Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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CUTTING THEIR LOSSES? Kamala Harris Campaign Offloading Millions to Down-Ballot Races Across the Country

The Kamala Harris campaign, along with the Democrat National Committee (DNC) are offloading millions of campaign dollars to other down-ballot races across the country.

This is very telling. As you may recall, one of the reasons why panicked Democrats wanted to get Joe Biden out of the race is because they feared he would cause the party to lose control of the Senate and prevent them from regaining the House.

Why would they take millions away from the Harris campaign with such a short distance to the election?

Breitbart News reports:

Kamala Harris Campaign Reallocates Millions to Down-Ballot Races After Post-Convention Polling Stall
Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is setting a record, albeit one with questionable electoral benefits for Harris.
Harris’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are offloading nearly $25 million dollars to down-ballot races across the country in “an earlier investment and far more money than the top of the ticket has sent in past election years,” Politico reported.
The unprecedented reallocation comes as Harris’s campaign goes on defense after failing to achieve a post-convention bump taken for granted by most modern campaigns. Harris and her top surrogates were dispatched to blue states this week, where former President Donald Trump continues to show unexpected strength.
The down-ballot spending also follows a terrible week capped by the campaign’s trashing of 13 Gold Star families — an attack that blew up spectacularly.


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Kamala Claims to Have Always Had Only 'One Client' (LOL, Guess How THAT Went Over on Twitter)

At this point, it's not news that Kamala Harris isn't the sharpest marble in the bag. Everyone knows this already. Whether she is adopting the accent of a cartoon character (among her many other adopted fake accents), pretending to be on the phone to avoid questions, or trying to fake that she understands even the basics of an issue like 'climate change,' it has long been clear that maybe McDonald's is where her career should have remained.

What is surprising, however, is that Harris now has the full force of the Democrat party behind her, including a war chest of nearly half a billion dollars. And yet, with all of those consultants, advisors, publicists, media experts, and even Hollywood production people at her disposal, she continues to be simply the most cringe-worthy presidential candidate in history.

This afternoon, the Harris campaign put out a tweet for their principal -- no, Harris does not write her own tweets anymore than Joe Biden does -- that was just ...

Just ...

Well, take a look for yourselves and you'll see why we are temporarily speechless:

Good Lord. AYFKM?

Before we discuss this statement's monumental lie, let's gaze in wonder at its condescension. The implicit connotation here is that she is 'above' the lowly people. And that's accurate because she thinks she is. She wants us to be grateful for her majestic presence in our lives.

Thank you, Queen Kamala, for gracing us with your divine benevolence. [insert eye-rolling emoji here]

By the way, do you know who speaks like this? Sociopaths, that's who.

Correction: Supervillains and murderous tyrants in real life say things like this.

Aside from the megalomania, of course, there is the fact that Kamala Harris has only ever served one client: Kamala Harris.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Democrat Kamala Harris Surrogate RUNS TO Liberal Media And BACKSTABS Her On INSANE Economic Policy!​



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Liberal Men FUME Over Having Sexuality And Masculinity Questioned For Supporting Kamala Harris!​



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Kamala Harris's Banana Republic on Free Speech

In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN's Jake Tapper that social media companies "are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop."

Does it?

Every two-bit authoritarian in history has justified censoring its citizens as a way of protecting them from the menace of disinformation.

But social media sites, contra the reliably illiberal Harris, aren't "directly speaking" to anyone. Millions of individuals are interacting and speaking to millions of other individuals. Really, that's what grinds the modern left's gears: unsupervised conversations.


As the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once pointed out, "Every Banana Republic has a Bill of Rights." The question is: How close are we to being one?

Uncomfortably close is the answer.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted that senior Biden administration officials "repeatedly pressured" Facebook to "censor" COVID-19 content, including "humor and satire," during the pandemic. Zuckerberg vowed that he would never let his company be pushed around again. I'm sorry if we don't take him at his word.

Tech companies enjoy unencumbered free association rights and are free to keep or kick off anyone they desire from their platform, as they should. Before Musk's purchase of Twitter, now known as X, contemporary left-wingers celebrated the independence of social media platforms. "If you don't like it, build your own Twitter," they would say.

OK. But when corporations, who often spend tens of millions each year in Washington rent-seeking and lobbying for favorable regulations, take marching orders from state officials and giant federal bureaucracies on the contours of permissible speech, we have a big problem.

If presidential candidates truly cared about "democracy," they'd be advocating anti-cronyism laws and forbidding government officials from interfering with or pressuring private entities on speech.

But, these days, many Americans no longer view free expression as a neutral, liberal virtue worth defending. Foremost among them, apparently, is the Democratic presidential ticket.


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Harris Appears to Be Backing Away From EV Mandates

This is 2024, and public attitudes toward EV mandates and phasing out gas cars have changed considerably. Seventy percent of Americans oppose phasing out gas cars at any time while demand for EVs has cooled to the point that auto manufacturers around the world are reinvesting in hybrids rather than 100% electric vehicles.



This suggests that Harris is not only backing away from a position that she had previously supported, but one that President Joe Biden's administration put forward in new rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) earlier this year.
Some suggest that Harris' reasoning is nakedly political. "Vice President Harris is lying about her supposed opposition to an EV mandate," Sen. Pete Ricketts (R–Neb.) said in a statement. "This sudden reversal just months before the election is a pathetic and transparent attempt to distance herself from the unpopular EV mandates already being pushed by the Biden-Harris EPA."
In fairness, Harris' reasoning probably is less ideological than political: Polling conducted by the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, an oil industry trade group, indicates that most Americans—including a majority of Republicans and independents and a plurality of Democrats—oppose bans on gas-powered cars. The poll further found that majorities in eight battleground states oppose the bans by healthy margins, including Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—most or all of which Harris must win to become president.

Can Harris be trusted to continue to back away from these EV mandates and the phase-out of gas cars? Of course not. The pressure the green lobby can bring to bear on President Harris would be immense. Besides, Harris's record of blatant and frequent flip-flopping speaks to her inconstancy and her reliance on political expediency rather than possessing strong moral and philosophical underpinnings to her beliefs.

The market is determining where EVs are going. And it's not to Biden and Harris's liking.

"Many of our hybrids in the U.S. are now more profitable than their non-hybrid equivalent," Ford Motor Co. CEO Jim Farley said in May. "We should stop talking about it as transitional technology."

Harris's hair-on-fire approach to the climate change problem probably means that she will tell the market to go to hell and listen to the green wackos instead.