Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Charles Clymer

Many years ago, feminists called out Charles Clymer as a shady, abusive, misogynist, grifter. He returned, brilliantly, as "Charlotte," knowing he would be embraced, celebrated, and untouchable as "trans." Democrats, pathetically and naturally, were all in



Well-Known Member

Couple things - a lot of lawyers fail the first time. The very BEST ones don't. But a lot do. If she failed it twice, yeah, I'd say her dumb credentials have been verified.

What I would LIKE to know - is where she placed in her class. I can't find that online yet, and I've been looking. Even when Joe bragged he graduated in the top half of his class in 1987, it didn't take long for people to find out that was not ONLY a lie, but he graduated 76th out of 85. ALMOST the damned bottom. If you graduate near the bottom, that tells me a lot more of your grasp of the law than if you failed the bar, the first time.

I found a page from a classmate who knew WHO she was, but not personally. Said what we now know - she was admitted through LEOP - essentially Affirmative Action - and these students got tutorial assistance and class outlines only available to LEOP students.

So if you want to know if she has any brains, stop using the stuff like, well she made it through law school. Great lawyers are SMART - mediocre ones know the minimum NEEDED to be a lawyer - a head filled with memorized stuff. You want to know if she's smart? JUST LISTEN TO HER.

She won't be holding pressers any time soon.


Well-Known Member
I STILL would like to know where anyone believes that she is going to make things better under her administration.

She's more or less the de facto President - NOW. She has six months. You want to effect these changes? You have HALF A YEAR to prove it.

I STILL would like to know how she gets away with the idea that she is utterly divorced from everything in the Biden administration.
She either owns it - or she has been SITTING ON HER ASS FOR three and a half years doing nothing about it.

Remember - she's been VP for all this time. She's either done absolutely nothing - which, great, that's what we need - or she was part of it.
Part of the economic wasteland - part of the Afghanistan pullout (which when it was happening, she took credit for) - part of the immigration mess - part of every screwup of the last four years. She either OWNS it - or she's a useless lazy ass who's done nothing for years.

I get it, somehow - somehow - Dems are frothing at the mouth for a fresh new face. But she's not. She's been there the whole time.


Well-Known Member

Kamala Harris's sister, Maya is connected to Tony Podesta and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong. The Harris' involvement with Pizzagate is precisely why she's VP. It's why Clinton made it so far. It's why Obama was POTUS. And Hunter/Joe have their own scandals to rival PG - which is why he was selected. Quite an exclusive "club". All of them need to be exposed and punished accordingly.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Kamala regrets throwing Racist MELTDOWN! starts FIGHTS after Trump argument LEAVES crowd SPEECHLESS😳



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Charlamagne Tha God RUNS TO CNN PANICKING After Breakfast Club Callers Declare Kamala IS NOT BLACK!
