Kurt Schlichter takes Nikki Haley APART


Well-Known Member
This is a real question and not meant as a snark:

What difference do the debates make and how will that help you decide?
I enjoy watching the debates. I think it gives you an idea as to who means business and who is just going along with the flow. Not so much by the answers to questions but how they answer the question, or how they hold their composure and such. I will also add that I don’t necessarily pick who I vote for from the debates, but I think it gives a good assessment of each individual.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

Yikes. That, my friends, is a burn. And I'm thrilled to finally see someone who is willing to admit what a POS she is.
That was painful to read, it sounds exactly like the lefts style of making a point. We'll throw a lot of comparisons to someone we can agree that we don't like and say she's just the same. The only real criticism in the entire thing is that she colluded with John Brennan. The criticism of removing the confederate flag from the state house is only a criticism if what you wanted was to display it for some reason. But Vrai you yourself liked the idea because they are losers. Her time as governor was actually pretty good and even after only serving half of her second term she still has better than 80% of SC republicans would take her back. Her time as UN ambassador may not have been that exciting, but that's actually a good thing.

So if the primary was today Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Pence, Hogan she'd get my vote.


Well-Known Member
I want to see and hear how they react to competition, ideas and line of fire. Even at that some are too stupid to absorb........... see Fetterman. Notice how Harris was KOed?
Translation: I’ll wait until my handlers tell me she’s passed the purity test.


Well-Known Member
So, anyone who's not Trump is quislingweak-kneedpansyRHINO. Sorry, there are good and valid reasons to look elsewhere. Rightfully or not, he's poison in the eyes of many independents and close to center folks in both parties.
Voted for him twice BUT he's almost as old as the pos we have now. Something to consider.


This is a real question and not meant as a snark:

What difference do the debates make and how will that help you decide?

If anyone thinks the debates do a goddamn thing they're deluding themselves.

In my ever-so humble opinion, if someone hasn't made up their minds about how they're going to vote by the time the (primary) debates start, they're ****ing retarded, and they should have their right to vote taken away - along with their right (and ability) to reproduce.

The debates are nothing more than a platform for each opponent to embellish their achievements and aggrandize their 'charisma' - assuming they have any. And nothing more than a chance for the media to drive home their narrative. They get to slam everything Trump will say as 'racist' even if he says something that's not even tangentially related to race - and hopefully they'll give Biden a chance to prove that he's marginally more aware and articulate than a half-dried out aubergine.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
If anyone thinks the debates do a goddamn thing they're deluding themselves.

In my ever-so humble opinion, if someone hasn't made up their minds about how they're going to vote by the time the (primary) debates start, they're ****ing retarded, and they should have their right to vote taken away - along with their right (and ability) to reproduce.

The debates are nothing more than a platform for each opponent to embellish their achievements and aggrandize their 'charisma' - assuming they have any. And nothing more than a chance for the media to drive home their narrative. They get to slam everything Trump will say as 'racist' even if he says something that's not even tangentially related to race - and hopefully they'll give Biden a chance to prove that he's marginally more aware and articulate than a half-dried out aubergine.
I have to disagree with you. They may not help a candidate, but they can surely hurt one. Look back to Nixon-Kennedy, Nixon was the smarter candidate, but he looked like a schmuck with stumbling answers and a ton of flop sweat.


I have to disagree with you. They may not help a candidate, but they can surely hurt one. Look back to Nixon-Kennedy, Nixon was the smarter candidate, but he looked like a schmuck with stumbling answers and a ton of flop sweat.

Well, I wasn't around in the 60's where I can judge what that societal and political climate was at the time, but I would tend to think that the debates were worth more than they are now, and less media-driven.

More specifically media-bias-driven.

But, like I said, I wasn't around - I could be talking out of my ass.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The criticism of removing the confederate flag from the state house is only a criticism if what you wanted was to display it for some reason. But Vrai you yourself liked the idea because they are losers.

Well there's one point where I agreed with her.....

I'm not voting for Deep State Nikki. She's a traitor and a slimy swamp POS. If you want more of the same with the elite power overlords running our lives into the ground, that's your girl.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If anyone thinks the debates do a goddamn thing they're deluding themselves.

In my ever-so humble opinion, if someone hasn't made up their minds about how they're going to vote by the time the (primary) debates start, they're ****ing retarded, and they should have their right to vote taken away - along with their right (and ability) to reproduce.

The debates are nothing more than a platform for each opponent to embellish their achievements and aggrandize their 'charisma' - assuming they have any. And nothing more than a chance for the media to drive home their narrative. They get to slam everything Trump will say as 'racist' even if he says something that's not even tangentially related to race - and hopefully they'll give Biden a chance to prove that he's marginally more aware and articulate than a half-dried out aubergine.

If they were entertaining, okay. But they're not even that. Buncha blowhards blathering bullshit. Throw those bitches in a pit and whoever comes out gets to be the nominee. I'd watch that. :yay:

I have never one time had a debate sway my vote or influence me in any way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have to disagree with you. They may not help a candidate, but they can surely hurt one. Look back to Nixon-Kennedy, Nixon was the smarter candidate, but he looked like a schmuck with stumbling answers and a ton of flop sweat.

That says more about what morons the American voters are than anything about Nixon. And I already know that, so I don't have to waste my time on their silly debates.