Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Black Man SCHOOLS Liberal Black Woman Voting For Kamala Harris Just Because She Is A 'Black' Woman!​



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This Is Why Kamala Is Horrible

I believe Kamala's entire campaign will be reduced to the sad, ragged battle cry of, "If you don't vote for me you're a bigot," and whereas words are weapons, sharper than knives, these tools of political warfare have lost their edge.

The woke, far-left "Gaystapo" who put the "men" in menstruate have become nothing more than mock-worthy Aunt Sallys to normal Americans who have grown weary of being called "transphobic" for not bending a knee to state-sanctioned trans insanity.

It will be difficult for Kamala to cover her cloven communist tracks, but that hasn't kept the Pravda press from gavaging lies to the nation on her behalf.

CBS is pretending Kamala never pimped a bail fund to keep violent BLM protestors and the sally lads of Antifa out of jail and back on the street, so they could continue assaulting more than 2,000 police officers in our nation's big blue toilet cities. But the internet is forever, and Elon Musk himself set the record straight:

The lies get even more slimy. Harris was all about defunding the police, but now the left is calling her the "top cop" in an effort to rewrite her history.



PREMO Member

If you want to see what Enten means, RCP has begun graphing its Trump v Harris polling average results:


The left side of the line shows Trump against Biden for the three months prior to Biden's withdrawal. After the line, it plots the H2H numbers against Harris. I'm not sure why RCP bothered to do this rather than just graph all of Harris' numbers; pollsters began testing out this matchup before the debate and especially afterward.

Two things are apparent in this graph. First, Biden didn't really crater all that much from the debate. On June 27, the day of the debate, Biden's RCP average was 45.1, and it bottomed out on July 3 at 43.6. By the time Biden withdrew, though, he'd recovered most of that lost ground to have an RCP average of 44.8. Trump went from 46.6 on June 27 to 47.9 on July 21, but much of that gain came after the assassination attempt and then the GOP convention.

Second: Harris only negligibly improves on Biden, even in the honeymoon week. On June 27, before the debate, Biden was 1.3 points behind Trump in the RCP average. Trump had a 3.1-point lead on Sunday, when Biden withdrew. Now, at the end of what should be the friendliest news cycle Harris will ever get, Trump still leads by 1.7 points -- slightly better than his lead when the debate aired.

And while the Protection Racket Media will still do its best to cover for Kamala, those honeymoon news cycles are coming to an end. James Carville warned Democrats that they're far too giddy about the success of wishing Grandpa Joe to the cornfield, especially given the radical nature of their newly anointed replacement and the very long trail of videos and policy positions she has. "The ice pick cometh," Carville tells the MSNBC panel, and in fact it has already begun to chip away at Harris:



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There is much resentment—more than the Democrat Party or the legacy media cares to acknowledge. It goes back to 2019, when Kamala Harris mounted her first campaign for president.

During a February appearance on “The Breakfast Club” radio show, hosts DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God asked Harris about that.
Harris pushed back. “I’m black, and I’m proud of being black. I was born black. I will die black,” she said. “I’m not going to make excuses for anybody because they don’t understand.”
She went on to criticize those who question her racial identity.
“I think they don’t understand who black people are,” Harris said. “I’m not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who black people are.”

Harris' father is Jamaican and Irish. Her mother was Tamil Brahmin Indian, a high caste that is considered India's elite. Harris was born in Oakland and spent her formative years in Berkeley. Even today, Berkeley would never be considered a bastion of Blackness; but it is a hotbed for communism and Marxist philosophy. Then, Harris' mother moved her and her sister Meena to Montreal, which in the late '70s and early '80s, was probably more homogenous than it is today. Media personality and political analyst Kira Davis, who like Harris is biracial and spent her formative years in Canada, gave me some insight on this. Davis said, and I quote, "Montreal is where communists train their children."

Davis also gave insight into the type of education that Harris probably received in Montreal, and it has little to do with Black culture.

Montreal is the most liberal of cities in the most liberal of provinces. When you're educated in Montreal, you're educated to hate your country as a colonizer and Western devil.

This is where Harris spent her teenage years before returning to the States to attend Howard University, a historically Black college and obviously, a strategic choice to further cultivate this Black image that she wants everyone to swallow as whole cloth. So, it seems that like the gender cult, "I feel it, therefore it is," it seems that merely declaring yourself "Black" is the only requirement to be it. If that's the case, then Rachel Dolezal (now Nkechi Amare Diallo) and Shaun King are owed an apology:



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Speaking of squirrels and other small mammals, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been a busy beaver the last couple of days. On Thursday, he met with President Groundhog down in his hole behind closed doors. Later in the day —the delay explained by a ‘campaign appearance’— Mr. Netanyahu met separately with Vice President Cackle, who was described by corporate media as bold and leaderlike. And bold. ABC ran the story headlined, “Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately.

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In statements following the meeting, Harris confirmed the U.S.’s continued support for its Middle Eastern ally, but also condemned the war in Gaza and called for an immediate cease-fire until after the election.

Then yesterday, Politico ran a related story headlined, “Netanyahu wraps US visit with a meeting to woo Trump.” (Axios: “Trump and Netanyahu bury the hatchet.”)

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The last time Netanyahu met Trump was at the White House in September 2020, at the signing ceremony of the historic Abraham Accords, which were brokered by Trump. But their relationship soured in early 2021 after Netanyahu publicly cozied up to Joe Biden right after the disastrous election, becoming the first foreign leader to congratulate President Cabbage on his victory by mail-in ballot.

According to the Trump campaign’s readout of yesterday’s meeting at Mar-a-Lago, the former President told Netanyahu that, should Trump return to the White House, he “will make every effort to bring peace to the Middle East.” Notably, the readout did not mention any commitment to continued aid for Israel — a commitment described as Netanyahu’s main goal for the meeting.

In an interview after the meeting with Netanyahu, Trump told reporters that V.P. Harris was “disrespectful toward Israel,” adding, “I actually don’t know how a person who’s Jewish can vote for her, but that’s up to them.”



PREMO Member

Kamala's Fabricated Gen Z Appeal

Meanwhile, the gay guys of New York City, who received the news of Biden pulling out whilst in their natural habit (Fire Island), quickly made crop tops in the exact same style of brat. A mashup cut of one of Harris' cringiest lines—some anecdote about coconut trees—was set to Charli XCX's song "Von dutch." It has received over 4 million views.

"The internet is going crazy for Harris' campaign," declares The 19th, a gender and politics website. Harris' "meme stock is bullish," adds CNN, which devoted a panel to the topic, in which a suit-wearing boomer tried, inartfully, to explain the craze to the rest. "Is Kamala Harris 'brat'?" asks The Economist, calling 2024 "America's TikTok election." "Younger celebs are aiming to help Harris by tying her to their viral and loyal social media brands," explains the Associated Press rather clinically.

"A brat should exude the je ne sais quoi of the famous-but-not-A-list women," writes Shirley Li, giving the phenomenon an overly intellectualized treatment typical of The Atlantic. "The brat is a classic feminine archetype, right up there with the jezebel, the crone, the bimbo, the career girl," writes Kat Rosenfield for The Free Press. "Brats are Cinderella's stepsisters, lacking both social graces and appropriate gratitude for the privileges they enjoy."

But what the hungry internet, full of writers looking for takes, and the Harris campaign miss is that being "brat" is not really a compliment.

"Brat" is someone who, per Charli XCX's own description, walks around with a "pack of cigs, a Bic lighter and a strappy white top with no bra." A girl "who feels like herself but maybe also has a breakdown. But kind of like parties through it, is very honest, very blunt. A little bit volatile. Like, does dumb things."


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Democrat Gives MNSBC Host A SOBER Reality Check As Trump DOMINATES Kamala Harris Across Swing States​



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Kamala Harris: The Face of "Brat Summer"​

What a bunch of Gen Z childish NON SENSE ... are voters supposed to take such a candidate seriously


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Latest I’ve read online from a few sources and frankly - it makes sense, fits our observations etc.

And that is, Biden endorsing Kamala was a massive eff you to Obama and the other Democrats who forced him out.

They wanted Mark Kelly.

He’d still be a formidable VP pick and if he could somehow carry Arizona it could easily tilt the EC.

THAT is why Obama dithered over endorsing Kamala with that corny, scripted cell phone call. Unless he has another plan for the convention - the plan is to remake Kamala right in front of God and everyone. We are going to be told she’s completely disconnected from Biden - is in no way connected to all the bad crap that happened on his watch - didn’t lie to the public about Biden and so forth. We’re already seeing the gaslighting about border czar and defund the police.

If the DNC becomes a free for all fuster cluck, the Obama’s have clean hands, but I’m betting they either push for Kelly or throw the dice on Kamala.