Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


PREMO Member

SHOCKING COLLAPSE! Kamala Harris Just Lost the Election & is Being DESTROYED for Doing This​



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
SO - the deal has finally been AGREED TO and set - whatever that is. The Obamas have officially endorsed, christened, ordained ---whatever you want to call this "approval" of their little puppet candidate and their little puppett Kamala has sold her soul and kissed the ring of the Devil.

The Official PHONE CALL was actually produced and filmed for your entertainment... :jet:



PREMO Member

Democrats BETRAY Kamala & Vote With Republicans in House Condemning Her As Border Czar​



PREMO Member

'White People Are Scared of Kamala Cuz She's Black & Fabulous!' Black Women Gets DESTROYED in Debate​



Power with Control
SO - the deal has finally been AGREED TO and set - whatever that is. The Obamas have officially endorsed, christened, ordained ---whatever you want to call this "approval" of their little puppet candidate and their little puppett Kamala has sold her soul and kissed the ring of the Devil.

The Official PHONE CALL was actually produced and filmed for your entertainment... :jet:

"You WILL accept our staff recommendations. You WILL NOT fire them.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Corporate media’s push to sanctify the democrat party’s newly selected glorious leader Vice President Cackle may be too late. In this morning’s first exhibit, watch carefully the other attendees on this zoom meeting react when one young lady said she’ll vote for Kamala “because she’s black.”

image 8.png

CLIP: black folks are starting to get it (3:01).

🔥🔥 Behold Exhibit Two. Listen to MSNBC viewers getting an astonishing dose of truth about how the democrat base “is entirely lacking in enthusiasm” and hearing “horror stories” about local democrat offices that can’t find anybody to volunteer:

image 9.png

CLIP: MSNBC reports on historic enthusiasm gap (0:49).

You don’t suppose … they could wind up dumping Kamala “Plan B” Harris, do you? And going with Plan C? Could they just be fronting V.P. Cackle for a little while, to draw the sting of “skipping over” the “first black* woman candidate” in history? (* Asian Indian.) Is there another switcheroo coming?

I’m only asking.



Well-Known Member
🔥🔥 Corporate media’s push to sanctify the democrat party’s newly selected glorious leader Vice President Cackle may be too late. In this morning’s first exhibit, watch carefully the other attendees on this zoom meeting react when one young lady said she’ll vote for Kamala “because she’s black.”

image 8.png

CLIP: black folks are starting to get it (3:01).

🔥🔥 Behold Exhibit Two. Listen to MSNBC viewers getting an astonishing dose of truth about how the democrat base “is entirely lacking in enthusiasm” and hearing “horror stories” about local democrat offices that can’t find anybody to volunteer:

image 9.png

CLIP: MSNBC reports on historic enthusiasm gap (0:49).

You don’t suppose … they could wind up dumping Kamala “Plan B” Harris, do you? And going with Plan C? Could they just be fronting V.P. Cackle for a little while, to draw the sting of “skipping over” the “first black* woman candidate” in history? (* Asian Indian.) Is there another switcheroo coming?

I’m only asking.

They got a few weeks before the convention to see how it goes. If the honeymoon ends quickly it could change. What they are really worried about is the campaign money raised by Biden. Its given back if she goes.


PREMO Member

Democrats TRIGGERED Over Trump REFUSING To Participate In RIGGED Liberal Media Debate With Kamala​
