I believe you and I know there are a number of people out there with the same view. That's why I said the republican party is headed for a civil war. The numbers aren't favorable for the republican party. As of October, 2020, 38% of all registered voters are democrats to 29% republican, 29% independent and about 4% other. The only reason either side can win the presidency is by maximizing their base turnout and convincing more independents to vote their way. The big reason republicans can win close races is because of the concentration of voters within states and the electoral system. Neither party can afford the kind of split where voters either stay home or vote the other way. They would have to win the independent vote by a large margin to overcome a fractured base and that's not likely.
The GOP could use a good civil war. If they weren't Leftists in disguise perhaps they'd do better.
See that's the problem with Republicans - they have a mind of their own and actually get information outside the cult. They're not like Democrats who do as they're told.
Rather sad that America can't come up with better candidates than the group of A-holes that have been running the last couple of decades.
No sane person wants to be in that filth pit. We see what those weasels do to not only Republican candidates, but their family and everyone they've ever known in their life. We're not going to get "better" candidates - ever. It's gone too far. Just like Leftist cities that demonize their police, no competent person will ever take that job and all they'll be able to attract are vermin.
So I'm good with an old fashioned civil war. The tree of liberty and blood of patriots and all that....