Last night's American Idol



Jameo said:
Mandisa is the only girl that has a very good shot at winning. But I don't think it's gonna happen.

Is she the one that Simon said on her addition "is American Idol getting a bigger stage this year?" I don't remember if it was her or not.


dems4me said:
Is she the one that Simon said on her addition "is American Idol getting a bigger stage this year?" I don't remember if it was her or not.

That was her.


Working for the weekend
I was quite disappointed last night. None of the song choices stood out for me. Little Paris trying to be a sexpot was not working. Again, Chris was my favorite.


I Need a Beer
My take on last nights show is - #1 - Chris, #2 - Taylor. Lisa and Ace both need to go and I can't stand that Paris girl so she can go after Lisa and Ace. Mandisha should never wear those jeans again, they just enhanced how big her butt and thighs are - did you pick up on how the camera kept going to face shots and they tried to keep the shadow from the light on the lower half of her body.


After last week, which was arguably one of the best Americon Idol episodes, ever, this week was a complete debacle.

Chris was good, Mandisa was good. Everything else was very lack-luster.


New Member
Toxick said:
After last week, which was arguably one of the best Americon Idol episodes, ever, this week was a complete debacle.

Chris was good, Mandisa was good. Everything else was very lack-luster.


Yep, I agree.....Chris got a little lecture about trying something new.... but Kellie and Bucky did their country thing....why didn't they get that lecture? And I thought the other chick, Kathleen, Katherine, whatever her name is....was really horrible - but the judges all seemed to love it! What did you all think?


New Member said:
Yep, I agree.....Chris got a little lecture about trying something new.... but Kellie and Bucky did their country thing....why didn't they get that lecture? And I thought the other chick, Kathleen, Katherine, whatever her name is....was really horrible - but the judges all seemed to love it! What did you all think?

I kinda like her :shrug:

Did you see when Ace was singing and he did that move that showed his scar? I thought that was a bit much.....not the sexy look he was going for. And that stupid look he gives at the end when he stares into the camera for like 10 minutes!

New Member
twc418 said:
I kinda like her :shrug:

Did you see when Ace was singing and he did that move that showed his scar? I thought that was a bit much.....not the sexy look he was going for. And that stupid look he gives at the end when he stares into the camera for like 10 minutes!

It totally grossed me out when he was caressing himself....I didn't know about a scar then and left the room so co-workers told me about it. He is trying too hard to be like Constantine from last season...


New Member
Loved Taylor again..Chris sings well but the song was too much. Paris creeped me out with the sexy stuff. I hate the nickname mandiva but she has a beautiful face and voice.


What?! said:
Yep, I agree.....Chris got a little lecture about trying something new.... but Kellie and Bucky did their country thing....why didn't they get that lecture? And I thought the other chick, Kathleen, Katherine, whatever her name is....was really horrible - but the judges all seemed to love it! What did you all think?

She was horrible!! Some of them high notes she was trying to hit woke my dogs up :lmao:


New Member
I think the whole show sucked.....was very disappointed. My three favorites, from last night only were.....
Chris, Taylor and Bucky (I think Bucky did pretty good last night, so I won't be too sad to hear it again if he goes home tonight)

Who do we all think is going home tonight?
I think Lisa is gone....


Tina2001aniT said:
Who do we all think is going home tonight?
I think Lisa is gone....

I'd put the bottom three thusly:
Ace, Lisa, Cathleen.

I don't care which one of those three it is, but if I had to pick, I'd 86 Lisa.

And something occurs to me about Simon from last night.

I like Simon, and I love his ability to zero in on what needs to be critisized, and he ruthlessly critisizes it. I usually don't mind his negativity, and I always enjoy his biting remarks.

However, I'm thinking back to last week when Chris sang "Walk the Line", and how he admires Chris's "refusal to compromise" - he even clapped his hands when he said that.

Then last night, he grilled Chris about how he needs to break out of his rut, because he's not being diverse.


While I must agree with Simon's assessment from last night - i.e. I'd like to hear a different style from Chris than the nonstop Seattle type alternative - Simon is sending mixed signals. He's never done that before, to my knowledge.

Just thought I'd point that out, because it's been bugging me.