Kids say the darndest things



I was riding in the car with my five year old. He looked at me and asked me, "Mommy, when was I born?" I thought for a moment, because I knew full well that he already knew when his birthday was. I decided to humor him though. "You were born on November 28th." I told him.

His mouth dropped open, surprised, "You mean I was born on my birthday?" He asked totally surprised.


Post your kids "sayings" here


I was riding in the car with my five year old. He looked at me and asked me, "Mommy, when was I born?" I thought for a moment, because I knew full well that he already knew when his birthday was. I decided to humor him though. "You were born on November 28th." I told him.

His mouth dropped open, surprised, "You mean I was born on my birthday?" He asked totally surprised.


Post your kids "sayings" here



curiouser and curiouser
Cute! I have about a million, but off the top of my head -

When he was about 4 and a half he asked "Mom, when I was a baby, was I black?" :jet:


Lem Putt
We were driving to visit the inlaws, and to pass the time we played a little "I Spy."

I saw a gray car, so I said "I spy something gray." My daughter (six at the time) looked around and said "Mommy's hair!"


New Member
there is a little boy in my daughters class that she really likes. she was telling us about him one day and i asked if he was blind, she says no he is brown. lol, it was very cute! She is in a class with and extreme mixed range of learnin abalties.


We were driving to visit the inlaws, and to pass the time we played a little "I Spy."

I saw a gray car, so I said "I spy something gray." My daughter (six at the time) looked around and said "Mommy's hair!"



The computer was running really slow for some reason and my daughter said, "Maybe you have to get rid of the computer's diseases". She was thinking it had a virus!

Callie girl

New Member
When my oldest was 3 1/2, he saw a pic of me pregnant with the younger one and asked about my tummmy and I told him that his brother was in my belly and his whole face went a little white and his mouth dropped open and he said you ate my brother. I laughed and he about cryed so I explained a little to him.


New Member
Last night when I got in the car my 21 month old said "Mommy, I want bath. I stinky ass." I love my husband, but dear lord I'm going to kick his ass for teaching her that.

It was funny though, but not something I desire for her to say.


New Member
there is a little boy in my daughters class that she really likes. she was telling us about him one day and i asked if he was blind, she says no he is brown. lol, it was very cute! She is in a class with and extreme mixed range of learnin abalties.

I love your spelling abalties. :huggy:


24/7 Single Dad
When my oldest was 3 1/2, he saw a pic of me pregnant with the younger one and asked about my tummmy and I told him that his brother was in my belly and his whole face went a little white and his mouth dropped open and he said you ate my brother. I laughed and he about cryed so I explained a little to him.

When my ex was pregnant, we had some friends over and one little boy pointed at her swollen stomach and asked if she had a baby in there.
Kid's Dad leans over and says "Yes, and if you don't behave she'll eat you too!"


New Member
6yr old - tried to call friends house and dialed a 5 instead of a 4 for the last number.
When realized this said "I must have called her neighbor!"


New Member
I went to my son's school one day to participate in a Pre-K class activity. Each of the children were making a profile with their family information...parent's names, names of siblings...etc. It was my job to ask each of the children what their parents names were. I asked one sweet little girl her Mommy's name and she said "Phillys". I asked her Daddy's name and she said "I don't know". I asked her what her Mommy called him and she happily replied "$h!thead...that's his name...$h!thead". Thank God I'm not a Pre-K teacher!


Cute! I have about a million, but off the top of my head -

When he was about 4 and a half he asked "Mom, when I was a baby, was I black?" :jet:

Dont think his daddy would liked it if he was :faint: :lmao:


I went to my son's school one day to participate in a Pre-K class activity. Each of the children were making a profile with their family information...parent's names, names of siblings...etc. It was my job to ask each of the children what their parents names were. I asked one sweet little girl her Mommy's name and she said "Phillys". I asked her Daddy's name and she said "I don't know". I asked her what her Mommy called him and she happily replied "$h!thead...that's his name...$h!thead". Thank God I'm not a Pre-K teacher!

OH man...thats has to be a lovely home environment.:killingme


Whenever my 3yo tries to get out of something she always says "Ok I'll make you a deal". I have no ideal where she got that from.


Cleopatra Jones
The all time classic from my oldest was when he was a couple months shy of his 3rd b-day. I had just just given birth to my youngest and we went to go visit a girlfriend of mine, Keyana. Keyana is bi-racial and tells the oldest that she is my chocolate sister. We have our visit and then return home. I had just gotten him the Disney movie the Haunted Mansion. The first frame of the movie is Eddie Murphy smiling his huge goofy smile. Thing one shouts out "Look mommy! It's daddy's chocolate brother!" To this day (he's 6) he still calls Eddie Murphy that.