Kurt Schlichter takes Nikki Haley APART


Well-Known Member
The Republican party is headed into their own civil war. It's the Trump supporters vs. the Never Trumpers. In a primary where there are a good deal of candidates, Trump wins. Even if he doesn't, same situation. The Trump supporters will cast their vote for him, and stay home if he loses. The Trump opposers will not vote for him. Either way, the democrats get their way. Until the republican party can unite around someone other than Trump it will be.........NO WHITEHOUSE FOR YOU! :(


Well-Known Member
The Republican party is headed into their own civil war. It's the Trump supporters vs. the Never Trumpers. In a primary where there are a good deal of candidates, Trump wins. Even if he doesn't, same situation. The Trump supporters will cast their vote for him, and stay home if he loses. The Trump opposers will not vote for him. Either way, the democrats get their way. Until the republican party can unite around someone other than Trump it will be.........NO WHITEHOUSE FOR YOU! :(
Don't see that happening unless it were a pos something like Romney which it won't be. Clear skies ahead.... should we survive that long. WTF is the trash going to put up........... Buttiplug or Newsome?


Well-Known Member
Don't see that happening unless it were a pos something like Romney which it won't be. Clear skies ahead.... should we survive that long. WTF is the trash going to put up........... Buttiplug or Newsome?

Yeah, I get that the democrats don't have appealing candidates but my point has nothing to do with them. It has to do with the republican party tearing themselves apart. If Trump wins, there is a good part of the republicans who will not vote for him. And that doesn't even take into consideration the independents that helped get him elected the first time and jumped ship. And if he loses? Do you see him being contrite and backing the winner? I don't. He will burn the entire party down before he does that.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If anyone thinks the debates do a goddamn thing they're deluding themselves.
See, I think they do, because the primary season starts very early and lately we’ve been seeing really crowded primaries. Even with a stage of ten candidates, you can take what you’ve read about them and see if they can actually articulate those ideas. Or if they’re an empty suit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, I get that the democrats don't have appealing candidates but my point has nothing to do with them. It has to do with the republican party tearing themselves apart. If Trump wins, there is a good part of the republicans who will not vote for him. And that doesn't even take into consideration the independents that helped get him elected the first time and jumped ship. And if he loses? Do you see him being contrite and backing the winner? I don't. He will burn the entire party down before he does that.

And there are a good number of people like me who won't vote for the traitors like Nikki Haley and Larry Hogan.

I'm not a Democrat cultist - I'm not going to wrap myself around some corrupt POS just because they happen to be a certain political party and because strangers on the TV/internet tell me this is who I should worship. Pick better nominees and I'll support your team; otherwise you can forget it and enjoy getting your asses whipped by the Democrats every single time.

America is circling the drain. The only thing I can do is not add my vote to it.

And this:

And if he loses? Do you see him being contrite and backing the winner?

Why would Trump back a corrupt America-hating POS who's trying to destroy us just because they happen to be in the same political party? That's exactly like the Catholics supporting some pedophile baby raping priest because he's in their religion. EXACTLY like it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My beef with her is her political opportunism. She was highly critical of Trump all through the primary season - bordering on vicious. That all ended once he was the nominee. Then she supported him and endorsed him.

Praised his leadership as she served in his administration.

Then after January 6, she turned on him. She’s back to the harsh critic she was before.

So was she lying for four years? She even endorsed him in 2020.

This is typical of the worst kind of politician. If Trump was a bad leader she should never have been on his side; if he was a good leader she should never have abandoned him. Her allegiance was ruled by expedience.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Her allegiance was ruled by expedience.

I would amend that slightly to "Her allegiances are ruled by expedience." Otherwise your assessment is spot on, and that's only one of her many red flags.

But it doesn't matter what I think. She says vague feely things that the mindless want to hear, and the TV is telling them to love her, so that's that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I get that the democrats don't have appealing candidates but my point has nothing to do with them. It has to do with the republican party tearing themselves apart. If Trump wins, there is a good part of the republicans who will not vote for him. And that doesn't even take into consideration the independents that helped get him elected the first time and jumped ship. And if he loses? Do you see him being contrite and backing the winner? I don't. He will burn the entire party down before he does that.
THAT is my concern. Reminds me as a kid playing Risk, a buddy would yell "If I don't win nobody wins" as he flips the board.


See, I think they do, because the primary season starts very early and lately we’ve been seeing really crowded primaries. Even with a stage of ten candidates, you can take what you’ve read about them and see if they can actually articulate those ideas. Or if they’re an empty suit.

I said primary.....

I didn't mean primary - I meant the general election ones..

My bad.


Well-Known Member
What if the Republican is trash? Should Trump still support him/her even though s/he's a fraud and no better - perhaps worse - than the Democrat?
Only real trash R that I know of is Romney.
Put me in the undecided camp, may vote for Trump again, if he splits the party just so we lose I hope he becomes Fettermans room mate before that happens. That would go for ANY viable R who throws a tantrum and blows this upcoming cakewalk.


Well-Known Member
And there are a good number of people like me who won't vote for the traitors like Nikki Haley and Larry Hogan.

I'm not a Democrat cultist - I'm not going to wrap myself around some corrupt POS just because they happen to be a certain political party and because strangers on the TV/internet tell me this is who I should worship. Pick better nominees and I'll support your team; otherwise you can forget it and enjoy getting your asses whipped by the Democrats every single time.

America is circling the drain. The only thing I can do is not add my vote to it.

And this:

Why would Trump back a corrupt America-hating POS who's trying to destroy us just because they happen to be in the same political party? That's exactly like the Catholics supporting some pedophile baby raping priest because he's in their religion. EXACTLY like it.

I believe you and I know there are a number of people out there with the same view. That's why I said the republican party is headed for a civil war. The numbers aren't favorable for the republican party. As of October, 2020, 38% of all registered voters are democrats to 29% republican, 29% independent and about 4% other. The only reason either side can win the presidency is by maximizing their base turnout and convincing more independents to vote their way. The big reason republicans can win close races is because of the concentration of voters within states and the electoral system. Neither party can afford the kind of split where voters either stay home or vote the other way. They would have to win the independent vote by a large margin to overcome a fractured base and that's not likely.

I actually tend to agree with you. I hate voting against a candidate rather than for one. The last time I remember actually voting for someone was Bush Sr. over Clinton. Since then they have all been votes simply because I don't want someone to win rather than actually supporting who I voted for. Rather sad that America can't come up with better candidates than the group of A-holes that have been running the last couple of decades. But quite simply I usually vote for what is going to hurt me the least.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That was painful to read, it sounds exactly like the lefts style of making a point. We'll throw a lot of comparisons to someone we can agree that we don't like and say she's just the same. The only real criticism in the entire thing is that she colluded with John Brennan. The criticism of removing the confederate flag from the state house is only a criticism if what you wanted was to display it for some reason. But Vrai you yourself liked the idea because they are losers. Her time as governor was actually pretty good and even after only serving half of her second term she still has better than 80% of SC republicans would take her back. Her time as UN ambassador may not have been that exciting, but that's actually a good thing.

So if the primary was today Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Pence, Hogan she'd get my vote.
So phreddyp what part are you laughing at my characterization of the article or my opinion, it’s hard to determine from just a laughing emoji.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Only real trash R that I know of is Romney.

Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Adam Kinzinger
John McCain
Liz Cheney
Larry Hogan
Lisa Murkowski
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Nikki Haley
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Arnold Schwarzenegger

I can rattle off a whole bunch of them, and that's just off the top of my head. If I get to the lower tier and the fake news media tards I could to to infinity.