What's it 2 U
I have three kids and my middle daughter, who is 4 yo, acts out and is hard to handle. I lose my temper with her very quickly sometimes and my husband has pointed this out. I think alot of it is that she has a personality very similar to mine, and while I love that about her, we also tend to butt heads because of it. Everyone of my children have different personalities and the same punishment doesn't always work for all of them. Find what works for your middle daughter and go from there. Also, maybe you could ask her to assist you in taking care of her older sibling so she is part of that and doesn't feel left out. I have an infant and my middle daughter was always acting out because I depended more on my 12 yo to help me with him. I was afraid the 4 yo wouldn't be able to handle him. But, one night the baby was fussy because he was tired, the oldest was doing homeowrk and I was trying to make dinner, the middle girl pitched such a fit to hold him, so I think okay, I'll fix her, so I give him to her and think in two seconds he'll be wiggling and crying so bad she'll call me to come get him. So I walk back in the kitchen and two minutes pass and nothing. So I walk back in the living room and darn if that child hadn't rocked that baby to sleep that quick. I had been trying for 10 minutes to get him to be still. Needless to say she gets to hold him more often!