McCarthy reminds me, for those who might remember M*A*S*H, of Frank Burns after Henry Blake left and he thought they would give him the command and then Col Sherman Potter became the commander. "No, it's my speakership, no fair, no fair, no fair, wah, wah, wah." If he was any real leader he would step down and help to broker a deal for someone who everyone can accept.
The republican party is pathetic at this point. I'm hoping that Ron DeSantis will run and put all of these pussies in their place. It's time to stop whining and complaining when things don't go your way and start putting forward conservative policies. Democrats are laughing at them as well they should. Democrats have screwed up the border, allowed runaway inflation, allowed runaway crime, and neutered the stock market! And yet they managed to gain in the Senate and only lose the house by a small margin. It's time to stop looking like a bunch of babies, start putting together a conservative game plan, and stop following past icons who are no longer relevant. Democrats are ripe for the taking, let's not blow this one the way they did the mid-terms.