Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I see she made a pretty good cash haul in her first 24 hours. Let's see if this is just a bump or she can sustain it.


Well-Known Member
I read all of this, and I wonder what proportion of the general public is as stupid as the media that supports this crap.
President Biden if he isn't capable of running he isn't capable of serving.
Don't let that bother you: He hasn't served for years, just done what he was told to do by whoever is really running this country.
Alex Soros stepping out of the closet with his fiance' Huma Abedin to stump for Kamala.
Al Sharpton makes me gag. Calling other racist. What a laugh that is.
Joy Reid. How did anyone so racist and stupid get the job she has.?

IMO anyone who votes for Kamamal Harris for President is not only stupid but a Traitor.
Whoever runs her like Biden was run is trying to destroy America.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see that money coming in.
When they toss her out at the Convention that is more money that only she can use.


PREMO Member

No Matter How Hard She Tries, Kamala Harris Can’t Hide Her History Of Abortion Extremism

Even before she became VP, Harris had a notably anti-life track record.

During her time as California attorney general, Harris weaponized her authority to target a pro-life journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood for trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. She also pushed for and celebrated her state’s illegal and unconstitutional FACT Act, which, before the Supreme Court intervened in 2018, forced crisis pregnancy centers to tell their clients about how to get abortions.

As a senator, Harris sponsored, introduced, and voted for multiple bills that stripped protections for unborn babies and pro-lifers. In addition to co-sponsoring the original version of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” Harris voted against protections for babies born alive after botched abortions. The Democrat didn’t stop there.

In 2018, Harris introduced the “Do No Harm Act,” which aimed to effectively kneecap doctors with religious objections to abortions and transgender mutilations. The Act also sought to punish faith-based schools and charities for their views on birth control.

During her first failed presidential campaign, she touted a plan to stifle Republican-led states from enacting pro-life protections without approval from the politicized Department of Justice. Harris also demanded the repeal of the Hyde Amendment.



PREMO Member

92 Percent Of Kamala Harris’ Staff Left In Her First Three Years As VP

“Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff,” wrote OTB founder Adam Andrzejewski.“Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate.”

Payrolls provide further insight into the “staff exodus” in Harris’ office. As The Atlantic reported in October 2023, Harris’ communications director, national security adviser, chief of staff, and numerous aides left within a year and a half of her taking office in January 2021.

“Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees,” Andrzejewski wrote.

OTB’s investigation also revealed budget discrepancies and a lack of transparency from Harris’ office. As Andrzejewski said, “Kamala Harris, Office of Vice President, is committed to the opacity of its payrolls and all other office information.”


PREMO Member

Whether Harris Knew Of Biden’s Decline Or Didn’t, She’s Unfit To Be President

Harris had four years to do that, but she chose not to. She should have invoked the 25th Amendment after Biden’s repeated and obvious “gaffes” became a national security liability.

Biden called for a coup against Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2022, potentially escalating the war in Ukraine. Biden repeatedly struggled to walk up stairs, across a stage, or even off the debate stage unassisted. Biden called out for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., asking “Where’s Jackie?” Walorski passed away the previous month in a car accident.

Biden was even deemed too “sympathetic” and “elderly … with a poor memory” to be charged for mishandling classified documents.

All that’s to say, it was evident that Biden’s mental faculties were severely impeding his ability to carry out presidential duties.

Of course it’s still not a hopeless cause. Harris can still assemble the Cabinet and invoke the 25th Amendment. It would lend an ounce of credibility to Democrats’ coup. But it’s an unlikely scenario since Democrats don’t actually care about the good of the country. They just care about their electoral prospects, and leaving Biden in office doesn’t seem to impact their chances so much anymore.

Then there are the other possible explanations for Harris’ dereliction of duty, as pointed out by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, on X.



Well-Known Member
I read all of this, and I wonder what proportion of the general public is as stupid as the media that supports this crap.
President Biden if he isn't capable of running he isn't capable of serving.
Don't let that bother you: He hasn't served for years, just done what he was told to do by whoever is really running this country.
Alex Soros stepping out of the closet with his fiance' Huma Abedin to stump for Kamala.
Al Sharpton makes me gag. Calling other racist. What a laugh that is.
Joy Reid. How did anyone so racist and stupid get the job she has.?

IMO anyone who votes for Kamamal Harris for President is not only stupid but a Traitor.
Whoever runs her like Biden was run is trying to destroy America.
Joy Reid. How did anyone so racist and stupid get the job she has.?
Number 1 reason because she is a negro.