Kurt Schlichter takes Nikki Haley APART


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I believe you and I know there are a number of people out there with the same view. That's why I said the republican party is headed for a civil war. The numbers aren't favorable for the republican party. As of October, 2020, 38% of all registered voters are democrats to 29% republican, 29% independent and about 4% other. The only reason either side can win the presidency is by maximizing their base turnout and convincing more independents to vote their way. The big reason republicans can win close races is because of the concentration of voters within states and the electoral system. Neither party can afford the kind of split where voters either stay home or vote the other way. They would have to win the independent vote by a large margin to overcome a fractured base and that's not likely.

The GOP could use a good civil war. If they weren't Leftists in disguise perhaps they'd do better.

See that's the problem with Republicans - they have a mind of their own and actually get information outside the cult. They're not like Democrats who do as they're told.

Rather sad that America can't come up with better candidates than the group of A-holes that have been running the last couple of decades.

No sane person wants to be in that filth pit. We see what those weasels do to not only Republican candidates, but their family and everyone they've ever known in their life. We're not going to get "better" candidates - ever. It's gone too far. Just like Leftist cities that demonize their police, no competent person will ever take that job and all they'll be able to attract are vermin.

So I'm good with an old fashioned civil war. The tree of liberty and blood of patriots and all that....


Well-Known Member
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Adam Kinzinger
John McCain
Liz Cheney
Larry Hogan
Lisa Murkowski
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Nikki Haley
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Arnold Schwarzenegger

I can rattle off a whole bunch of them, and that's just off the top of my head. If I get to the lower tier and the fake news media tards I could to to infinity.
LOLOL OK you win, I won't vote for mcCain, Kinzinger, Hogan Murkowski, Graham. Collins or Cheney or HW.
Truth is they have SEVERAL good prospects on the horizon. As long as the 2nd placer doesn't get a case of asssholeism this is going to be an easy win.
Dementia Joe in just two years turned the place to shiit in another 2 it will be diarrhea shiit and wet farts, the dumbest of the dumb will no longer want him


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LOLOL OK you win, I won't vote for mcCain, Kinzinger, Hogan Murkowski, Graham. Collins or Cheney or HW.
Truth is they have SEVERAL good prospects on the horizon. As long as the 2nd placer doesn't get a case of asssholeism this is going to be an easy win.
Dementia Joe in just two years turned the place to shiit in another 2 it will be diarrhea shiit and wet farts, the dumbest of the dumb will no longer want him
First off, you can vote for whoever you please. I will not be voting for any of those corrupt *******s.

Second, Democrats vote for the D. They don't even know that guy's name but as long as he has a D after his name that's who they're going to vote for. They already are the dumbest of the dumb, and they prove it every time they cast a vote.

Third, I honestly don't think it matters who we vote for anymore. So unless somebody comes along who really wows me I'm probably going to stop voting. It's just a waste of time.


Power with Control
LOLOL OK you win, I won't vote for mcCain, Kinzinger, Hogan Murkowski, Graham. Collins or Cheney or HW.
Truth is they have SEVERAL good prospects on the horizon. As long as the 2nd placer doesn't get a case of asssholeism this is going to be an easy win.
Dementia Joe in just two years turned the place to shiit in another 2 it will be diarrhea shiit and wet farts, the dumbest of the dumb will no longer want him

You are missing the operative word. "Traitor". To the Trump loyalists, if you ever say he's not perfect, or that someone else might be better to accomplish a thing, you are a traitor. We talk about the lefts use of words to drive a narrative, traitor is one of those words. Now you are evil and cannot be dealt with in any way.
Don't see that happening unless it were a pos something like Romney which it won't be. Clear skies ahead.... should we survive that long. WTF is the trash going to put up........... Buttiplug or Newsome?

Come'on, man, they got BIDEN and HARRIS elected? The bar is pretty goddamn low. And IMO since Trump cant win the general, he's going to hand to whatever joke the dems nominate. Always Trump is just as bad as Never Trump.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have a question:

You all going skizzy at the thought of Trump not supporting whoever the GOP nominates.....will you be equally tantrumy if Trump wins the nomination and the Republican elite don't support him?

Yeah, didn't think so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You are missing the operative word. "Traitor". To the Trump loyalists, if you ever say he's not perfect, or that someone else might be better to accomplish a thing, you are a traitor. We talk about the lefts use of words to drive a narrative, traitor is one of those words. Now you are evil and cannot be dealt with in any way.

A traitor is someone who betrays their country. It has nothing to do with Trump, YOU are the one who is making it about Trump. You're so blinded by your hatred of him that you'll willingly and happily worship some tyrant because they're in your same cult and make meaningless speeches...and aren't Trump.

What's hilarious is that you mock me because you hate freedom and are desperate to be ruled. Somehow that makes me the idiot.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And PS, I am not a Trump loyalist - I'm a liberty loyalist. Trump just happens to be the guy who walked the walk.

Just because you get glommed onto personalities doesn't mean everyone does. Straight up, most of you when you laud Nikki Haley always bring up that she's physically attractive, because that is a great presidential qualification and clearly important to you. No doubt if Elizabeth Hurley ran for president and campaigned in a bikini you'd be all over that chit.

You're not serious people and it pisses me off that I have to suffer because of it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You are missing the operative word. "Traitor". To the Trump loyalists, if you ever say he's not perfect, or that someone else might be better to accomplish a thing, you are a traitor. We talk about the lefts use of words to drive a narrative, traitor is one of those words. Now you are evil and cannot be dealt with in any way.
I talk about how rude, obnoxious and egomaniacal Trump is since he started running

Obama was the same way. Obama just did it for the other side.

As for Trump… fact of the matter is, I don’t care. He did the job expected of him.

as long as he keeps doing that… I don’t care how mean he is. As a matter fact, the more rude he is to Democrats, the better I like it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He did the job expected of him.

And THAT is the bottom line.

Yeah, I like the guy who did what he said he'd do - or at least tried to in the face of his own corrupt traitor party mates trying to destroy him. What a horrible thing to support the president who was trying to fix this country and get us back to our global status.


Well-Known Member
I go back and forth with Trump.
IMO he is the only one who can save the country, but damn he just doesn't know when to stop attacking other Republicans.
In order to help America he needs to get elected and his mouth got him out of the White House and if he keeps it up he is going to stay out.
Now that's the way it is like him or not.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
IMO he is the only one who can save the country, but damn he just doesn't know when to stop attacking other Republicans.

And I maintain that those Republicans deserve to be attacked.

I broke from the cult when they decided McCain was their guy, so I don't have to be loyal to them. When they show themselves as unAmerican shitbags, I can and will criticize them.


Well-Known Member
There are Republicans who deserve every criticism there is, And there are those who do not need to be criticized just because they are running against him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There are Republicans who deserve every criticism there is, And there are those who do not need to be criticized just because they are running against him.

In what primary ever has there been a candidate who was like, "Oh yeah, my opponent is a great guy and you should totally vote for him"?


Power with Control
A traitor is someone who betrays their country. It has nothing to do with Trump, YOU are the one who is making it about Trump. You're so blinded by your hatred of him that you'll willingly and happily worship some tyrant because they're in your same cult and make meaningless speeches...and aren't Trump.

What's hilarious is that you mock me because you hate freedom and are desperate to be ruled. Somehow that makes me the idiot.


Here's the thing. I dont hate Trump, never have. I dont worship anyone. And I haven't mocked you, I have disagreed with you. I hate freedom? And I'm desperate to be ruled? Thinking that there might be a different way isn't being a traitor.

Here's the issue. Disagreement isn't mocking, or it shouldn't be. And not agreeing with you that Trump is the Way doesn't mean I hate freedom. The whole point of freedom is that different people can have different ideas.

You keep telling me what I am and how I think. I have never mentioned Nikki Haleys appearance. Don't care. I will always say that you don't need to be rude to disagree with someone. I'll never not believe it. Carnivals where we make fun of people for their appearance have pretty much gone away for a reason.

I think Trump was a great President and did amazing things. I dont hate the man. I do think he could have done a lot more with a more moderate tone. You disagree, as do others. That's freedom.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Here's the thing. I dont hate Trump, never have. I dont worship anyone. And I haven't mocked you, I have disagreed with you.

To the Trump loyalists, if you ever say he's not perfect, or that someone else might be better to accomplish a thing, you are a traitor.
Yeah, definitely not mocking....

And not agreeing with you that Trump is the Way

More not mocking.....

Thinking that there might be a different way isn't being a traitor.

Wanting a leader who has proven to be a corrupt cabalist who puts money and power over We the People is in fact being a traitor. It's the definition of being a traitor. You can't have a "different opinion" about facts.

I will always say that you don't need to be rude to disagree with someone.

One man's rude is another man's cold hard truth, straight no sugar.