The fact is, many people who have no real understanding about the New Testament Jesus can easily be pursuaded to accept a "counterfeit Jesus" - just like a person who does not know the difference between a real twenty-dollar bill can be fooled by a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill - because they don't know what to look for to tell the difference.

The Warnings:

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
(2 Corinthians 11:3-4)

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:6-12)


New Member
Hi tommy,

A counterfeit of anything means that there is an authentic original somewhere. The True Jesus Christ is found in the New Testament and that is where the basis is established regarding which religion preaches the True Jesus or a counterfeit Jesus.

You will arrive at the same conclusion that the "Jesus" taught by Mormonism is not the Jesus of the New Testament.

The fact is, many people who have no real understanding about the New Testament Jesus can easily be pursuaded to accept a "counterfeit Jesus" - just like a person who does not know the difference between a real twenty-dollar bill can be fooled by a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill - because they don't know what to look for to tell the difference.

thanks for getting straight to my point that you are busy trying to tell people their religion is wrong, based soley on your interpretation of the bible. or more accurately, what interpretation you have been indoctrinated with.


New Member
thanks for getting straight to my point that you are busy trying to tell people their religion is wrong, based soley on your interpretation of the bible. or more accurately, what interpretation you have been indoctrinated with.

So, what you are really saying is that you are not willing to read the various religious accounts of Jesus and find out for yourself that there is a difference.

Instead, you chastise me for pointing out the differences in various theological doctrines that do not teach the New Testament Jesus.

Your criticism is the same as if you chastised someone for warning people not to accept counterfeit currency. The fact remains that the "Jesus" taught in Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Islam, etc, IS NOT the same Jesus as taught in the New Testament.

Wouldn't you want to know the True Jesus?
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New Member
So, what you are really saying is that you are not willing to read the various religious accounts of Jesus and find out for yourself that there is a difference.

but what he's saying is that the various religious accounts of Jesus are written by people whose only claim to fame are writing various religious accounts of Jesus.

In other words, anyone could write an account of Jesus doing something and it would have just as much legitimacy as them. After all, who can verify it?

It's like writing "Jesus did build my hotrod and it was good", and then arguing that it's true because it's written.

(Jesus built my hotrod will be our first cover)


New Member
but what he's saying is that the various religious accounts of Jesus are written by people whose only claim to fame are writing various religious accounts of Jesus.

In other words, anyone could write an account of Jesus doing something and it would have just as much legitimacy as them. After all, who can verify it?

It's like writing "Jesus did build my hotrod and it was good", and then arguing that it's true because it's written.

(Jesus built my hotrod will be our first cover)

It's like saying Jesus built your hotrod as an original Ford complete with a 427 High Performance Ford Engine. Then someone trying to sell a similar-looking style Ford to consumers that really has a Volkswagen engine and trying to pass it off as the Genuine Ford Hot Rod that Jesus built.

Can you say "Consumer Fraud" ???

That's what it is with religions that try to pass off a different teaching about Jesus that does not correspond with nor agree with the Genuine New Testament account of The Real Jesus. Unless people know the difference, they will fall into the fraud of religious deception.


I bowl overhand
It's like saying Jesus built your hotrod as an original Ford complete with a 427Ford Engine. Then someone trying to sell a similar-looking style Ford to consumers that really has a Volkswagen engine and trying to pass it off as the Genuine Ford Hot Rod that Jesus built.

Can you say "Consumer Fraud" ???

That's what it is with religions that try to pass off a different teaching about Jesus that does not correspond with nor agree with the Genuine New Testament account of The Real Jesus. Unless people know the difference, they will fall into the fraud of religious deception.

And what part of "Their religion is based on the NEW TESTAMENT" don't you understand??

nd the "GENUINE" New Testament Account.. now that #### right there is funny!!

I'm thinking your bible isn't in English then??


New Member
And what part of "Their religion is based on the NEW TESTAMENT" don't you understand??

nd the "GENUINE" New Testament Account.. now that #### right there is funny!!

I'm thinking your bible isn't in English then??

It is the "modifications" that they have done to the original and genuine account. Using the same body style they revise the power and performance to something that won't win Salvation in accord to God's Plan - not man's plan.


New Member
It's like saying Jesus built your hotrod as an original Ford complete with a 427 High Performance Ford Engine. Then someone trying to sell a similar-looking style Ford to consumers that really has a Volkswagen engine and trying to pass it off as the Genuine Ford Hot Rod that Jesus built.

Can you say "Consumer Fraud" ???

That's what it is with religions that try to pass off a different teaching about Jesus that does not correspond with nor agree with the Genuine New Testament account of The Real Jesus. Unless people know the difference, they will fall into the fraud of religious deception.


you didn't understand what I wrote I fear.


New Member
It is the "modifications" that they have done to the original and genuine account. Using the same body style they revise the power and performance to something that won't win Salvation in accord to God's Plan - not man's plan.

what is Gods plan?

You know the whole thing?


I bowl overhand
It is the "modifications" that they have done to the original and genuine account. Using the same body style they revise the power and performance to something that won't win Salvation in accord to God's Plan - not man's plan.

They use the same "Off the Shelf" King James Version of the New Testament most other churches use.. You don't have to go to the "Mormon Book Store" to get the "special" version..

Now when you talk about modifications.. should that include the intricacies of the manuscript lost in traslation(s)..

I would suggest that NONE of you read or adhere to the "genuine account", or even own the genuine article.. just a facsimile of the original.


New Member
They use the same "Off the Shelf" King James Version of the New Testament most other churches use.. You don't have to go to the "Mormon Book Store" to get the "special" version..

Now when you talk about modifications.. should that include the intricacies of the manuscript lost in traslation(s)..

I would suggest that NONE of you read or adhere to the "genuine account", or even own the genuine article.. just a facsimile of the original.

The "genuine article" would still point to Jesus Christ being the Divine Son of God, Saviour of mankind and Messiah in the manner that His Disciples wrote about in the present-day New Testament.

It is the Mormon Doctrine, Jehovah's Witness Doctrine, Islamic Doctrine, etc. that have modified the person of Jesus Christ and given Him different characteristics that do not agree with the New Testament Jesus. Mormons, and others, make references to the New Testament as an attempt to legitimize their religion - BUT the Jesus they teach is NOT the True Saviour that one really needs in order to receive God's Plan of Salvation.

For example, the Mormon Jesus is a "spirit brother of Satan" and His Blood is not enough to atone for the sins of mankind according to Joseph Smith. These are some of their modifications that affect the essentials of faith that one must have in the True Jesus.

The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was "a god" and in fact was the archangel, Michael. That is their modification.

The Islamic Jesus is not the Son of God, only a prophet that is lesser in authority than Muhammad, and who was not really crucified. That is their modifications.

The Mormon Jesus, Jehovah's Witness' Jesus, Islamic Jesus, are NOT the True Jesus as mentioned in the New Testament.


I bowl overhand
The "genuine article" would still point to Jesus Christ being the Divine Son of God, Saviour of mankind and Messiah in the manner that His Disciples wrote about in the present-day New Testament.

It is the Mormon Doctrine, Jehovah's Witness Doctrine, Islamic Doctrine, etc. that have modified the person of Jesus Christ and given Him different characteristics that do not agree with the New Testament Jesus. Mormons, and others, make references to the New Testament as an attempt to legitimize their religion - BUT the Jesus they teach is NOT the True Saviour that one really needs in order to receive God's Plan of Salvation.

For example, the Mormon Jesus is a "spirit brother of Satan" and His Blood is not enough to atone for the sins of mankind according to Joseph Smith. These are some of their modifications that affect the essentials of faith that one must have in the True Jesus.

The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was "a god" and in fact was the archangel, Michael. That is their modification.

The Islamic Jesus is not the Son of God, only a prophet that is lesser in authority than Muhammad, and who was not really crucified. That is their modifications.

The Mormon Jesus, Jehovah's Witness' Jesus, Islamic Jesus, are NOT the True Jesus as mentioned in the New Testament.

Yes he is, as far as the Mormons go...

But arguing it, and stating the obvious, are lost on the indoctrinated...

Perch yourself up higher on your throne of "I'm a better Christian than they are" and hope it makes you feel better and superior to those poor Mormons


Well-Known Member
Yes he is, as far as the Mormons go...

But arguing it, and stating the obvious, are lost on the indoctrinated...

Perch yourself up higher on your throne of "I'm a better Christian than they are" and hope it makes you feel better and superior to those poor Mormons
This is more of what I was describing as disrespectful - Star is merely pointing out that, in his opinion, the teaching of the different religions talk about the same person, but ascribe different attributes to the same person. And, Star believes one way, and the other religions believe other ways, ways he disagrees with.

I don't think he mentioned being superior, or being on a throne, or in any other way describing anything but his understanding of the religions. By patronizing him in such a way, I believe you're being disrespectful to his thoughts and opinions.


I bowl overhand
This is more of what I was describing as disrespectful - Star is merely pointing out that, in his opinion, the teaching of the different religions talk about the same person, but ascribe different attributes to the same person. And, Star believes one way, and the other religions believe other ways, ways he disagrees with.

I don't think he mentioned being superior, or being on a throne, or in any other way describing anything but his understanding of the religions. By patronizing him in such a way, I believe you're being disrespectful to his thoughts and opinions.

No, I think what is disrespectful and hateful is picking out individual religions and telling them they're wrong because you don't pray or intepret the playbook like we do..

Personally I think ALL of you are wrong, but I'm not picking anyone out of the pack to ostracize and heap loads of hate on.

Seems kind of infantile..

"Our God is better than your God!"

"Our Jesus can kick your Jesus' butt!!"

Sounds like a battlefield rallying cry.....