Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Gold Star Families Take Turns DESTROYING Kamala Harris After Attack Against Trump BACKFIRES!​



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Gold Star Families Take Turns DESTROYING Kamala Harris After Attack Against Trump BACKFIRES!​

But did it backfire? The MSM is not going to reverse course based on the families statements. They will continue to repeat the line that two Trump campaign staffers manhandled a female ANC employee (active-duty military?) to illegally photograph/film at ANC.


Well-Known Member
But did it backfire? The MSM is not going to reverse course based on the families statements. They will continue to repeat the line that two Trump campaign staffers manhandled a female ANC employee (active-duty military?) to illegally photograph/film at ANC.
And the bots will continue to slurp it up


Beloved Misanthrope
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She sleeps her way to the top everywhere she goes…

Source Says Kamala Was Promoted At McDonald's After Having Affair With Mayor McCheese



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Kamala Harris WHIPS OUT FAKE Black Accent At Labor Day Rally As Joe Biden DETERIORATES On Stage!​



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They had to do something. Did you see the love Trump received from Vietnamese Americans in NoVa when he was with Hung Cao?


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Tim Pool Announces LEGAL ACTION Against Kamala Harris Democrat Campaign For Defamation | TimcastNews​



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Karine Jean Pierre LOSES HER Mind Over Peter Doocy PRESSING Her On Kamala's Fake Southern Accent!​



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Harris is Flip-Flopping Toward November 5

Harris has now morphed into Trump. Axios explains:

Harris' campaign has portrayed her as an immigration hardliner in ads.

One Harris TV ad frames her time as California's attorney general as that of a "border state prosecutor," and includes images of the border wall.

In another, Harris' team highlights her support of boosting the number of Border Patrol agents.

Another left-wing media outlet arm of the DNC agrees. From Reuters,

Vice President Kamala Harris is toughening her position on illegal immigration, taking on hardliner Donald Trump on his signature issue in a series of campaign events and digital ads in coming weeks, according to campaign staff.

The campaign plans to promote Harris' support for a bipartisan border security bill - defeated in the Senate in February after Trump came out against it - that would have increased funding for border agents and detention facilities, an official said.

Harris was for Venezuelan gangs in Denver before she was against them.

Flip-flop Harris was anti-Trump before she was pro-Trump. At least on the border. And taxes on tips too. Harris thought it was a bad idea until Trump proposed it, then she was in favor.

She also flipped on EV mandates, “A campaign official for Kamala Harris said Tuesday that it is a “lie” that the vice president Kamala Harris supports implementing an electric vehicle mandate, even though she cosponsored legislation doing exactly that in 2019.”

And she flopped on Bernie Care. From Politico, “Vice President Kamala Harris is no longer a ‘Medicare for All’ champion.”

Don’t forget fracking. She was for banning fracking before she was against it. When do her flip-flops become what they really are, opportunistic lies?

Harris exemplifies Alexander Hamilton’s observation, “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.”

She stands for nothing, other than power and control, and will change her positions faster than the weather to achieve her goals, or more likely the goals of her political masters.

She will be a PINO, president in name only, just like Joe Biden, a warm body with a room temperature IQ, smiling, cackling, and acting out a role created by the real power players.

If she continues to co-opt Trump’s positions, how soon until she follows fellow Democrats RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard and simply endorses Trump? That might be easier for her than the continued contortions and flip-flops demonstrating that she is simply another empty political pantsuit.


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The Grotesque Kamala-Media War Against Abbey Gate Gold Star Families

When the families stated that Trump had come at their behest, and that they'd explicitly requested and approved cameras, much of the media just pretended as if these clarifications never happened. But what turned a relatively low-decibel controversy into a full-blown firestorm was Kamala Harris' decision to wade into the morass in order to attack Trump. Keep in mind, this is the woman who signed off on the series of catastrophic choices that got these service members killed. She's the woman who has never given the resulting Gold Star families the time of day. She's the woman who had her team put out a press release on the anniversary of the Abbey Gate bloodbath. And she became the woman who decided to assail Trump for accepting the Gold Star families' invitation to Arlington Cemetery, while she herself was nowhere to be found that day:

This provoked a furious backlash from the families, who defended Trump and ripped Harris in a series of videos posted to social media. Please take the time to watch these powerful, personal, angry statements:

Harris disrespected and disregarded these people for years, then decided to rub their noses in it for her own political purposes. They responded. Yet the Times frames the families as the partisan aggressors, being 'used' as Trump pawns. Disgusting. CNN is in on the act, too:

Democratz cannot be bothered with the little people, unless that is for a photo op with a protected class, illegals, queers, criminals


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Some even compared the accent on the left to "Foghorn Leghorn." But it certainly wasn't her normal speech.

It's a perfectly reasonable question to ask what the heck is wrong with a person when she does something like that.

At the White House briefing on Tuesday, Fox's Peter Doocy asked: Since when does Kamala Harris "have a Southern accent"? It just made White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lose her mind as she pretended not to "have any idea what the was talking about."

She tried to act like Doocy was making something up, much the same way the White House denied Biden's issues before he was nailed on them at the debate. "Do you hear the questions you're asking?" she exclaimed. It's all just people making things up. But KJP added another aspect, asking if he thought that people cared about such things.

"You know what they care about?" she asked. "They care about the economy. They care about lowering costs. They care about healthcare. That's what they care about." She then threw in democracy and freedom, too.

Yes, there's no doubt the American people care about a lot of those things, and Harris scores badly on those as well.

"I'm not even going to entertain," KJP said. "Hearing it just sounds so ridiculous."
