Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Kamala Harris, Candidate of Myth

Apparently, Harris was the candidate America needed all along. As in a bad romcom, all we needed to do was remove her glasses, brush out her hair, and put her in a better outfit—and she would transform from high school weirdo nerd into prom queen.

The media’s shift in position regarding Harris has been whiplash-inducing. After all, we were told in 2020 that she had run one of the worst campaigns in modern presidential history—mechanical, off-putting, unpleasant, incompetent, and arrogant. Then we were told that she was one of the worst vice presidents in modern history—free of accomplishment, running a completely dysfunctional office with extraordinary rates of staff turnover, so wildly unpopular that even a senile Joe Biden worried about whether Harris could compete with Donald Trump.

But now all is forgiven. All her oddities—coconut trees and electric school buses, Venn diagrams, and the significance of the passage of time—are delightful TikTok memes. Her strangely incoherent word salads, topped off with a heavy helping of smugness, are now evidence of her rhetorical brilliance. Her wild hand motions, so reminiscent of a drunken tarmac operator attempting unsuccessfully to usher a jumbo jet toward the gateway, are actually enchanting symptoms of her enthusiasm. And her positional dishonesty—the fact that she has now shifted virtually every position she ever held—is not evidence that she is a liar, but that she is astute and clever.

So, precisely what happened to turn Kamala Harris from a deeply disliked politician (35% approval rating) into an Obama-esque talent (44% approval rating)?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
How long until Snopes takes that one down to help cover her ass.

The MSM is already reporting Kamala was never in charge of the border. :lmao:


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Trump DOUBLES DOWN On Exposing Kamala Harris As The View MELTSDOWN Over Questioning Her Blackness!​



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Things That Make You Go Hmm: Kamala Harris Continues to Avoid the Media, They Continue to Be Okay With It

She has done other things, though, things that I think most people would describe as "weird." Interestingly, that is what many on her side have taken to calling Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate, even though - last I checked - it wasn't JD Vance who pretended to have a southern accent and who campaigned and laughed at a funeral while claiming a title he did not yet hold.

As further evidence of the Kamala Harris press avoidance strategy ramping up, here she is reading from a script in a notebook in front of a press gaggle. Watch how once she's done she closes up the notebook and walks away without taking a single question:

And not shockingly, as Kamala Harris continues to avoid the press, they continue to be okay with it, much like they were with Biden in 2020. I mean why not take a question or two? I think the answer is pretty clear, as my colleague Ward Clark explained:

"...[Harris] does have various other problems: She is a horrible speaker, she has the charisma and personal appeal of an acorn, and frankly, she's not very bright.
"The Democrat machine will hold her away from any unscripted events as long as they can - but that can't last forever. Sooner or later she will have to go off 'prompter, perhaps in a debate with Donald Trump, and then it will be Word Salad II, Return of the Killer Word Salad, and that, trust me, will be a sight to see."

Relatedly, stories have also emerged about campaign trackers at recent Kamala Harris rallies, where members of the press were trailed and in the most recent incident, they initially forbade reporters from being able to question Harris for President rally attendees outside the press pen.

This is sort of "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" territory here with the press and Harris, except if Harris does wind up getting elected president, it will get much worse. The media will do Olympic-like gymnastic contortions much like they did with Barack Obama because they'll be so giddy over the "first woman president" distinction (and their role in pulling her over the finish line) that they won't give a damn about what little bit of credibility they (may or may not) have left swirling down the toilet bowl in the process.

As far as I'm concerned, this is just as good a reason as any to make sure Harris is sent packing back to California after the November elections - not just because the cackle is intolerable, but also because the Legacy Media's coverage of her is, too.


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Kamala is branded a FAKER over this photo of her chatting with Alexey Navalny's widow on iPhone: Can you see why?

But some eagle-eyed users of social media criticized the 59-year-old vice president as a 'phony' for holding the phone to her ear as she spoke to the grieving widow.

'Why is it on "speaker-phone" but being held up to your ear... as though you're speaking on the phone through the normal speaker,' Nikki Villanueva wrote.

The user added a Yoda-like reference: 'The gaslighting is "strong" with this one.'

Others likened the image to a cheap 'photo op.'

'It's so weird how Kamala puts a phone to her ear while on speaker,' another X user wrote, while a third posted: 'If the phone's on speaker, you don't have to put it to your head Kamala.'

'It's on speaker, Kamala,' a fourth person wrote on Instagram.

The post marks the second time in less than a week that Harris has been mocked for the bizarre behavior.


Some people online criticized the vice president for holding the phone to her ear while it was on speaker phone

On Friday, the Obamas posted a video of them calling Harris to endorse her for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In the video, Harris could once again be seen holding the phone to her ear - even though the speaker phone button is pressed.

'The Obama's endorse Kamala in the most cringeworthy way,' one X user wrote.

'None of them can act, and Kamala goes from taking the phone call on speaker to holding it to her ear.

'We somehow can still hear the Obamas clearly.

'These people are dumb.'

Drew Hernandez also called the video 'poorly scripted events.

'Everything about Kamala Harris right now is synthetic,' he wrote. 'Who talks on speaker phone with the phone up to their ear?'

Another X user said Harris was guilty of 'bad acting.'

'She is as fake as her laugh,' the X user wrote.


PREMO Member

“White Women for Harris” Shows How Democrats Have Fully Embraced Campus Lunacy

The ‘White Women for Kamala Harris’ call that took place this week was full of cringe, just like the ‘White Dudes for Harris’ call.

Terms like privilege and all of the progressive concepts that come with it are straight off liberal college campuses and the fact that they’re being used in this context shows that Democrats have fully embraced this political culture.

From the New York Post:

Celeb-led ‘White Women for Kamala’ is cringe city
Just when I thought the racialized madness of 2020 was floating away — that it had being destroyed by reason and sanity.
It’s back. And on Zoom no less, the medium of choice for the crazy Covid era.
With a woman of color on the Democratic ticket, progressives have fallen back on their worst instincts: performative allyship and race essentialism. Politics by segregation.

Last week, Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts organized a massive Zoom meeting — “White Women: Answer the Call” — for Kamala Harris.
On the call, which drew over 200,000 participants, reportedly raised $2 million and has been dubbed the largest Zoom in history, Watts declared (with great humility, of course): “White women, we have 100 days to help save the world.”
I thought white saviors were bad? Hey, on the plus side, the left suddenly knows what a woman is again.
Author Glennon Doyle lectured. The singer Pink was there. “The White Lotus” actress Connie Britton spoke, jokingly calling herself and the others “Karens for Kamala.”
In other words, gazillionaire elites with the luxury of telling other women — ones who may be worried about paying their grocery bills — that they should cede their personal interests in favor of intersectionality.

The video below must be seen to be believed.
