Kevin McCarthy


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And it looks like the Church Committee will be formed

See, I don't want them to "look into" it because that's code for "blather on TV, then forget it". I want them to do something about this sh*t. All they ever do is form exploratory committees to "look into" things. I want action, not BS.


Well-Known Member
The Biden Administration will welcome this news later this morning, as the President will ask anyone who is, was, or plans to be associated with the American Communist Party to come forward.

In a prepared statement, released to the press, Biden will recount, "I've known Joe McCarthy for years. We played football at Tufts University.........."


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PREMO Member
Once it was evident that "the 20" was not INCREASING after many ballots - and after alternatives were voted on and no one was biting - it was just inevitable.

If it had been otherwise, a new candidate's chances might have improved if subsequent ballots show a peeling off - but it never happened.

Can't say I'm not disappointed - I think either Jordan or Donalds would have been good at it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Once it was evident that "the 20" was not INCREASING after many ballots - and after alternatives were voted on and no one was biting - it was just inevitable.

If it had been otherwise, a new candidate's chances might have improved if subsequent ballots show a peeling off - but it never happened.

Can't say I'm not disappointed - I think either Jordan or Donalds would have been good at it.

I'd never heard of Donalds before this nomination, but the spider that made a home in Monello's lemon tree would make a better Speaker than Kevin McCarthy. The fish that come gaping up to my deck begging for dog chow - better Speaker. A clod of dirt. A rusty nail. A coffee ground. Pretty much anything.


Well-Known Member
McCarthy reminds me, for those who might remember M*A*S*H, of Frank Burns after Henry Blake left and he thought they would give him the command and then Col Sherman Potter became the commander. "No, it's my speakership, no fair, no fair, no fair, wah, wah, wah." If he was any real leader he would step down and help to broker a deal for someone who everyone can accept.

The republican party is pathetic at this point. I'm hoping that Ron DeSantis will run and put all of these pussies in their place. It's time to stop whining and complaining when things don't go your way and start putting forward conservative policies. Democrats are laughing at them as well they should. Democrats have screwed up the border, allowed runaway inflation, allowed runaway crime, and neutered the stock market! And yet they managed to gain in the Senate and only lose the house by a small margin. It's time to stop looking like a bunch of babies, start putting together a conservative game plan, and stop following past icons who are no longer relevant. Democrats are ripe for the taking, let's not blow this one the way they did the mid-terms.
I like DeSantis but he is a Politician and they are no good


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AND I'm sorry for the rebels because they will surely be punished for their terroristic insurrection. This'll teach 'em - nobody has your back and if you try to buck the system you go it alone.

Very similar to if in 1783 Franklin, Jay, etc were like, "Nah, we swung a deal with KG3, it's all good. God Save the King."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
McCarthy reminds me, for those who might remember M*A*S*H, of Frank Burns after Henry Blake left and he thought they would give him the command and then Col Sherman Potter became the commander. "No, it's my speakership, no fair, no fair, no fair, wah, wah, wah." If he was any real leader he would step down and help to broker a deal for someone who everyone can accept.
Well, the GOP is famous for awarding nominations to people "because it's their turn". Hence, Bob Dole in 1996 - just about any other young Republican could have beaten Clinton, even WITH Ross Perot. Trump actually BROKE the pattern, because I have no doubt 2016 would have gone to Jeb Bush.

But like him or not, he HAS been the party leader in the House for almost ten years - as minority or majority leader. And it HAS been the pattern - mostly - for majority leader to be made Speaker - in the DEMOCRAT party. And McCarthy has run before. I still don't know why he dropped out.

He has at least, the credentials. What I don't know is, can he be trusted to lead - or manage?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Reminder: Rogers is the guy who suggested stripping the rebels of their committee assignments and punishing them for not voting for McCarthy, calling them "legislative terrorists". Gaetz should have knocked that bad wig right off his head. Clearly an unhinged loon. Way to pick 'em, Alabama.


Well-Known Member
Well, the GOP is famous for awarding nominations to people "because it's their turn". Hence, Bob Dole in 1996 - just about any other young Republican could have beaten Clinton, even WITH Ross Perot. Trump actually BROKE the pattern, because I have no doubt 2016 would have gone to Jeb Bush.

But like him or not, he HAS been the party leader in the House for almost ten years - as minority or majority leader. And it HAS been the pattern - mostly - for majority leader to be made Speaker - in the DEMOCRAT party. And McCarthy has run before. I still don't know why he dropped out.

He has at least, the credentials. What I don't know is, can he be trusted to lead - or manage?
McCarthy's style of leadership is to twist whichever way the wind is blowing, to say "how high" when someone says "jump". He is spineless and gutless. He wanted the speaker title so bad he gave in to every concession asked of him and showed himself to be a class A wimp in the process. He should have removed himself from consideration after the first few votes and went back to his hell hole in California with at least some shred of dignity. He's not going to lead the charge for anything, he will simply get run over by it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
He wanted the speaker title so bad he gave in to every concession asked of him
That however, is the only way they would ever break the impasse, unless he specifically gave instruction NOT to nominate him. For some reason that didn't work with Jordan either, so maybe that can't happen.

I'm guessing there's just a certain expectation of what a Speaker is supposed to be that is apart from what you and I expect. The representatives think it means someone who can get people behind them - who can compromise and make deals - who can effectively campaign and raise money.

You and me - we want an inspiring leader who is willing to take risks and put his neck on the line for changes so greatly needed. For all his bluster - Newt WAS such a leader.

I am at least glad he did NOT make deals - WITH DEMOCRATS FOR THEIR VOTE.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That however, is the only way they would ever break the impasse, unless he specifically gave instruction NOT to nominate him. For some reason that didn't work with Jordan either, so maybe that can't happen.

I'm guessing there's just a certain expectation of what a Speaker is supposed to be that is apart from what you and I expect. The representatives think it means someone who can get people behind them - who can compromise and make deals - who can effectively campaign and raise money.

You and me - we want an inspiring leader who is willing to take risks and put his neck on the line for changes so greatly needed. For all his bluster - Newt WAS such a leader.

I am at least glad he did NOT make deals - WITH DEMOCRATS FOR THEIR VOTE.
Maybe the rule should be that “I and all of the people that voted for me cast our votes for “whoever””.