Kanye West speaks for... who?


Methodically disorganized
remaxrealtor said:
If he really cared about those people he would have used his deep freeze machine to freeze all that water so the refugees could skate to safety!
Are ice skates regularly available for retail purchase (or, currently, looting) in the deep South?

Personally, if I were in Bush's position, with that fancy weather-maker and all, I would have directed Katrina due west to end up on the Texas/Mexico border. The Rio Grande rises by 15 ft. and becomes a torrent. Make things a little more interesting. If the storm must hit somewhere it may as well be useful.


Well-Known Member
hvp05 said:
Personally, if I were in Bush's position, with that fancy weather-maker and all, I would have directed Katrina due west to end up on the Texas/Mexico border. The Rio Grande rises by 15 ft. and becomes a torrent. Make things a little more interesting. If the storm must hit somewhere it may as well be useful.

But then where would we get all those people on the side of the road so I can buy flowers for my wife? Huh? Where?


I bowl overhand
I wondered after two or three days of total bumbling by the local government whey the feds didn't dome in and take charge.. Read the Post for some enlightening news.. Bush attempted to take over the emergency but both the governor (with help and advice from a Clinton FEMA appointee) and the mayor blocked the Feds from taking over, and when they were on the ground refused to do things their way.. So now they can be in charge, and blame Bush for all of their failings. while their own consituents suffer and die.


I bowl overhand
somdcrab said:
for those right wing republicans who are uneducated and mis informed Knye West is a very respectable young blak man who won several grammys last year, I KNOW his father who happens to live in Hollywood Md, but for those who love newt,Bush, Cheney and Pat Robertson and have spoken in this forum you show your ignorance and restrictions on free speech :patriot:
WOW he won a grammy or two and NOW he's respected and considered INTELLIGENT!??? Where do Grammys rate say along the side of the Nobel?? Or the Pulitzer?? Just because he has talent (THIS I am assuming) does not make one SMART, OR respectable.. it just makes them rich. Now Obama should be RESPECTED.. Condoleeza should be respected.. Powell definetly.. VERY smart respectable, educated people..


The Smart Hooker
itsbob said:
I wondered after two or three days of total bumbling by the local government whey the feds didn't dome in and take charge.. Read the Post for some enlightening news.. Bush attempted to take over the emergency but both the governor (with help and advice from a Clinton FEMA appointee) and the mayor blocked the Feds from taking over, and when they were on the ground refused to do things their way.. So now they can be in charge, and blame Bush for all of their failings. while their own consituents suffer and die.

Last night on the news they had an interview with the Mayor of New Orleans. He said since the Governor and President doesn't want to do anything, delegate him to get the work done. :lol:

This is coming from a man that I have not seen once outside helping victims, pass out food and water, help with getting people to shelter. Yet all his interviews he's in a building and his home with lights, A/C and I'm sure he's eating very well.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
itsbob said:
Read the Post for some enlightening news.. Bush attempted to take over the emergency but both the governor (with help and advice from a Clinton FEMA appointee) and the mayor blocked the Feds from taking over, and when they were on the ground refused to do things their way.. So now they can be in charge, and blame Bush for all of their failings. while their own consituents suffer and die.
That WAS an eye opening article on Sunday.
The hierarchy for a natural disaster is:
1)city town etc
2)county, or parish in this case
4)federal (if accepted by the state)

The federal government is NOT the first line of relief for this type of disaster.


New Member
Homesick said:
Qpid, good Monday morning to you.

Get yourself some bubble gum and a soda pop, you are in for a read.

First you need to know my stance:

I am not a Republican. I dislike the Republican Party and despise the Democrat Party.

Bush One sucked. Bush II sucks just as bad.

I fought hard in my miniscule sphere of influence to help put the repubs in power in 94. And now that they are in power, what are they? Crap. Pure crap, with a capital C. Correct me if I am wrong, but Bush has not vetoed one single spending bill in his 5 years of power. He gives plenty of lip service to his base, but his every action has been that of a liberal. The Republicans have spent like drunken sailors in a whore house district. They refuse to close our borders while illegals swarm across like locusts. They have bloated government to proportions Clinton would not have dared to attempt. They have massively increased welfare. They have increased the trade deficit. They are allowing the UN to have more power over us, when it should be slapped out of existence. ( I am surprised however that you do not adore him, for he is on your side, Qpid).

And I haven't even gotten warmed up.

Today's republican party is infested with liberals, and the democrat party is nothing but a bunch of Marxists. I am fed up with both parties. Everyone in government should be fired. New candidates should be put up. New
government employees should be hired. Term limits should be no longer than 2 terms for anyone.

Our government is horribly corrupted. Both Dems and Repubs.

Now, this statement: "Bush hates poor black people." Yes, I believe he does. I also believe you do, too. And all others that are, and will in days to come jump on the race card wagon. I know what I am talking about.

I do not know you, Qpid. Not sure if what you post here, if it to be taken seriously, or for effect. Either way, just expressing my opinion on what you care to share.

Not sure if you will care to answer me, but here goes, why are there poor people? Why do poor people remain poor?

I believe that most of those peeps who stayed are peeps who have lived off government all their lives, and counted on government to protect them. I have also believed that line of thinking is a big mistake. Well, guess what?

That hurricane could not have had worse timing for one living off the dole. It was the end of the month. Welfare checks are in the mailbox on the 1st. The local government declared a mandatory evacuation and even sent busses to the poverty sections of town. They refused to leave because they wanted to be there to pick up their welfare checks on the 1st.

THAT is what liberalism has done to our country. It has made people utterly dependent on government, which is the worst thing a person could do.

There is much blame to go around for everyone on this. But the bulk of it rests on liberalism.

You and others can hide behind the mask of "you're helping them", but I will call you, in your face, a LIAR!

Why all the upset? Nothing is going to change for these people as they knew it. They will still get their checks, they will still be taken care of. Hell, actually they will have brand new homes to live in. FEMA will do like they did in Florida, they sit up trailer parks, there they will be able to live as they always have.

You call that sweet? I call it hateful.

Well its Tuesday morning!! And I'll be more than happy to respond Homesick!

Grab some popcorn :popcorn: Cause not only will what I have to say get you riled up but I have a fan club of monsters who just hate when I make sense and their wagon is about to break so many people jump on it. :lmao: You can usually tell who isn't on that bandwagon if you see their karma in red. :lol:

What you said in the beginning in regards to how you feel about repubs and demos is your opinion. Yes the gov't is highly screwed up. But who puts these people in office?? So the American people are to blame for their leaders corrupt ways.

But my comments were soley about Kanye West & George Bush....what president loves poor people? They can't do shyt for his term....Kanye only brought to the front what George and his admin was trying to push to the back. Poor people aren't helping America because America isn't helping them. Why are people poor? From job cuts, tax breaks for the rich, budget cuts for social services that the poor and elderly need... Dont get me wrong...there are many of people who are poor because they "choose" to be by not following the American dream and going out and doing whats needed to have a proper income. Those people deserve no sympathy from me. Are those people in N.O.??? Perhaps. But the census has already shown that the poverty level in that town was almost 50%!! This isn't a 3rd world country. Why do we have people in our own country living this way? Jobs that dont even pay you enough to survive. Most were living paycheck to paycheck, and had no savings to even get out of town. Who is to blame for this?? If you live in a town where no one is bringin jobs for you to work at, and no one is paying you a decent amount, you are forced to make ends meet. When a disaster comes....your an American with a leader who is suppose to be there when your shyt falls through!! George Bush did not!!! And dont even get me started on the FEMA director and his credentials. :rolleyes: Counting on yoru gov't to protect you when you cannot is a wrong line of thinking you say??? I highly disagree. What sense does it make to have no pity on those who cannot do for themselves because of the position their local/state/govt officials have put them in? Blame the politicians!!!

Your welfare check comment was totally uncalled for. The majority that did not leave were old. They said they were born here and raised here and would rather die here. Right out of a movie isn't it?? Welfare is to provide for those who cannot do for themselves, they are living in poverty. There is nothing wrong with EXPECTING your gov't to be there for you. Whats wrong is not wanting them to stop helping you...

Helping anyone who could not prevent Hurrican Katrina from tearing apart families, and whats left of their emotional & financial development is what the gov't is suppose to do.

People pay taxes for a reason to help out those less fortunate.


people pay taxes for a reason to help out those less fortunate.[/QUOTE]
You have got to be fing kidding me!?! I have spent a great deal of time in NO and I can tell you, this is the way these people choose to live. I love the city and the people, and my heart goes out to them, but that is not why we pay taxes you moron.

You are telling me that if I go out and bust my azz every day and make an excellent income for it I am supposed to be paying 20 some percent of that income to help those who choose to do nothing for themselves, or society as a whole?


The Smart Hooker
I'm just wondering when the LOCAL government is going to take responsibility? The Federal Gov can't just take over a state and their government. Apparently the Mayor and the rest of the local officials are not spending the money wisely.


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
people pay taxes for a reason to help out those less fortunate.
You have got to be fing kidding me!?! I have spent a great deal of time in NO and I can tell you, this is the way these people choose to live. I love the city and the people, and my heart goes out to them, but that is not why we pay taxes you moron.

You are telling me that if I go out and bust my azz every day and make an excellent income for it I am supposed to be paying 20 some percent of that income to help those who choose to do nothing for themselves, or society as a whole?[/QUOTE]

You have no choice. Your an American. The day you can choose were your tax money goes...let me know :lmao:

The gov't dispurses that money for those in need. There would be no welfare without taxes.


New Member
meme said:
I'm just wondering when the LOCAL government is going to take responsibility? The Federal Gov can't just take over a state and their government. Apparently the Mayor and the rest of the local officials are not spending the money wisely.

You have your information WRONG.

The local gov't forseen this happening back in 2001 and asked for help.

Go do some research and find out what the gov't reply was. :whistle:


Qpid said:
You have your information WRONG.

The local gov't forseen this happening back in 2001 and asked for help.

Go do some research and find out what the gov't reply was. :whistle:
Their response was $600,000,000. Hence the Superdome....


The Smart Hooker
Qpid said:
You have your information WRONG.

The local gov't forseen this happening back in 2001 and asked for help.

Go do some research and find out what the gov't reply was. :whistle:

As of her last meeting with President Bush, Gov. Blanco was asked if the Federal Government could take over. Her reply....NO! She continued to say that the National Guard was doing a good enough job on their own. Apparently NOT!!!!!


I bowl overhand
Qpid said:
You have your information WRONG.

The local gov't forseen this happening back in 2001 and asked for help.

Go do some research and find out what the gov't reply was. :whistle:
How many times were they given money for different purposes relating to the flooding and levees, and they spent the money on something else? How many times should the Government give them money to see it squandered an something other then what it was for?

Which presidency are we talking aobut? Clinton, BushI BushII, Reagan.. this isn't a TODAY thing, this has been going on for DECADES, and each president tried to do something, and everytime they got rebuked, and the money they sent spent on something other then what it was intended.. story out there about communication systems, money earmarked for satellite phines and radios.. money sent, but being a parrish they couldn't tell them they HAD to spend it on radios and phones, and they didn't they bought a fleet of F-150 pick-up trucks that are now sitting under water.. Last few years alone, over 10 million dollars were sent for disaster preparation, and they squandered it all on something other then what it was intended.. So don't blame Bush, or Clinton.. or Reagan, or Roosevelt,


Nothing to see here
Qpid said:
The local gov't forseen this happening back in 2001 and asked for help.

Was it 2001 when the local govt realized they were under sea level?

I think you need to look into where money went over the years that the feds gave NO for disaster prep.