Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Report: Kamala Harris Played ‘Instrumental’ Role in Biden’s Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

In June, Biden announced an executive amnesty to ensure that at least 550,000 illegal alien spouses of American citizens and children can secure green cards and eventually naturalized American citizenship.

Likewise, the amnesty will open work visas to those illegal aliens who have graduated from an American university.

According to Reuters, Harris played a major role in the amnesty’s rollout:

Harris was instrumental in the Biden administration’s rollout of a program in June to offer a path to citizenship to immigrants in the U.S. illegally who are married to U.S. citizens, two people familiar with the matter said. [Emphasis added]

To carry out the amnesty, Biden and Harris have asked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to use a little-known parole program that Republicans and critics have said has been abused by the administration to create an expansive Catch and Release network.

The Reuters report seemingly debunks claims from Harris, as well as the establishment media, that the vice president has taken a backseat to the Biden administration’s immigration agenda.


PREMO Member
Prominent Black journalist Roland Martin posted Tuesday evening on social media that the organization had refused her campaign’s offer of an electronic appearance at its Annual Convention and Career Fair.

“BREAKING NEWS: Vice President @KamalaHarris will not be speaking at @NABJ in-person or virtually. They offered for her to take questions virtually, but was turned down by NABJ,” Mr. Martin wrote.

He was not happy.

“That makes NO sense. We do interviews DAILY by satellite, Skype and Zoom, so this should have happened,” he said, going on in the thread to cite Ms. Harris’ campaign schedule and attendance at the funeral of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.

The other major-party presidential candidate — Republican Donald Trump — will be at the Chicago conference for an in-person interview Wednesday.



Well-Known Member
A few left, many stayed. Whatever it was a much larger crowd than Biden ever drew.
Kamala has a chance, Better play her hard.


PREMO Member

If Elected, Kamala Harris Would Be The Most Anti-Gun President In U.S. History

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris ran to the left of Biden on gun control. While both supported an assault weapons ban, Harris wanted to force gun owners to sell to the government any firearms that she deemed undesirable. Harris went further than Biden in vowing to use executive orders if Congress did not pass the ban. The national gun registry makes this mandatory gun confiscation more doable.

Harris pushed for gun control this week in her first campaign speech as the presumptive Democratic nominee. And she has a long history of pushing for gun control. In early 2008, Harris argued for the constitutionality of gun bans in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. She claimed there is no individual right to self-defense.

Harris is the Biden administration’s “gun control czar,” overseeing the administration’s gun control initiatives through the White House’s new Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP), which coordinates the administration’s gun control efforts. The administration has also just put out a report failing to recognize any benefits from people owning guns.

The office is credited with helping to implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which introduces long and extremely complicated rules that will result in many gun owners being defined as firearms dealers. As I’ve previously pointed out, if you sell a friend a gun once and discuss the sale of a second gun, you must be a licensed dealer. Similarly, if you sell one gun and keep any record of what you bought and sold it for, you must also be a licensed dealer. Other rules are vague and give the government discretion to classify you as a dealer when it sees fit.

Under Harris’s direction, the OGVP is also calling for:

  • “Eliminating gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability”
  • “Banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines”
  • Mandating that people lock up their guns
  • Imposing background checks for all gun transfers

Take just the first proposal, which will make gun manufacturers civilly liable for the misuse of guns they sell. This would mean that people can sue manufacturers and sellers whenever a crime, accident, or suicide occurs with a firearm. The straightforward result would be to put gunmakers out of business.

Note that gunmakers can be sued for product malfunctions and sellers are liable for illegal firearms sales (such as for not running a background check). To run afoul of this proposed rule, product makers need not do anything wrong. Car accidents often occur when a driver isn’t paying attention or drives recklessly, perhaps under the influence. It would be ludicrous to make carmakers pay for lost wages, medical costs, and pain and suffering because of a driver’s negligence. Yet that’s what the Biden-Harris administration wants to do with guns.

Gun-control advocates sometimes claim that gunmakers cater to the criminal market with low prices and products that are easily concealable. But lightweight, compact firearms also make life easier for the 21.8 million Americans with concealed handgun permits and the millions more in constitutional carry states who carry without a permit.


PREMO Member

Christina Blacken, digital strategist and "social critic," writes:

Because Trump, much like many white men before him, is a byproduct of the status quo. Data shows that non-white and female-presenting individuals are held to more exacting and unfair standards compared with their white male peers. Whether it’s a policing of language and tone, extra scrutiny of work output or assumptions about capability solely based on appearances, all of these things mean that non-white and non-male individuals are conditioned to be overqualified and high-performing to get their foot into the door and into positions of leadership or power. It also means whatever they do in those positions is cast as a representation of an entire group of people, whereas white men are often treated as individuals, whose missteps and mistakes are not representative of their race or gender.

A majority of Americans are struggling financially, there are significant levels of loss and death of civilians at the hands of horrific imperialist practices across the globe, the planet is literally on fire, our democracy is being held together by toothpicks and prayers ― all of these failings under a majority of white male leadership. Yet these leaders are not called “nepotism candidates” or “biased candidates.” They are allowed to be individuals, with their own strengths and weaknesses, and are not cast as symbols of a larger moral trend that indicates all capability and aptitude for the demographic groups they are part of.

Blacken writes that DEI "actually means creating practices, policies and behaviors that create better financial, mental and physical outcomes that benefit everyone, including white men" but "is interchangeably used as a derogatory alternative for the N-word."

Sorry, we can't take seriously someone who writes that "the planet is literally on fire" and "non-white and female-presenting individuals" are hardest hit.



Well-Known Member
Can anyone guess what would happen if TRUMP hosted a session called White Dudes for Trump?


Well-Known Member
I know, they'd be called a bunch of racists.
That's exactly what the guy on Facebook I read it from, said.
What's - WEIRD - about leftists is, you can actually put the two side by side and show them IT'S THE SAME THING - and one will be racist, and the other is just fine.


PREMO Member

Black People TURN ON Kamala Harris For Having Megan Thee Stallion Twerk At RATCHET Campaign Rally!​



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Democrats LOSE IT Over Kamala Being Called DIVERSITY HIRE, But They Should Be PROUD Of Woke Policy​



PREMO Member

What I Saw at ‘White Dudes for Harris’

Monday night, I watched the livestream of the “White Dudes for Harris” fundraiser. Our host, a thirtysomething political operative with a man-bun and a beard, was upfront: some people didn’t feel comfortable with this event. But, he argued, white men feel lonely; they’re struggling in the new economy and feeling forgotten. MAGA has co-opted masculinity, he said, and the left has ceded white guys to the right-wing.

“But,” he declared, “that stops tonight.”

He then introduced the first guest speaker: a black guy.

If you’re wondering why the Harris campaign organized an event just for white guys—so am I. But the trend for segregated fundraisers is really taking off: in the last week we’ve also had Zoom calls for black women for Kamala, white women for Kamala, Latinas for Kamala, and more.

It’s weird. It was especially weird that the first guest on “White Dudes for Harris,” Maurice Mitchell, is demonstrably not a white dude; he’s not even a Democrat. He’s the head of the Working Families Party—a minority left-wing political party mostly active in New York. He celebrated policies that Kamala Harris has never voiced support for, like an arms embargo in Gaza. He encouraged the white guy audience to “get in formation,” which I assume is a reference to the Beyoncé song.

The strange vibe abruptly shifted with the entrance of a vibed-out Jeff Bridges, best known for his portrayal of “The Dude” in The Big Lebowski. Recalling that he had just heard Kamala give a speech telling people to “fight,” Jeff said, cryptically: “I can’t relate. It’s a surrender to our higher thoughts and the way we want things to turn out.”

Hell yeah, Jeff.

After that, the organizers slowly rolled out the parade of white guys on Kamala’s VP shortlist. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg opened with “I’m a policy guy” and spoke about the need to protect reproductive rights. North Carolina governor Roy Cooper said if just 1–2 percent more of the white male population voted for Democrats, Kamala could win. Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker gave a stump speech that you could have heard anywhere. In a show of just how online this event was, Minnesota governor Tim Walz was introduced as “David Hogg’s favorite politician.” David Hogg is a school shooting survivor and former proprietor of a liberal pillow company who posts a lot on Twitter.

With little exception, the speakers focused on social issues, particularly—and perhaps oddly, given the audience—abortion and race. Many were incensed by the fact some Republicans have been calling Kamala a “DEI candidate.”


PREMO Member

Harris Gets Caught In A Big Fat Lie Right Out Of The Gate

“When you read it,” she goes on, “you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare. They intend to end the Affordable Care Act and take us back, then, to a time when insurance companies had the power to deny people with preexisting conditions.”

CNN, to its credit, read the 900-page document, or at least skimmed it, and in an article headlined “Fact check: Harris falsely claims Project 2025 blueprint calls for cutting Social Security,” it reports that:

The Project 2025 document does not show that Trump intends to cut Social Security; the document barely discusses Social Security at all and does not propose cuts to the program. In addition, contrary to Harris’ suggestion, Project 2025 does not call to ‘end’ the Affordable Care Act or eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions. The document does criticize the Affordable Care Act, especially the law’s expansion of Medicaid, but makes clear it is advocating changes to the law rather than terminating the law entirely. (emphasis added)

In other words, Harris is just making sh*t up.


Trump himself has repeatedly made it clear that his campaign wasn’t involved in Project 2025 and has lately started calling some of its ideas “extremist.” Which is an unfortunate sop on his part to the left’s coordinated campaign to demonize the policy document.

The Project 2025 lies had gotten so bad that Heritage had to put up an entire page debunking them, and internet memes started popping up making fun of the horror stories being spread, such as the one below.

Last week, the Harris team admitted that it’s been lying about Project 2025.

A campaign official told CNN that Harris “made a deliberate decision to brand all of Trump’s policies” as “Project 2025,” since they believe “it has stuck with voters.”

In other words, lying is fine, so long as it’s for the “greater good” of defeating Trump.

It’s still lying. After Project 2025’s director stepped down, with the Trump campaign cheering that on, the Harris campaign said “Project 2025 is on the ballot because Donald Trump is on the ballot.
This is his agenda, written by his allies, for Donald Trump to inflict on our country.” And then it repeated the lie about how it includes “cuts to Social Security and Medicare, repeal of the Affordable Care Act, dirtier air and water, and empowering Trump to destroy American democracy.”