Kanye West speaks for... who?


Methodically disorganized
somdcrab said:
for those right wing republicans who are uneducated and mis informed Knye West is a very respectable young blak man who won several grammys last year, I KNOW his father who happens to live in Hollywood Md, but for those who love newt,Bush, Cheney and Pat Robertson and have spoken in this forum you show your ignorance and restrictions on free speech
Perhaps you should borrow Vrai's copy of Intellectual Morons. Even the most "respectable", good people can become deluded. There is such a thing as speaking "in the right place at the right time", which is something West grossly neglected, not to mention speaking ignorantly about Bush's philosophies. It's not about free speech whatsoever.


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
I personally believe there was not much more that could have been done before the storm. Two days before the storm the Govenors of LA and MS (I believe AL, also) asked the Pres. to declare a state of emergency--which was done. This enablied the movement and pre-placement of many diferent entities and supplies--which was done.
Two days out, the storm didn't encompass the large area it did. The forcast of the eye was to hit NO, LA but with the storm being two days out there was a wide margin of error of where the eye would hit. The storm increased in size and intensity rapidly--resulting in an increased area of damage which would take place at landfall.
Where to pre-position all the relief assests? The area of destruction would surely be huge!

As for the levey system in NO, LA--Yes it has been known that it was possible a CAT 4 or 5 storm could comprimise the integrity of the system. Up until the last few years did engineers/researchers really know. Even if they were given the necessary funding to strengthen the levy system and had started work then, it wouldn't do any good yet. It would be several years from know when it would have been completed.

As for the current situation in NO, LA--80% of the city is under water! WTF else could be done which has not already?!?!


Methodically disorganized
Hello6 said:
It is relevant, because it shows a history of West's inappropriate commentary at charity venues, and I was bringing up a previous thread where a SOMDr's hubby overheard that same comment at Applebee's. My hostilities are right where they belong.
Well, the statement, "The white man done invented the HIV virus to give the black man da aids, quoted from the Live 8 concert" reads as more than suspicious. If you have a certified source, then okay.


New Member
somdcrab said:
for those right wing republicans who are uneducated and mis informed Knye West is a very respectable young blak man who won several grammys last year, I KNOW his father who happens to live in Hollywood Md, but for those who love newt,Bush, Cheney and Pat Robertson and have spoken in this forum you show your ignorance and restrictions on free speech :patriot:

Why are you picking on a political group so vehemently? My politics don't match alot of others on this board, but it's time to stop casting political stones and get it together for relief to those folks. It's not just N O, it's a vast portion of the Gulf Coast.
Just because someone had a few Grammy's does not make him respectable, except in the eyes of a few music exec's.
So what if his dad lives in Hollywood? I see no restriction here on free speech. It looks like everyone is voicing their opinion just fine.


New Member
somdcrab said:
for those right wing republicans who are uneducated and mis informed Knye West is a very respectable young blak man who won several grammys last year, I KNOW his father who happens to live in Hollywood Md, but for those who love newt,Bush, Cheney and Pat Robertson and have spoken in this forum you show your ignorance and restrictions on free speech :patriot:
Oh look, an elementary student wants to participate. :killingme

Wait, the elementary students I know can present a comprehensible thought through text. :duh:


New Member
TWL said:
I personally believe there was not much more that could have been done before the storm. Two days before the storm the Govenors of LA and MS (I believe AL, also) asked the Pres. to declare a state of emergency--which was done. This enablied the movement and pre-placement of many diferent entities and supplies--which was done.
Two days out, the storm didn't encompass the large area it did. The forcast of the eye was to hit NO, LA but with the storm being two days out there was a wide margin of error of where the eye would hit. The storm increased in size and intensity rapidly--resulting in an increased area of damage which would take place at landfall.
Where to pre-position all the relief assests? The area of destruction would surely be huge!

As for the levey system in NO, LA--Yes it has been known that it was possible a CAT 4 or 5 storm could comprimise the integrity of the system. Up until the last few years did engineers/researchers really know. Even if they were given the necessary funding to strengthen the levy system and had started work then, it wouldn't do any good yet. It would be several years from know when it would have been completed.

As for the current situation in NO, LA--80% of the city is under water! WTF else could be done which has not already?!?!


Methodically disorganized
Hey, H6!

"And I thought you had a semblance of intelligence"

I think I do have a semblance of that precious commodity. That's why I am trying to stay balanced and within the scope of yesterday's incident. You want to draw in other issues that are questionable in both motivation and validity.


Methodically disorganized
I was considering this line more closely: "West... declared that government authorities are intentionally dragging their feet on aid to the Gulf Coast. Without getting specific, he added, 'They've given them permission to go down and shoot us.'"

This thought came up early when the Guard began heading down there. A high-rank military official was questioned [in an FNC interview] about the Guard's P&P's regarding shooting a perpetrator. He explicitly stated they could only shoot in "life or death" confrontations; they are at least as strict as the local police force, if not moreso. He made it clear that a Guardsman could not shoot someone simply for carrying stolen merchandise or running from apprehension; "It's not the way they work."

So, all the dolts that believe people are being shot left and right need to wise up. There may indeed be questionable incidents, but the official protocol is quite strict. More strict than I probably would be...


The Smart Hooker
I'm just wondering why people are blaming Bush and FEMA? As I see it, I think it was the Mayor and other elected officials in the N.O's responsibility to take care of their own people first.


New Member
meme said:
I'm just wondering why people are blaming Bush and FEMA? As I see it, I think it was the Mayor and other elected officials in the N.O's responsibility to take care of their own people first.
Ed Zachary!!! An official on FNC just commented that the city spent the $$ on new casino's, a private jet and new hotels vs. upgrading the levee's.


The Smart Hooker
Mikeinsmd said:
Ed Zachary!!! An official on FNC just commented that the city spent the $$ on new casino's, a private jet and new hotels vs. upgrading the levee's.

I haven't even seen any video of the Mayor out in the streets talking to the people or doing anything to help. Least after 9/11 old Rudy was out there immediately.


New Member
meme said:
I haven't even seen any video of the Mayor out in the streets talking to the people or doing anything to help. Least after 9/11 old Rudy was out there immediately.
There was commentary if they'd task Rudy to come down & take control!!! Good man he is!! :yay:


Well-Known Member
Qpid said:
yes hvp if I could I would send him flowers :lmao:

Kanye chose this oppurtunity to express his own emotional feelings on the situation...and you all may be shocked but....

this telathon was NOT the proper time to do it!!!

I totally see where he is coming from....but this was a telecast for people to give money and then they see a celeb up there talking bad about the president, beleive it or not, it could have affected some of the donations!! NOT A SMART MOVE.

But dude was emotionaly and obviously nervous because he wasn't reading from the telepromter at all. Kanye West is on the cover of Time magazine (for those of you so dumb that you dont know who he is.) He is a very important entertainer in the hip-hop industry. He delivers a strong message in his music one that has NOTHING to do with drugs, crime and guns. Before some of you speak bad about the man, maybe you need to find out why he is on a magazine cover that many of presidents have been on themselves (TIME).

His statements SHOULD have been made, who else is going to speak to the truth to america?? That place looks like Hotel Rwanda and its horrible!!! Haven't seen the movie?? go rent it!!! go see how tourists (white folk) were allowed to leave first over the black folk with sick women and children.

You all know how I feel on the issue...and I'll be more than happy to battle on Monday. But I had a feeling someone would bring Kanye's comments up on this board, because you all cannot handle the truth.

"Bush hates black people"

what he should've said was

"Bush hates poor black people."

That would've been more accurate.

Have a great day folks :peace:

Qpid, good Monday morning to you.

Get yourself some bubble gum and a soda pop, you are in for a read.

First you need to know my stance:

I am not a Republican. I dislike the Republican Party and despise the Democrat Party.

Bush One sucked. Bush II sucks just as bad.

I fought hard in my miniscule sphere of influence to help put the repubs in power in 94. And now that they are in power, what are they? Crap. Pure crap, with a capital C. Correct me if I am wrong, but Bush has not vetoed one single spending bill in his 5 years of power. He gives plenty of lip service to his base, but his every action has been that of a liberal. The Republicans have spent like drunken sailors in a whore house district. They refuse to close our borders while illegals swarm across like locusts. They have bloated government to proportions Clinton would not have dared to attempt. They have massively increased welfare. They have increased the trade deficit. They are allowing the UN to have more power over us, when it should be slapped out of existence. ( I am surprised however that you do not adore him, for he is on your side, Qpid).

And I haven't even gotten warmed up.

Today's republican party is infested with liberals, and the democrat party is nothing but a bunch of Marxists. I am fed up with both parties. Everyone in government should be fired. New candidates should be put up. New
government employees should be hired. Term limits should be no longer than 2 terms for anyone.

Our government is horribly corrupted. Both Dems and Repubs.

Now, this statement: "Bush hates poor black people." Yes, I believe he does. I also believe you do, too. And all others that are, and will in days to come jump on the race card wagon. I know what I am talking about.

I do not know you, Qpid. Not sure if what you post here, if it to be taken seriously, or for effect. Either way, just expressing my opinion on what you care to share.

Not sure if you will care to answer me, but here goes, why are there poor people? Why do poor people remain poor?

I believe that most of those peeps who stayed are peeps who have lived off government all their lives, and counted on government to protect them. I have also believed that line of thinking is a big mistake. Well, guess what?

That hurricane could not have had worse timing for one living off the dole. It was the end of the month. Welfare checks are in the mailbox on the 1st. The local government declared a mandatory evacuation and even sent busses to the poverty sections of town. They refused to leave because they wanted to be there to pick up their welfare checks on the 1st.

THAT is what liberalism has done to our country. It has made people utterly dependent on government, which is the worst thing a person could do.

There is much blame to go around for everyone on this. But the bulk of it rests on liberalism.

You and others can hide behind the mask of "you're helping them", but I will call you, in your face, a LIAR!

Why all the upset? Nothing is going to change for these people as they knew it. They will still get their checks, they will still be taken care of. Hell, actually they will have brand new homes to live in. FEMA will do like they did in Florida, they sit up trailer parks, there they will be able to live as they always have.

You call that sweet? I call it hateful.
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Methodically disorganized
Homesick said:
Nothing is going to change for these people as they knew it. They will still get their checks, they will still be taken care of. Hell, actually they will have brand new homes to live in.
I've been wondering... where is Jimmy Carter offering the full resources of HFH to build them all new homes?


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Ed Zachary!!! An official on FNC just commented that the city spent the $$ on new casino's, a private jet and new hotels vs. upgrading the levee's.

:yeahthat: Apparently, the NO city council debated upgrading the levees during the mid '70s. They didn't. Instead they spent $600,000,000 to build the Superdome. Maybe people should ask the Saints what was wrong with Tulane Stadium!


Mikeinsmd said:
:deadhorse Go read the entire thread I posted then come back and post something that hasn't already been worn out.


Why didn't slick Willie give em $$ to fix the levies???

I wonder what natural disaster BushCo will release next?? :lol:
I think I read somewhere that he's cutting welfare dollars to subsidize a weather machine.


Mikeinsmd said:
Yea, his tsunami maker 3000 is on the fritz!! :lol:
If he really cared about those people he would have used his deep freeze machine to freeze all that water so the refugees could skate to safety!<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxdm824YYUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_26.gif' border=0></a>