Kanye West speaks for... who?


New Member
morganj614 said:
What dam? The city is surrounded by water, not just one dam. Who is 'they' that would not fund the dam you say needed fixing? I didn't hear the one professor talking about the one dam. The city is below sea level, there was no way to prevent this flooding from happening. Still you have no idea how long it takes to mobilize relief efforts. Trucks are not sitting somewhere waiting for disasters. The area is flooded, there was no way to get close to the area the next day. Don't open your mind too much more, the rest of your brain might slip out. The despair is what is causing the lawlessness. This could not have been prevented.
Stop diluting the libbys dilusions with facts Morgie!! Everyone knows that CAT 5 hurricanes hit the US every year and we should have been ready!!


New Member
not too technical

This is a thread - you know what I mean. They meaning federal funding. Damn meaning the system that's holding back the water. My mind is always open to different points of view to get the full story. I know how long it take to mobilize relief efforts - service men are all in my family and they are disgusted. Don't get too upset because my view and opinions are different than yours. :peace:

QUOTE=morganj614]What dam? The city is surrounded by water, not just one dam. Who is 'they' that would not fund the dam you say needed fixing? I didn't hear the one professor talking about the one dam. The city is below sea level, there was no way to prevent this flooding from happening. Still you have no idea how long it takes to mobilize relief efforts. Trucks are not sitting somewhere waiting for disasters. The area is flooded, there was no way to get close to the area the next day. Don't open your mind too much more, the rest of your brain might slip out. The despair is what is causing the lawlessness. This could not have been prevented.[/QUOTE]


New Member
Roses 4 Kanye...

yes hvp if I could I would send him flowers :lmao:

Kanye chose this oppurtunity to express his own emotional feelings on the situation...and you all may be shocked but....

this telathon was NOT the proper time to do it!!!

I totally see where he is coming from....but this was a telecast for people to give money and then they see a celeb up there talking bad about the president, beleive it or not, it could have affected some of the donations!! NOT A SMART MOVE.

But dude was emotionaly and obviously nervous because he wasn't reading from the telepromter at all. Kanye West is on the cover of Time magazine (for those of you so dumb that you dont know who he is.) He is a very important entertainer in the hip-hop industry. He delivers a strong message in his music one that has NOTHING to do with drugs, crime and guns. Before some of you speak bad about the man, maybe you need to find out why he is on a magazine cover that many of presidents have been on themselves (TIME).

His statements SHOULD have been made, who else is going to speak to the truth to america?? That place looks like Hotel Rwanda and its horrible!!! Haven't seen the movie?? go rent it!!! go see how tourists (white folk) were allowed to leave first over the black folk with sick women and children.

You all know how I feel on the issue...and I'll be more than happy to battle on Monday. But I had a feeling someone would bring Kanye's comments up on this board, because you all cannot handle the truth.

"Bush hates black people"

what he should've said was

"Bush hates poor black people."

That would've been more accurate.

Have a great day folks :peace:


New Member
alexis2 said:
It does not take 4 days for the U.S. to mobilize anything! We can start a war in 24 hours. They knew this storm was coming. There was no preparation before hand. When you have a major damn system like this there should always be a plan in place to first Prevent major destruction and also a contingency plan. Like I said before POLITICS money wasn't being allocated for this effort. Try watching MSNBC, Dateline and CNN.

OMFG, YOU do not have a clue. War is not started in 24 hours :lmao: I do logistics for the Navy and Marine Corps and the effort for war was underway looooong before it started. You are a simpleton in your thinking.
Whose politics? You said years, so that means both Dems and Reps politics..
The folks that could get out did and others refused. They were below sea level, what did they think would happen? The word is dam, not damn.
I watch the news but I happen to comprehend it. You live in your dream world, whatever makes you happy.
I refuse to continue to talk to someone that is clueless. You don't have a leg to stand on.


New Member

Thanks for pointing out the spelling error. I still don't believe you and see that you are upset. Did I touch a nerve that you normally don't show or communicate in public setitngs.

morganj614 said:
OMFG, YOU do not have a clue. War is not started in 24 hours :lmao: I do logistics for the Navy and Marine Corps and the effort for war was underway looooong before it started. You are a simpleton in your thinking.
Whose politics? You said years, so that means both Dems and Reps politics..
The folks that could get out did and others refused. They were below sea level, what did they think would happen? The word is dam, not damn.
I watch the news but I happen to comprehend it. You live in your dream world, whatever makes you happy.
I refuse to continue to talk to someone that is clueless. You don't have a leg to stand on.


Methodically disorganized
alexis2 said:
Damn meaning the system that's holding back the water.
It's not a "damn" (or a dam, even)... the flooding began when two crucial levees broke.

I would be fascinated to learn how you would have stopped Katrina's 155 mph winds from tearing everything to shreds.


New Member

HELLO - that's not the issue here. The issue is the city and federal government did not have a plan in place to help the people of that city. Not stopping Katrina.

hvp05 said:
It's not a "damn" (or a dam, even)... the flooding began when two crucial levees broke.

I would be fascinated to learn how you would have stopped Katrina's 155 mph winds from tearing everything to shreds.


New Member
alexis2 said:
Thanks for pointing out the spelling error. I still don't believe you and see that you are upset. Did I touch a nerve that you normally don't show or communicate in public setitngs.

Wow, I am only typing here and not upset. Like you I expressed an opinion. I am known for being slightly to the left and not criticizing the efforts as most are. I don't get upset here on an entertainment board, I save that for real life and family issues :lol:
I have no problem or trouble in communicating in a public setting. I saw what you said that was totally moronic and voiced my opinion.


New Member
alexis2 said:
HELLO - that's not the issue here. The issue is the city and federal government did not have a plan in place to help the people of that city. Not stopping Katrina.
People who disobey orders to evacuate have no expectation of assistance!!! Eff em!!! You reap what you sew. They'll get no sympathy from me!!!

Only the ones who obeyed deserve to be helped and they are being helped. They have 3 meals, A/C and a place to sleep. They are the ones who deserve my contributions Alexis (yes I did contribute).


Methodically disorganized
alexis2 said:
HELLO - that's not the issue here. The issue is the city and federal government did not have a plan in place to help the people of that city. Not stopping Katrina.
Yeah, and I'm not the only one that found the errancy irritating. What else are you errant about?


Princess of Mean
I felt bad for Mike Myers standing next to that retard. That particular venue was NOT intended for morons to spew their hate. I didn't even know what that fool is famous for.
By the way, in pointing out spelling errors: You can't expect to be taken seriously if you can't intelligently communicate your views. If you spell like a retard, you must BE a retard. Welcome to the Intarweb, retard.


New Member
alexis2 said:
HELLO - that's not the issue here. The issue is the city and federal government did not have a plan in place to help the people of that city. Not stopping Katrina.

Maybe if your facts and communicating skills were better, we would understand your point ...not.
Time to get moving and enjoy the day! Y'all have a good one:huggy:


Methodically disorganized
Qpid said:
You all know how I feel on the issue...and I'll be more than happy to battle on Monday. But I had a feeling someone would bring Kanye's comments up on this board, because you all cannot handle the truth.
:killingme It's so funny when you talk down about peoples' intelligence. And I thought the "News and Current Events" section was for discussing just that. What else would you expect to find here?


Obama destroyed America
hvp05 said:
:killingme It's so funny when you talk down about peoples' intelligence. And I thought the "News and Current Events" section was for discussing just that. What else would you expect to find here?
Siince I have ole Stupid on iggy, I saw the morons quote in your post. I find it amusing that her and 1-2 others that feel that ALL of us cannot handle the truth... :killingme


Princess of Mean
Another Kayne Westism: The white man done invented the HIV virus to give the black man da aids, quoted from the Live 8 concert. Looks like this tard has always been stupid, and maybe Alexis2 was in that party of idiots at Applebees.


Methodically disorganized
Hello6 said:
Another Kayne Westism: The white man done invented the HIV virus to give the black man da aids, quoted from the Live 8 concert. Looks like this tard has always been stupid, and maybe Alexis2 was in that party of idiots at Applebees.
I think you're playing on a different field than most others here. I honestly don't know about West at all; this thread is about his specific comments last night. Whatever other hostilities you are harboring may be better delivered somewhere else.


New Member
Nickel said:
Kanye isn't a gangsta thug. I don't know where the party was hosted, the article I found didn't say either. I assume it's like the other celebrity parties, and he rented a house and threw a party. Just sucks that he invited an ex-con who ended up screwing it all up by getting shot. :lol:

for those right wing republicans who are uneducated and mis informed Knye West is a very respectable young blak man who won several grammys last year, I KNOW his father who happens to live in Hollywood Md, but for those who love newt,Bush, Cheney and Pat Robertson and have spoken in this forum you show your ignorance and restrictions on free speech :patriot:


Princess of Mean
hvp05 said:
I think you're playing on a different field than most others here. I honestly don't know about West at all; this thread is about his specific comments last night. Whatever other hostilities you are harboring may be better delivered somewhere else.

It is relevant, because it shows a history of West's inappropriate commentary at charity venues, and I was bringing up a previous thread where a SOMDr's hubby overheard that same comment at Applebee's. My hostilities are right where they belong.