But when it came time for Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy to ask his question, it was specifically about remarks Biden himself made in 2020 where he declared that the bruising Democrat presidential primary
should not turn into a "negative bloodbath."
"So when Donald Trump is talking about a 'bloodbath,' it is 'violent rhetoric,'" Doocy said. "What was it when Joe Biden said in 2020, 'What we can’t let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath'?"
What happened next was Jean-Pierre seeming to do the equivalent of a computer reboot in real time, while suggesting at one point later that "context" was needed, though the Biden White House has never cared about context when it comes to Donald Trump.
Doocy had to repeat the question several times, and it was never directly answered by a flustered Jean-Pierre, who twice called it "disingenuous" to ask.