JP for Governor.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

I thought the state took the support money to help repay and offset the expense of the welfare in the first place.
Do you think that the absent parent should bear no responsibility for the cost incurred by the state to provide for their children?
:whistle: The State does steal the child support to offset the welfare and the State is nothing but a thief.

The welfare is only given to the custodial based on the custodial qualifying for the assistance.

Welfare is never given to children and so the child support is being mi-used as custodial support.

So my answer is NO, the separated partents' child support must never be taken by the State for any reason what-so-ever.



J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

By the way, I did not notice the list.
could you spell it out for me?
:otter: I do have my limitations, like I can point the way or lead the way, but I can not do miracles, and I can not make a blind man to see.
and, The other question I asked regarding laying off workers, or laying off welfare recipients instead was never answered. Could you share your thoughts on this? I'm pretty sure that it can not be considered confrontational in any way, so you should really have no problem answering it.
If by some really strange twist of fate you did end up in the Governors office, I'm sure questions like this will come across your desk, and you will be expected to handle them. How would you handle it.
:popcorn: It was and still is a belligerent set of questions and like I said above - I simply can not do miracles by replying to some thing so indirect and confused.

I do know that the State is laying off employees now and I see that as simply laying off the wrong employees as I would fire the entire CSE office and that would cut the budget quite well and the better employees could keep their jobs.

But all of the trash being done now is out of my control and it will all be done long before I get there.



In My Opinion
:otter: I do have my limitations, like I can point the way or lead the way, but I can not do miracles, and I can not make a blind man to see.

:popcorn: It was and still is a belligerent set of questions and like I said above - I simply can not do miracles by replying to some thing so indirect and confused.

I do know that the State is laying off employees now and I see that as simply laying off the wrong employees as I would fire the entire CSE office and that would cut the budget quite well and the better employees could keep their jobs.

But all of the trash being done now is out of my control and it will all be done long before I get there.

then lets try to make this simple for you
as Governor you have to make a hard decision to cut back.
Do you
A: lay off productive citizens that support the economy and provide a service to the population as a whole
B: Lay off or greatly reduce payments to those on welfare that could go out and find a job exccept for their unwillingness to provide for themselves.

its really simple.
A: get rid of workers
B: get rid of non-workers.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

then lets try to make this simple for you
as Governor you have to make a hard decision to cut back.
Do you
A: lay off productive citizens that support the economy and provide a service to the population as a whole
B: Lay off or greatly reduce payments to those on welfare that could go out and find a job exccept for their unwillingness to provide for themselves.

its really simple.
A: get rid of workers
B: get rid of non-workers.
:buddies: Maryland is one of the richest States in the USA and I am not going to affront people on welfare to pay for the luxuries of this State.

So no, I am not going to do that.



In My Opinion
:buddies: Maryland is one of the richest States in the USA and I am not going to affront people on welfare to pay for the luxuries of this State.

So no, I am not going to do that.

not going to what?
lay anyone off?
or, lay off the workers to save the welfare recipients.

A or B.
:whistle: The State does steal the child support to offset the welfare and the State is nothing but a thief.

The welfare is only given to the custodial based on the custodial qualifying for the assistance. wrong- there must be a child in the home

Welfare is never given to children and so the child support is being mi-used as custodial support. once again wrong

So my answer is NO, the separated partents' child support must never be taken by the State for any reason what-so-ever.


You better do a lil' research on these programs you speak of.
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J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

The welfare is only given to the custodial based on the custodial qualifying for the assistance. wrong- there must be a child in the home

You better do a lil' research on these programs you speak of.
:diva: I do know that and it does not change my point.

The custodial must qualify for welfare and the one big qualifications is that they must have a child.

One can not be a custodial without having some one else's child in their custody.

So the welfare is only given to the custodial to support the custodial and the child(ren) are regarded as a qualification for the custodial.

Welfare also takes into account how much money the applicant has or property owned and how much rent to be paid (or not) and how much the custodial expends on child care which is what custody means.

So the poorest of the poor custodial parents on welfare do not ever receive the child support because the State steals that c/s money.



J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

not going to what?
lay anyone off?
or, lay off the workers to save the welfare recipients.

A or B.
:popcorn: I am not going to do anything that you spout off - duh - that was my answer.

Why do not you remember this posting HERE as others leave me alone so you can just go back to football or some other trivial junk and then you too can stop making me to look positive by you staying away with the other jerks.

Do you not see the asinine and upside down backward logic in this?



In My Opinion
:popcorn: I am not going to do anything that you spout off - duh - that was my answer.

Why do not you remember this posting HERE as others leave me alone so you can just go back to football or some other trivial junk and then you too can stop making me to look positive by you staying away with the other jerks.

Do you not see the asinine and upside down backward logic in this?


Look dillrod,
I have no idea how you plan to run a campaign if you are too afraid of your answers.
Evidently you KNOW you are basically an idiot, and you have no answers to anything.
How many people are going to vote for you based on your only intent being revenge against hard working people doing their job?

I bet your own son wouldnt even vote for you.

I do it because I am not afraid of the truth and not afraid of conflicts, and even the ignorant jerks like bcp are my brethren.

So if you are really not afraide of the truth, then answer simple questions, unless, you really are afraid of the truth and you are basically a damn liar. (actually, I think this to be the situation in your case)

Do you save by laying off workers, or would you go after the leaches on society first (like you) and get rid of the non productive expenses.

simple question. Do try to be honest in your answer.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Do you save by laying off workers, or would you go after the leaches on society first (like you) and get rid of the non productive expenses.

simple question. Do try to be honest in your answer.
:popcorn: I really do believe that I have answered that twice now, but one more time;

I do not intend to do either of those ideas of yours.

That is my answer - no.

And I do believe that we have to see what Maryland does in its next Legislative session because when I take over as Governor then they might already have a balanced budget waiting for me.

My agenda is to reform the child support and not to second guess things that are out of my control.



In My Opinion
:popcorn: I really do believe that I have answered that twice now, but one more time;

I do not intend to do either of those ideas of yours.

That is my answer - no.

And I do believe that we have to see what Maryland does in its next Legislative session because when I take over as Governor then they might already have a balanced budget waiting for me.

My agenda is to reform the child support and not to second guess things that are out of my control.

Lets assume, and I expect this to be true. that Maryland does not have a balanced budget in 2010.
where would you cut to create the savings. And please dont come up with this Child support thing. it will never fly. You might be able to reduce the penalty for those that REALLY cant pay, but the system is not going away.

so, Where would you cut? Social programs? Services like police fire rescue etc..? roads? schools?

get off the defensive for a second and answer with a real answer.

right now it seems that the governor is trying to balance on the backs of the working class. Its not going to work.

How then as Governor would Governor Cusick deal with the budget shortfall?

See? I mangaged to engage you with a question without being nasty, please give me the same respect with an answer.


New Member
:howdy: My police record is already open to the public both online and at the Courthouse, and since my record represents primarily my civil resistance to the child support then I am really rather proud of it.

Yeah just seeing if you would admit your crimes, you are no war hero you are a mooch that lives off other people. You should be ashamed of comparing yourself to the brave men and women who defend our country in combat. You are lower than whale turds for even making that comparison. And as far as public records I see that your Jr Cusick is as big of loser as you are.

Maryland Judiciary Case Search

You are proud of your record, you cost the state of Maryland more than your worth do us all a favor and carry your worthless self and your spawn somewhere that it isn't costing us anymore.
:popcorn: I really do believe that I have answered that twice now, but one more time;

My agenda is to reform the child support and not to second guess things that are out of my control.


I really do believe that I have answered this five times now, but one more time........



In My Opinion
I really do believe that I have answered this five times now, but one more time........

lets see, basing this on his record.
he will lose governor.
in 2012 he will run for congress and lose
in 2014 he will run again for congress and lose
in 2016 he will try for president,, and lose.


Methodically disorganized

Too bad I didn't see this a few days ago - to think of all the laughing I've been missing out on.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Would it be possible for you to list the needs of a child, and in your opinion how children living with a single mother on welfare with no support or help from the father have any of those needs over flowing?

Im just curious.
:coffee: Just as a follow-up because I failed to answer this well enough before so I am answering this better this time, IMO.

First I would say it is up to you or any such nay-sayer to tell if any need of the child were absent when on welfare since it is the law that claims to fill all of the children's needs and fill all of the custodial's needs too when they are on welfare and that surely is the justification in the State stealing the child support payments from the poorest of the poor families on welfare.

So when on welfare both the custodial and all the children do get their food, housing, clothing, medical, dental, cash, and much more provided free, like if the child(ren) want to then they can go to College for little or for free or to Community College or any job training or they can just be another Bum or whatever they chose as it is all available to the maximum, thus the welfare families do not need the child support at all and the State takes the child support if it does get paid.

So I maintain as I already said that the children's needs are already filled to over flowing, and it is up to you to tell if any need is missing that the extra child support cash could pay for.

Thereafter the child support is still forcibly collected but totally unneeded for the poorest of the poor families, and other families are richer and so they do not need the child support any more then the poorest families need it. So again I declare that all the child support is totally unneeded and it is a complete fraud and there is the proof.

But more-so is that my own finding is that there is one BIG need that the children do need which is not provided in that the children need both of their parents and not their parents' money as in c/s.

The welfare will not allow the separated parents to be reunited with their children without severely punishing the family by cutting the benefits and the law will attack the parents to collect that totally unneeded child support cash and the law will put the parents in jail and this shows again that the law destroys the family unit, and that forcible destruction is even far worse in the poorest of poor families on welfare who need their separated parents the most.

So the one and only true need that goes unfulfilled for those children is the lawful alienation of their God given parents and that is sinful.

As it is now the child support and custody laws break-up families.

Apparently, the state needs the child support after paying for the childs needs to over flowing... thats why we are in the mess we are in now.

Or hard working people would not be having salary reductions on top of 10 days with no pay!!!!!!!!!!!

Contrary to popular belief everyone who works for the state is not pulling down a massive salary nor do they sit and do nothing all day!


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Apparently, the state needs the child support after paying for the childs needs to over flowing... thats why we are in the mess we are in now.
:whistle: And the BIG point remains - that the so-called "child support" does not and is not supporting children.

And the State keeping the child support in the State treasury makes the c/s into a State tax directed only against the poorest of separated parents which again makes it into an immoral and unjust system that destroys families.

And some people might still cling to their belligerence by claiming the separated parents deserve being mistreated or that the State needs the money, but the job of the State is to be promoting marriage and protecting families which it is not doing.

When I become Governor then the State will face up to reality and we will put a stop to this.



In My Opinion
While I appreciate that you attempted to explain how the children are having their needs met to overflowing, I cant agree with you.
Poverty, even with welfare (which is no way to raise a child) does not provide in the same way that support could.
Welfare is paid for from the taxes, I cant agree that it is my responsibility to raise your child just because you got bored with the role of parent.
as far as the C/S laws breaking up families, the family broke up long before Child support came into play. And to date, I have yet to have a state official show up at my door attempting to break up my marriage.

I seriously fail to see how you could take on the responsibility of a Governor, when you have what I believe to be an honest misunderstanding of what your own personal responsibility in life is.


This thread should go *poof*

All I've learned from this thread is that JP is a bitter old man, his wife cheated on him and then hit him hard for child support which he didn't pay then got some jail time and :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

He also got injured in jail, don't even want to know how, but the visual is giving me nightmares.

He will never be governor.