July sucks



Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island

1) Its too damn hot to work

2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere

3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town

4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry

5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play

6) I know everyone in this County...............i can't walk around unnoticed anywhere it seems

7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me

8) That bouncer @ Harbor Sounds is an a-hole

9) what the hells fake about my ID

10) Everyone that works at Fastop is a punk....especially the guy that looks like he has crushed potato chips for fingernails

11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45

12) my friends suck.............none of them are reliable

13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......so its one or the other

14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......we have a mcDonalds

16) theres so much pressure on my generation

17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

i'm done ranting for now


Originally posted by Kody
Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island

If I find one, I'll let you know.

Originally posted by Kody
3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town


Originally posted by Kody
4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry

If you eat more food, both of these problems go away.

Unfortunately you'll have less money for your smack and crack and whack.

Originally posted by Kody
5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play

Fo shizzle.

Originally posted by Kody
16) theres so much pressure on my generation

Such as?

Typically generations that are bereft of the number fifteen are under pressure from the get-go.

Originally posted by Kody
17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

You're probably right. Nobody does.

They're all focused on their own stress and confusion. (The selfish bastards.) Welcome to the world.


Football season!
Originally posted by Kody
Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island

1) Its too damn hot to work

Got a job working inside

2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere

This is bad thing?

3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town

Tried a Glock?

4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry

Less Drugs

5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play

B!tches aint sh!t but hoes and tricks

6) I know everyone in this County...............i can't walk around unnoticed anywhere it seems

Yea, I could normally get by with saying "Hi Mr. /Mrs. Raley or Mattingly

7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me

Which ones are lies?

9) what the hells fake about my ID

The part that says MALE?

11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45

Already using Viagra?

12) my friends suck.............none of them are reliable
They are hiding

13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......so its one or the other

Go for the Cigs, at least your broke ass will be off the roads

14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......we have a mcDonalds

ALL the stores?? Wow things have changed

17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

And people thought you were dumb



Originally posted by Kody

1) Its too damn hot to work

Man, it's too damn cold to work where I work. The AC turns my fingers numb.

2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere

Plot the curve and graph that bad boy.

3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town

Um... lobby Congress to get rid of our worthless drug laws and the prices will tumble.

4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry

Well, you said you had a McDonald's.

5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play

Wait till you grow up a bit and don't give a damn what they say or do. It's always fun when they're stomping off all mad to get a reaction out of you, and you do absolutely nothing, and they come sulking back like nothing happened.

6) I know everyone in this County...............i can't walk around unnoticed anywhere it seems

Well, hello, Mr. Popular.

7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me

How many lies are the appropriate number to believe about you?

8) That bouncer @ Harbor Sounds is an a-hole

So, he does his job pretty well, I see.

9) what the hells fake about my ID

Try giving them a Pennsylvania license. Everyone keeps looking at mine as if I drew it up with crayon on the car ride over.

10) Everyone that works at Fastop is a punk....especially the guy that looks like he has crushed potato chips for fingernails

I can't even begin to imagine what that looks like.

11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45

How do you know what 45 feels like?

12) my friends suck.............none of them are reliable

I'm sure your drinking, smoking, drug using self is Mr. Dependable.

13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......so its one or the other

What do you need gasoline for? There's no where to go, remember?

14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......we have a mcDonalds

It's one big party all day long at Target. Sorry dude!

16) theres so much pressure on my generation

What are you talking about? Our generation has been infantalized, and nothing we do is ever our own faults.

17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

Start cutting.


New Member
COLOR=deeppink]Uhm...well that's a mouth full ain't it. You at least made me laugh. Poor kid with the potato chip fingernails, I am sure he can get some kind of cream for that, or at least some chip dip to go with that problem.[/COLOR]


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by Kody
Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island
2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere
17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

:confused: Don't see the problem and you're right, I don't care.


July is GREAT! Good things listed below.

1) Love the heat. I can ride motorcycle all the time.

2) The beach is great. Get a tan. Watch all the gorgeous women.

3) Hang out at the Tiki bar and Solomons Pier.

4) Mowing the lawn. (yeah, I know it's work, but I like it)

5) Getting fresh vegetables out of the garden.

6) Just sitting outside on the deck with a cold beer.

The list goes on and on. What's not to like about July.:biggrin: :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
1) Its too damn hot to work…….LIKE YOU WORK HARD
2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......AND THAT’S BAD????
3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................DON’T DO THEM
4) I'm losing way too much wieght....EAT (and learn to spell weight)
5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............DUMP HER, ON THE OTHER HAND KEEP HER, YOU WON’T DO MUCH BETTER.
6) I know everyone in this County...............I HAVE NEVER NOTICED YOU
7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me………NO IT THE TRUTH
8) That bouncer @ Harbor Sounds is an a-hole…..NO YOU’RE A 20 YEAR OLD AZZ CLOWN WITH A BAD FAKE ID
9) what the hells fake about my ID………THE FACT THAT YOU’RE 20
10) Everyone that works at Fastop is a punk....YOU ARE A PUNK
11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45……….STOP WITH THE DRUGS IN #3
12) my friends suck.............YOU DON’T DESERVE GOOD FRIENDS
13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......GET A JOB, OR A BETTER ONE
14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......WOW YOU GOT ONE THING RIGHT
16) theres so much pressure on my generation…………..BOO HOO FU**ING BABY
17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares……………DING DING DING YOU NOW GOT TWO RIGHT

i'm done ranting for now……….NO YOU’RE NOT


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Fine society we have here... :rolleyes:

everyone (except the topic starter apparently) thinks the sluttier the girls the better.

we're on our way up the evolutionary scale, sure we are.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Shakezula
Fine society we have here... :rolleyes:

everyone (except the topic starter apparently) thinks the sluttier the girls the better.

we're on our way up the evolutionary scale, sure we are.
Those that call them sluts based solely on what they wear seem to be the ones on the slide down the evolutionary ladder. In case any of you wizards hadn’t noticed when the weather gets warmer the clothing gets skimpier. It’s been that way for years and will probably always be.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Originally posted by Ken King
Those that call them sluts based solely on what they wear seem to be the ones on the slide down the evolutionary ladder. In case any of you wizards hadn’t noticed when the weather gets warmer the clothing gets skimpier. It’s been that way for years and will probably always be.

No, they aren't sluts, they just like to wear a slut's uniform (couldn't resist).

To the original poster:

Get off your a**, quit yer #####in' and solve your own damn problems. You can chalk another line on the wall; I've got too many of my own damn problems to worry about yours.