Just Found out!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Sooo... I just found out I'm pregnant!!! My SO and I are extremely excited and extremely unprepared!! I was wondering if anyone could give me some information about getting financial assistant for housing and/or food. We both have full time jobs but income is not that great and we just found out days before getting my BFP that we need to move out of our current living situation!!! Any information would be great. I seriouly think we will be over qualified for any help but its worth a shot! Pretty sickening that we both work our butts off (50+ hours a week each!), but still can't afford anything and so many others are not working but getting free money and and living sweet, but we'll get nothing, arrgg I digress! I'm a little overwhelmed and I don't even know where to begin!! Thanks!
I'm not able to provide much in the way of advice, but I'd like to say congratulations though.


Having Fun!
Sooo... I just found out I'm pregnant!!! My SO and I are extremely excited and extremely unprepared!! I was wondering if anyone could give me some information about getting financial assistant for housing and/or food. We both have full time jobs but income is not that great and we just found out days before getting my BFP that we need to move out of our current living situation!!! Any information would be great. I seriouly think we will be over qualified for any help but its worth a shot! Pretty sickening that we both work our butts off (50+ hours a week each!), but still can't afford anything and so many others are not working but getting free money and and living sweet, but we'll get nothing, arrgg I digress! I'm a little overwhelmed and I don't even know where to begin!! Thanks!

First of all, congratulations! It is so nice that you are both excited. Every baby deserves to be wanted. Please ignore posters who are criticizing and (even worse) trying to encourage you to abort or give up that baby. (I can't believe the insensitivity of some people!). It is responsible to start thinking about finances and living arrangements now (especially since you just found out that you have to move), so good for you!

When I had my first child years ago, my husband and I were both laid off at that time. Luckily, we were able to keep health insurance and lived somewhere where the cost of living was pretty low. We ate alot of tuna noodle casserole, got used baby things from family members, and shopped for baby stuff at the dollar store. We eventually ended up moving to another state for jobs. It was tough but we managed to make it without any public assistance -- we didn't even quality for WIC because we made too much money with our unemployment checks.

You are getting some good suggestions here from some of our forumites. Yes, go in person to Social Services just to explore that option. You are currently working so you are currently paying taxes and your taxes are helping to support others who may be worse off than you, just like my taxes might end up helping you and that little baby. It's okay -- use it as long as you need it and then get off of it to give someone else worse off a chance. That's how it's supposed to work. And I've been where you are. There was time when hubby and I were each working 2 jobs, had 2 small kids and still ended up owing the IRS more taxes in April because we didn't have enough deductions! We made it through and so will you.

If you can, breastfeed that baby. It's healthier for them and cheaper for you but you do have to make sure that you are eating right while you do it (that's what WIC was designed to do -- help expectant Moms & babies eat more nutriciously).

Let people give you hand-me down baby clothes and other baby items. Start saving now to buy a crib as used ones may not be safe. Whoever suggested buying a few baby things with each paycheck had a great idea. Whoever suggested buying diapers in small packages until you found a brand you liked is an absolute genius! Shop the yard sales, the thrift stores, and the dollar stores to save money where you can.

Yes, babies are expensive and they will definitely change your life but it is SO worth it! Enjoy your pregnancy and try not to stress too much. Things will work out. It may be rough for a while but things will get better, really!

Good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
First of all, congratulations! It is so nice that you are both excited. Every baby deserves to be wanted. Please ignore posters who are criticizing and (even worse) trying to encourage you to abort or give up that baby. (I can't believe the insensitivity of some people!). It is responsible to start thinking about finances and living arrangements now (especially since you just found out that you have to move), so good for you!

When I had my first child years ago, my husband and I were both laid off at that time. Luckily, we were able to keep health insurance and lived somewhere where the cost of living was pretty low. We ate alot of tuna noodle casserole, got used baby things from family members, and shopped for baby stuff at the dollar store. We eventually ended up moving to another state for jobs. It was tough but we managed to make it without any public assistance -- we didn't even quality for WIC because we made too much money with our unemployment checks.

You are getting some good suggestions here from some of our forumites. Yes, go in person to Social Services just to explore that option. You are currently working so you are currently paying taxes and your taxes are helping to support others who may be worse off than you, just like my taxes might end up helping you and that little baby. It's okay -- use it as long as you need it and then get off of it to give someone else worse off a chance. That's how it's supposed to work. And I've been where you are. There was time when hubby and I were each working 2 jobs, had 2 small kids and still ended up owing the IRS more taxes in April because we didn't have enough deductions! We made it through and so will you.

If you can, breastfeed that baby. It's healthier for them and cheaper for you but you do have to make sure that you are eating right while you do it (that's what WIC was designed to do -- help expectant Moms & babies eat more nutriciously).

Let people give you hand-me down baby clothes and other baby items. Start saving now to buy a crib as used ones may not be safe. Whoever suggested buying a few baby things with each paycheck had a great idea. Whoever suggested buying diapers in small packages until you found a brand you liked is an absolute genius! Shop the yard sales, the thrift stores, and the dollar stores to save money where you can.

Yes, babies are expensive and they will definitely change your life but it is SO worth it! Enjoy your pregnancy and try not to stress too much. Things will work out. It may be rough for a while but things will get better, really!

Good luck to you!


New Member
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not an idiot, I knew posting on here I would recieve numerous, unhelpful posts. Thank you to those who gave thoughtful insight. First and foremost abortion and adoption are absolutely not an option for me. They may be the perfect choices for some one else but they will never be mine. Programs like the ones I am seeking were designed to help people in need. The people most of you have a problem with are the ones that mooch and never try to advance. I know a women right now who has been on unemployment for over a year and a half, hasn't even looked for a job, goes drinking everynight, sleeps till noon etc... people like that are absolutely disgusting to me! I absolutely have no issues with second hand items. I am and have been a freecycle member for years. I used to work in childcare so I know how big of a waste of money buying first hand expensive things for children are! Just because I'm seeking out help does not mean I'm worthless. I work 50+ hours a week, I have health insurance, I graduated high school with some college, I do not use drugs, or drink. I'm 24 years old which beats the hell out of those 15 year olds in all the high schools right now 8 months along! Thank you for all the advice :)


nothing unreal exists
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not an idiot, I knew posting on here I would recieve numerous, unhelpful posts. Thank you to those who gave thoughtful insight. First and foremost abortion and adoption are absolutely not an option for me. They may be the perfect choices for some one else but they will never be mine. Programs like the ones I am seeking were designed to help people in need. The people most of you have a problem with are the ones that mooch and never try to advance. I know a women right now who has been on unemployment for over a year and a half, hasn't even looked for a job, goes drinking everynight, sleeps till noon etc... people like that are absolutely disgusting to me! I absolutely have no issues with second hand items. I am and have been a freecycle member for years. I used to work in childcare so I know how big of a waste of money buying first hand expensive things for children are! Just because I'm seeking out help does not mean I'm worthless. I work 50+ hours a week, I have health insurance, I graduated high school with some college, I do not use drugs, or drink. I'm 24 years old which beats the hell out of those 15 year olds in all the high schools right now 8 months along! Thank you for all the advice :)

:clap: Good Luck and Congrats!


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not an idiot, I knew posting on here I would recieve numerous, unhelpful posts. Thank you to those who gave thoughtful insight. First and foremost abortion and adoption are absolutely not an option for me. They may be the perfect choices for some one else but they will never be mine. Programs like the ones I am seeking were designed to help people in need. The people most of you have a problem with are the ones that mooch and never try to advance. I know a women right now who has been on unemployment for over a year and a half, hasn't even looked for a job, goes drinking everynight, sleeps till noon etc... people like that are absolutely disgusting to me! I absolutely have no issues with second hand items. I am and have been a freecycle member for years. I used to work in childcare so I know how big of a waste of money buying first hand expensive things for children are! Just because I'm seeking out help does not mean I'm worthless. I work 50+ hours a week, I have health insurance, I graduated high school with some college, I do not use drugs, or drink. I'm 24 years old which beats the hell out of those 15 year olds in all the high schools right now 8 months along! Thank you for all the advice :)

Keep trying. :yay: I have no issues with those that try to help themselves. With that said, I may have a few left over baby items if you are interested. I know for a fact that I just pulled out a pack and play from the closet this past weekend. I was going to take it to the thrift store.


Active Member
First of all...Congratulations!!!:yahoo: I think twinoaks pretty much said it best and Libertytyranny gave you an excellent link to get you started...right now just breath and put priorities in order. I assume you are only a few weeks along since you stated you just found out so you have plenty of time to make plans, get your 'ducks in a row' and figure out how to make things work. You will do fine and things will fall into place.:flowers:

Besides..."free money" as you call it isn't as "sweet" as you think it is!!!


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not an idiot, I knew posting on here I would recieve numerous, unhelpful posts. Thank you to those who gave thoughtful insight. First and foremost abortion and adoption are absolutely not an option for me. They may be the perfect choices for some one else but they will never be mine. Programs like the ones I am seeking were designed to help people in need. The people most of you have a problem with are the ones that mooch and never try to advance. I know a women right now who has been on unemployment for over a year and a half, hasn't even looked for a job, goes drinking everynight, sleeps till noon etc... people like that are absolutely disgusting to me! I absolutely have no issues with second hand items. I am and have been a freecycle member for years. I used to work in childcare so I know how big of a waste of money buying first hand expensive things for children are! Just because I'm seeking out help does not mean I'm worthless. I work 50+ hours a week, I have health insurance, I graduated high school with some college, I do not use drugs, or drink. I'm 24 years old which beats the hell out of those 15 year olds in all the high schools right now 8 months along! Thank you for all the advice :)

Congratulations on the pregnancy. I am glad to hear you are working and your SO also. I have no problem with someone asking for help when they are trying to help themselves. I'm sure there is not one of us on this forum who couldnt have used a little help now and then, myself included. I had my two daughters 11 months apart, I was on B/C, for those of you who are ready to comment. My husband was working for the PG County school board at the time. After my 2nd daughter was born, he left me for a school teacher. I made minimum wage, was having a hell of time getting child support, This was 30 years ago so things were a little different. I could've used some help myself, but, didnt qualify. Thats why I think the whole welfare/foodstamp system needs to be revamped. It was originally set up to help those who were working but needed a little extra to get by for a temporary time. It was never meant to be a way of life passed down from one generation to the next. I hope you get the help you need for a while and will be able to care for your little one without the help of any government assistance soon.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not an idiot, I knew posting on here I would recieve numerous, unhelpful posts. Thank you to those who gave thoughtful insight. First and foremost abortion and adoption are absolutely not an option for me. They may be the perfect choices for some one else but they will never be mine. Programs like the ones I am seeking were designed to help people in need. The people most of you have a problem with are the ones that mooch and never try to advance. I know a women right now who has been on unemployment for over a year and a half, hasn't even looked for a job, goes drinking everynight, sleeps till noon etc... people like that are absolutely disgusting to me! I absolutely have no issues with second hand items. I am and have been a freecycle member for years. I used to work in childcare so I know how big of a waste of money buying first hand expensive things for children are! Just because I'm seeking out help does not mean I'm worthless. I work 50+ hours a week, I have health insurance, I graduated high school with some college, I do not use drugs, or drink. I'm 24 years old which beats the hell out of those 15 year olds in all the high schools right now 8 months along! Thank you for all the advice :)
:yay: Congrats and good luck! Sometimes babies do just happen so enjoy!

Keep in mind babies don't require the accumulation of stuff advertisers say they do. Every baby shower I attend leaves me shaking my head at the money spent of stuff the mother will never get around to using. I hope you stick around... you strick me as a good addition to our forums...:clap:


New Member
The Calvert County fairgrounds has a yard sale every Saturday. I was able to purchase all the items for a baby in just two weekends. Check out the yard sale ads in your area for the ones that list baby items. You can get gently used and new items for pennies at these sales.


New Member
Thank you all for the supportive posts! I completely agree that welfare, food stamps, or any government help needs to monitered extremely close! I have run accross a few people who have food stamps that sell the cards for cash. I know people whos parents have used the system and in return they do so as well. I am simply looking for a little help to get on our feet being as days before I found out I was pregnant we were told (by the unemployeed, lazy, government money moocher roommate) that we have less then a month to move. If that makes you think less of me then so be it, my success is not dependant on someone else's feelings about me :) I will definitely look in to all the suggestions! Thank you all!


New Member
The Calvert County fairgrounds has a yard sale every Saturday. I was able to purchase all the items for a baby in just two weekends. Check out the yard sale ads in your area for the ones that list baby items. You can get gently used and new items for pennies at these sales.

You may also want to go to Leprechaun Lilly's if you are in St. Mary's. It's a baby/childrens consignment that is held twice a year and you can find very reasonable clothes and baby items. Leprechaun Lilly's Children's Consignment Sale | Serving Southern Maryland MD

Also, plan to buy the carseat and crib new since used ones could have been in accidents or not meet current safety standards.

Good luck and Congratulations!

Sweet 16

The Calvert County fairgrounds has a yard sale every Saturday. I was able to purchase all the items for a baby in just two weekends. Check out the yard sale ads in your area for the ones that list baby items. You can get gently used and new items for pennies at these sales.

No offense, but I think she has bigger issues than finding inexpensive baby stuff. She has 9 months to figure that part out but right now she needs a place to live and a way to put food on the table for her and "SO". Just trying to keep the conversation focused.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the supportive posts! I completely agree that welfare, food stamps, or any government help needs to monitered extremely close! I have run accross a few people who have food stamps that sell the cards for cash. I know people whos parents have used the system and in return they do so as well. I am simply looking for a little help to get on our feet being as days before I found out I was pregnant we were told (by the unemployeed, lazy, government money moocher roommate) that we have less then a month to move. If that makes you think less of me then so be it, my success is not dependant on someone else's feelings about me :) I will definitely look in to all the suggestions! Thank you all!

Not sure of your circumstances, could family help with giving you a place to stay until you can find your own place? I'm sorry you have to go thru this now instead of being able to enjoy your good news.