JP for Governor.


then lets try to make this simple for you
as Governor you have to make a hard decision to cut back.
Do you
A: lay off productive citizens that support the economy and provide a service to the population as a whole
B: Lay off or greatly reduce payments to those on welfare that could go out and find a job exccept for their unwillingness to provide for themselves.

its really simple.
A: get rid of workers
B: get rid of non-workers.
Don't tell me you're actually trying to make sense out of this idiot. Weren't you around when he was here before? Read some of the old threads and you'll understand.


In My Opinion
Don't tell me you're actually trying to make sense out of this idiot. Weren't you around when he was here before? Read some of the old threads and you'll understand.
I know.
I just wanted to see if somewhere deep in the recesses of his wrinkled old brain, there was any recognition of the fact that 99.9% of the population just really don't care if deadbeats go to jail. And actually, that 99.9% most likely would like the see the deadbeats go to jail longer for their crimes against their children.


In all of this mess, and I'm not going back to check. Has JP every mentioned how he is financing his campaign? I saw on his website:)killingme) where it says he doesn't not need donations because he is financing it all himself. I would really hate to think someone running for governor was getting their
funds in some illegal way. JP are you working now?


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

While I appreciate that you attempted to explain how the children are having their needs met to overflowing, I cant agree with you.
Poverty, even with welfare (which is no way to raise a child) does not provide in the same way that support could.
:popcorn: Well you are fundamentally correct on that except the custodials often fail to live up to the role of custody.

The custodials that are not on welfare have enough money to equal the conditions that welfare provides but many of the custodials mis-use their finances and fail to provide adequate custody of the child(ren) and that is where the belligerent cry for child support comes from.

The custodials blame the separated parents for their own failure of providing custody.

The cry for child support by the custodials is a dishonorable cry indeed, because it confesses to their own failure.
Welfare is paid for from the taxes, I cant agree that it is my responsibility to raise your child just because you got bored with the role of parent.
It is not that anyone got bored - no, it is that your tax dollars has promoted the families to break up and so using the taxes to pay for its own mess seems very fitting to me.
as far as the C/S laws breaking up families, the family broke up long before Child support came into play.
That is not really correct, because every body knows that the law will give any one a legal divorce and everyone knows about child support subsidizing the break-ups and the law gives families a free ticket to shirk their marriage vows. And it is even a big reason why many people refuse to get legally married because of the overpowering threats against the marriage.

The child support and custody laws are like the "Nails in the Coffin" in that it makes certain that the marriage can not be reconciled or repaired because the law breaks up the families more-so then they were already broken.

We really need laws that encourage people and parents to get married and to stay married and stop promoting separation and divorce.
And to date, I have yet to have a state official show up at my door attempting to break up my marriage.
They wait for you at the Courthouse offering you an easy and comfortable separation and divorce at any time you want.

Just any little spit or spat with the spouse and la-di-da the law will destroy any family for little to no reason at all.
I seriously fail to see how you could take on the responsibility of a Governor, when you have what I believe to be an honest misunderstanding of what your own personal responsibility in life is.
It is okay as you do not need to vote for me as I can make it just fine without you.

I really want you to do as you your self see fit, and I have no problem with that.

But I am going to fight you and your kind against your dirty thievery of c/s.



Football Mom!!!
So because I have put myself through school and earn a decent wage that is providing for all my childrens needs, there is no reason for their fathers support? Is that what you are saying? That he isn't obligated to help provide for his children because we aren't together? Or I should quit my job and go on welfare and let taxpayers dollars provide? Riddle me how the state is stealing his money, when 100% of what he pays come directly to me for his childrens welfare? Or it's excess, because I have already met their needs?


In My Opinion
Cant really see where there is any indication of the state promoting divorce under the laws.
I've never seen the state run ads for Divorce sales or anything.
The addition of the wording "there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation" pretty much states that you cant just walk down and decide its time to break up to qualify for the great benefits.

(1) adultery;

(2) desertion, if:
(i) the desertion has continued for 12 months without interruption before the filing of the application for divorce; (ii) the desertion is deliberate and final; and (iii) there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation;

(3) voluntary separation, if:
(i) the parties voluntarily have lived separate and apart without cohabitation for 12 months without interruption before the filing of the application for divorce; and (ii) there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation;

(4) conviction of a felony or misdemeanor in any state or in any court of the United States if before the filing of the application for divorce the defendant has: (i) been sentenced to serve at least 3 years or an indeterminate sentence in a penal institution; and (ii) served 12 months of the sentence;

(5) 2-year separation,
when the parties have lived separate and apart without cohabitation for 2 years without interruption before the filing of the application for divorce;

(6) insanity if:
(i) the insane spouse has been confined in a mental institution, hospital, or other similar institution for at least 3 years before the filing of the application for divorce;

(7) cruelty of treatment toward the complaining party or a minor child
of the complaining party, if there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation; or

(8) excessively vicious conduct toward the complaining party or a minor child
of the complaining party, if there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation. (Maryland Code - Family Law Chapter - Section: 7-103)



Free to Fly
:whistle: We can KNOW that because we know that every State in the USA has welfare and Social Services provided to every American citizen and so that means that every child has full access to every thing the child needs, and there are other places like Churches and Charity groups that give to families far more so and that means every child has every thing they each need to over flowing.

There is ONLY only one (1) way that any child in the entire USA goes without their needs filled and that is when the custodial is neglecting or abusing the child.

It has absolutely no regard nor baring on whether they receive child support or not.


When my ex-husband walked out the only way I could have gotten anything from Welfare was if he would sign a letter stating he was not giving anything towards his children's welfare and he certainly wouldn't sign that although it was true! This was in VA.


In My Opinion
When my ex-husband walked out the only way I could have gotten anything from Welfare was if he would sign a letter stating he was not giving anything towards his children's welfare and he certainly wouldn't sign that although it was true! This was in VA.
Quit your damn crying.
you and your children, and all of your relatives in the past, present and the future have had and will continue to have all of your needs filled to overflowing.

so just drop that selfish attitude that causes you to think your kids should be allowed to eat more than 2 times a week and get with the program.

God, I can not wait till JPC gets to the governors house and puts you and those like you in their proper place.

clothes are really an overated waste of money for children.


JP doesn't want to answer my question. I just want to know what he does for a living. He must be working now.


Well-Known Member
JP doesn't want to answer my question. I just want to know what he does for a living. He must be working now.
For years he simply robbed from his son's future. Now he takes our tax money, I'm sure.

Probably a greeter at WalMart unless he scares kids too much.


Well, on his website is this.

The Candidate is Disabled. JP is legally disabled under the Social Security Act as of November 2005, and he is still unemployed due to his physical disabilities.

JP has a condition in both of his hands called "Dupuytren's Contractures" link HERE. His hands were first injured in an accident on a job around 1982, and then the condition proceeded to spread through both hands.

He also has a second injury of a severe abdominal strain from his over exertion that occured on another job in 1994, so he can not remain standing for long periods. He can walk and drive without assistance.

And a third injury is in his lower back-bone as the cartilages were crushed in another event. This injury occasionally flares up but it seems to be mostly healed.

So his disability will be an issue as Governor in that he will require some special provisions such as not standing excessively, but JP is fully confident that he can perform the duties of Governor and that his injuries will not interfere with that duty.

So, if JP is disabled and can't work, he's more than likely collecting disability, but if he is capable of becoming governor that means he is capable of working. So to me this sounds like he's getting disability fraudulently.


Well-Known Member
Well, on his website is this.

The Candidate is Disabled. JP is legally disabled under the Social Security Act as of November 2005, and he is still unemployed due to his physical disabilities.

JP has a condition in both of his hands called "Dupuytren's Contractures" link HERE. His hands were first injured in an accident on a job around 1982, and then the condition proceeded to spread through both hands.

He also has a second injury of a severe abdominal strain from his over exertion that occured on another job in 1994, so he can not remain standing for long periods. He can walk and drive without assistance.

And a third injury is in his lower back-bone as the cartilages were crushed in another event. This injury occasionally flares up but it seems to be mostly healed.

So his disability will be an issue as Governor in that he will require some special provisions such as not standing excessively, but JP is fully confident that he can perform the duties of Governor and that his injuries will not interfere with that duty.

So, if JP is disabled and can't work, he's more than likely collecting disability, but if he is capable of becoming governor that means he is capable of working. So to me this sounds like he's getting disability fraudulently.
If he can both walk and drive without assistance, that also opens up a slew of potential careers.

Jimmy getting your and my money fraudulently, or at least immorally, is not a surprise, though.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

... Has JP every mentioned how he is financing his campaign? I saw on his website:)killingme) where it says he doesn't not need donations because he is financing it all himself. I would really hate to think someone running for governor was getting their funds in some illegal way. JP are you working now?
:popcorn: My website told true that I am paying every thing myself, but I will accept donations if any one really wants to pitch in, and I most certainly am NOT doing any thing illegal, or in any illegal way.

I do not have a job because I am legally disabled under the Social security Act, so I do receive public assistance for all my own needs, but I pay for my campaign out of my own living expense account and from my savings and from other resources of mine.

Now I have not really started spending anything yet since the Board of Elections does not count the $290 registration fee as a campaign expenditure, and I am free to spend up to 1,000 bucks without even reporting it until it goes over 1,000.

Of course I do believe that I can satisfactorily fulfill the job of Governor with a lot of help from the Secretaries.

Even if I do get elected then I will still be disabled.

And I believe you are the one that keeps saying some thing about the Library and I do now have my own PC with DSL, and yet I still do use the library for printing and scanning and for other stuff. We do have wonderful Libraries here in SMC.



J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

JP doesn't want to answer my question. I just want to know what he does for a living. He must be working now.
:popcorn: I love answering questions, and I apologize for taking so long to reply.

I had my regular allergy shot today and had to go shopping today too.



The mighty Al-Sonsie!
:popcorn: I love answering questions, and I apologize for taking so long to reply.

I had my regular allergy shot today and had to go shopping today too.


You're so icky just reading your posts makes me feel unclean. :shudder: