Having Fun!
I worked with my son when he was 2-4. I tried to teach him to write, his name, his colors, his alphabet. He just would not get it. He went to PK and didn't learn a whole lot. He still did not know his alphabet when he went into Kindergarten. Towards the end of K it all finally clicked for him.
Youngest son was similar. He has a late November birthday so started Kdg at age 4 (8 yrs. ago). By the end of Kdg., he only knew about 5 of the 20 sight words that they're supposed to know by the end of the year. We worked with him over the summer & he got a few more but still not all. He had a fantastic 1st grade teacher and reading clicked for him that year. They typically won't get it until they're ready. In most cases, boys lag behind girls in verbal/reading areas in the early grades but catch up later. They tend to be better at science & math initially and then the girls catch up. Has something to do with the sides of the brain that are more active in each at different age levels. Of course there are always exceptions!
I think the best advice for the early years is just keep trying with them. When they're ready, they'll get it, and not before! Most important, don't stress over it! It doesn't help anyone!