Karine Jean-Pierre New WHPS


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Well, maybe we shouldn’t try to rate ‘crazy’ on a scale. I’ve often remarked how 2024 is, well, a unique year, a year of unexpected and unpredictable disclosures. But, even though I thought I was prepared for anything, I didn’t see this coming. I am not making this story up.

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During yesterday’s White House Press Briefing, Fox News’ Peter Doocey got to ask a question he’d probably been waiting to ask for his entire career:

“Why is President Biden saying that his uncle was eaten by cannibals?”

The overused descriptor “clown world” is wretchedly insufficient to adequately depict the shocking reality of questions like Peter’s cannibal inquiry being relevant in any way to the most powerful empire in Earth history.

But it’s so much worse than that. Allow me to explain.

It all started on Wednesday. Joe Biden was speaking — or more accurately, mumbling — at a campaign event in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He had just come from a photo-op stop at the Scranton Veterans Memorial Park, where his uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr.’s name is reported to be listed on a memorial wall.

So Joe disclosed — for the first time anywhere, ever — the tasteless story of his Uncle Finnegan’s tragic last meal. I’ll let Joe tell his own story in this clip, while he was also giving his best impression of a recently-exhumed talking corpse:

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CLIP: Joe Biden tells the sad culinary story of Uncle Bosey (0:32).

Since Joe’s mumbling can be hard to stomach, here’s the story’s short recipe:

“And my uncle, they called him Ambrose, then Brosey. They called him Bosey. My Uncle Bosey. He’s a hell of an athlete, they tell me, when he was a kid.
And he became an Army Air Corps, before the Air Force came along. He flew those single-engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones. And he got shot down in New Guinea. And, uh, they never found the body, because there used to be, there are a lot of cannibals — for real — in that part of New Guinea.”

For real. Let us pause to momentarily recall Air Corps pilot Uncle Bosey’s selfless sacrifice. He literally gave it all for his country, life and limb. Or, limbs. Apparently.

The headlines generated by this tasteless new Biden family anecdote are, well, indescribable. Not to mention unbelievable. Only in 2024. Some enterprising reporters thought to ring the New Guineans, to find out what they thought about being accused of chowing down on the Leader of the Free World’s maternal relative. The gastronomic headline from yesterday’s UK Daily Mail pushed back:

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Maybe they were just hungry? Here in the states, the compliant U.S. corporate media seasoned Biden’s esculent family history with a soupçon of delicate, or delectable, skepticism:

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According to the Intelligencer’s article, the U.S. Army’s official records on Uncle Bosey’s final flight don’t precisely match up with President Robert L. Peters’ newfound culinary recollections:

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Returning now to Peter Doocey’s question, posed to ultra-diverse Press Secretary Karine Von Damme, who answered by snapping hungrily at Doocey while refusing to address the meat of the reporter’s savory inquiry:

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Well, what should we expect her to say? A Biden divided against itself cannot stand. Even if served with spicy collard greens.

Much could be said — and is being said — about Uncle Bosey’s unfortunate terminal destination in a crock pot. Biden defenders gamely suggested the Resident was merely regurgitating long-standing family lore, passed at the kitchen table, which was heretofore concealed under the gravy of history.

Why are we only hearing about this historically delicious story now?

AP File Photo (not Uncle Bosey)

I hope that one day, after he is no longer using it, there are plans to study Biden’s brain. Which arguably could begin anytime.



PREMO Member

Karine Jean-Pierre References Charlottesville When Confronted About Pro-Hamas Chants

"I get you don't want to go into specifics, but what does the president think about young people in America, saying things like 'We are all Hamas' and 'Long live Hamas,'" Fox News' Peter Doocy asked about the protest.

"Can--I will say--look, this is a president that has been, uh, since he's been in office, and the reason why he ran has been very clear about what he witnessed in Charlottesville. Let's not forget what we saw the antisemitism, the bigotry, the hate that we saw in the street of Charlottesville, which, as I just stated, was one of the reasons that he decided to run," Jean-Pierre shared, speaking about the event which took place almost seven years ago now.

Further, when it comes to how President Joe Biden has referenced that it was that antisemitic and racist rally in Charlottesville that made him run, he's also had a habit of doing so by referencing narratives that were debunked years ago, specifically that when former and potentially future President Donald Trump said there were "fine people on both sides," he was describing white supremacists and neo-Nazis as "fine people."



Well-Known Member
White House defends Biden's claim his uncle was eaten by cannibals: 'We should not make jokes'

Don't make jokes about a bizarre ranting of our President when you know its not true.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a couple cannibals start showing up at Biden rallies to protest.

Might look like the KKK dressed people that George Conway's group sent to a Youngkin rally.


PREMO Member

Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

While Jean-Pierre isn’t going anywhere, the issues that brought about Dunn’s failed machinations remain — with both sources saying the press secretary is too reliant on notes to provide the pushback and quick-thinking repartee needed to effectively champion Biden’s cause.

“Karine doesn’t have an understanding of the issues and she reads the book [binder] word-for-word,” said the second source, adding that the situation is made worse by the fact that “she thinks she’s doing an amazing job.”

“She doesn’t have a grasp of the issues and doesn’t spend the time to learn,” this person said.

“These issues are not second nature to people. Israel and Gaza is a perfect example. It’s very nuanced. Jen would have calls with people to feel well-versed enough to go to the briefing.”

“There’s an enormous amount of work that goes into getting ready,” the first source said, “and consistently she does not put in that level of work.”


Dunning Kruger ... Too Fuc king Stupid to know she is in over her head


PREMO Member

Top Biden Aides Didn't Have Anything Nice to Say About Karine Jean-Pierre: Report

"'There was an effort to have some outside folks who Karine knows and trusts talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career,'" one Post source explained. It was an attempted coup to "find Karine a graceful exit" due to the "ugly optics" of removing the first black and first openly gay White House press secretary. The Biden White House, after all, is as identity-obsessed as they come.

The Post's source emphasized that forcing out Jean-Pierre presented a "huge diversity issue" and the White House is "afraid of what folks are going to say."


Well-Known Member


PREMO Member
Egypt has been blocking the passage of aid trucks into Gaza ever since Israel seized control of the Rafah Crossing, on the Egyptian-Gaza border, last week. Egypt opposes Israel’s operation in Gaza to defeat the last Hamas battalions.
On Wednesday, Jake Turx, the White House correspondent for the Orthodox Jewish magazine Ami, asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to react to Egypt’s actions. Jean-Pierre appeared to dodge the question.

“We’re going to continue to have those diplomatic conversations,” Jean-Pierre said, without adding any additional commentary on the need for Egypt to help move humanitarian aid through the border crossing and into Gaza.

Asked a follow-up question about how Egypt justified blocking humanitarian aid, Jean-Pierre said that she would not go into detail about diplomatic conversations, but could only reaffirm an American commitment to aid entering Gaza.

Egypt has refused to accept Palestinian refugees from the war, closing the border and fortifying a border wall to prevent Palestinians from entering Egypt as a result of the conflict launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Egypt needs to go on the list with Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria.
Why? Al Sisi kicked the Brotherhood's arse and has people working diligently to keep them down. The overall improvement in the economy and, especially, tourism is the result. He has as little use for Hamas as the Israelis..


Beloved Misanthrope
Why? Al Sisi kicked the Brotherhood's arse and has people working diligently to keep them down. The overall improvement in the economy and, especially, tourism is the result. He has as little use for Hamas as the Israelis..
If they weren't in the bag for Hamas, they'd have helped step on them from the other end.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
If they weren't in the bag for Hamas, they'd have helped step on them from the other end.
That's the balancing act he's got to deal with. There are plenty of Hamas-types in Egypt that want him dead.

There is a Presidential Palace within the confines of the Ras Al Tin Naval base (one of two bases where I work; Abu Qir being the other). We always know when he's going to spend any time there (rarely does, fortunately for us and work dispruptions) because they kick all of us non-essential engineers and technicians off the base for a day prior to, and the day he arrives, and then invoke full vehicle searches and close a lot of parking lots off the whole time he's there. And station armed guards everywhere you look.


PREMO Member

KJP Thought She Could Take a Victory Lap Over Student Debt 'Relief' at Today's Briefing. She Was Wrong.

No matter how you slice it, President Biden's unconstitutional student loan reallocation is fundamentally unfair — and rather ironically flies in the face of Democrats' obsession with equity. On this point, Jean-Pierre was asked why Americans who didn't have $35,000 in student debt shifted to hardworking taxpayers don't also deserve a check for $35,000 to use as they see fit.

Jean-Pierre's answer was more of a mess than usual. Never mind, apparently, that most Americans are already being crushed through no fault of their own by the painful consequences of Bidenomics.
