Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And then claim Republicans are a cult.
:lmao: Yeah... Others are the Cult.





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CBS Implies Kamala Harris Should Be Exempt From Criticism

The bitter Sunday afternoon announcement that President Joe Biden would end his reelection bid spurred hours of live network television coverage. With all that time to talk, it was guaranteed that the TV newsers would start worrying out loud about a new Kamala Harris presidential campaign.

CBS really demonstrated the protective liberal urges. The news wasn't two hours old before Robert Costa warned the Republican attacks were going to be "rough and tumble like we've never seen it." He received a text from Donald Trump Jr. "already attacking Vice President Harris, saying she owns the entire policy of President Biden, even more liberal, and he's saying she's not competent!"

Stop. What in that statement is rougher than we've ever seen? The Democrats and their staunch media allies compare Donald Trump to Hitler and other mass-murdering dictators. They explicitly call him an "existential threat" to democracy. How is it then "rough" to say Harris is ultraliberal and incompetent?


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing this idea of “codifying abortion laws” - presumably some kind of ruling from SCOTUS that will prohibit state laws on abortion.

Ok, is it my imagination or aren’t states making these kinds of laws because the voters WANT them to? Isn’t THAT democracy? Democratic is what the people choose whether YOU yourself like it or not. If the people want the death penalty back in a state - well, they make that choice. Or they rescind it.

The Dems don’t CARE what the people want IF they choose something different.

Years ago, my building used to throw an office party, and this woman would buy Popeye’s. Every year. Well the office got tired of it and had a vote - and it was pizza. Well the lady was pissed and took another vote with different options. Pizza. Did it two more times. Pizza. Guess what? We got Popeye’s. Because she was buying it through a discount and pocketed the extra. She didn’t want what the people chose. She chose for them.

That’s the Democratic party. It’s your choice unless you choose differently.


PREMO Member

The Morning Briefing: OK — It's Time to Focus on the Fact That Kamala Harris Is a Commie

My good friend Stephen Green wrote an excellent column (which I highlighted in "Shot of Vodka) yesterday explaining why conservative men should avoid going down that road. He explains in great detail how that can go off the rails. This is the point that stuck with me:

It also distracts from Harris's horrible policy record going back more than 20 years ago to her political start in the Bay Area. If there's one thing the Harris-[BLANK] campaign doesn't want to talk about, it's policy — not hers, not Joe's. Three-plus years of Bidenomics and foreign policy fails need to be hung around her neck like the fetid, decaying albatross they are. All else is distraction and almost certain to backfire with a voting group that can be swayed on policy.


Kamala Harris's political baggage has baggage of its own. There's enough to attack and tear apart there to last three elections. If the focus is on that, she won't be a political player for much longer.

The entire Democratic Party has lurched far to the left in the 21st century. Kamala Harris is on the left fringe of her already radically progressive party. My Townhall colleague Rebecca Downs writes that Harris's voting record while in the United States Senate put her to the left of Bernie Sanders.

Over at our sister site Bearing Arms, my friend Cam Edwards covers Harris's history of trying to take away the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, going back to her days in California.

Harris's greatest areas of vulnerability, of course, are her radical left policy positions on immigration and her disastrous tenure as Joe Biden's "Border Czar." The disaster on the southern border wrought by the Biden administration remains the number one issue in this election, regardless of who the Dem candidate is. The fact that Harris was the titular head presiding over the nightmare makes the attack ads write themselves.

Donald Trump has been locked in, keeping the border front and center in the campaign. He's going to make this rough going for the new Dem candidate.


PREMO Member

After Years Of Regaling VP As Border Czar, Media Claim Harris Was Never In Charge Of The Invasion

Biden first charged Harris with leading “our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border” in March 2021. At the time, he claimed the former California attorney general and senator was “the most qualified person to do it.”

Harris didn’t do much with the title and task. Yet, even her delayed first and only (and heavily staged) visit to the border received celebration from her allies in the press.

This kid-glove treatment intensified recently when corporate media accused those critical of Harris’ failure to do anything but exacerbate the Biden administration-incentivized invasion of making the VP a “convenient scapegoat.”

“Harris’s job was meant to be narrow,” The Wall Street Journal insisted, “and over the years Harris has fulfilled it by announcing tranches of private investments by companies like Pepsi, Cargill and Nestle in Central America.”

Axios insinuated in an X post on Wednesday that Republicans are wrong to point out Harris’ border failures because the Democrat “never actually had” the title border czar.


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PREMO Member
Black Lives Matter says Dems are 'party of hypocrites' for 'installing' Harris sans 'public voting process'

The left-wing organization Black Lives Matter is resisting the installation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic nominee and are calling on the Democratic National Convention "to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates."

🔥 But wait! A twist! Not every Democrat is buying the equivocation. In another bizarre, 2024-style turnaround, yesterday Black Lives Matter tweeted its strong objection to Vice President Cackle’s presumptive selection, stressing “we do not live in a dictatorship,” “delegates are not oligarchs,” and that selecting Kamala would make “the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.” I am not making this up, read it for yourself:

image 9.png

Ruh-roh! Somebody forgot to buy off Black Lives Matter! I bet I know where several million dollars of Kamala’s recent fund-raising is about to go.

As BLM cogently explained, voting involves “public participation in the nomination process,” not “just a nomination by party delegates.” You couldn’t ask for a better antidote to all this flim-flammery and equivocation than that single post from Black Lives Matter.

Please pass the popcorn.



PREMO Member

Liberal Media And Democrats DECLARE Trump Attacks Against Kamala Harris As HATE Campaign & RACISM!​
