Last night's American Idol


I was happy with the outcome last night. I mean, if you can't remember your lines, you ought not be an "American Idol". JMO


camily said:
I was happy with the outcome last night. I mean, if you can't remember your lines, you ought not be an "American Idol". JMO
true that. But on the other hand if you sound like a chipmunk you shouldn't be on American Idol either. I can't believe that big head was not even in the bottom three and ace and lisa were.


nomoney said:
true that. But on the other hand if you sound like a chipmunk you shouldn't be on American Idol either. I can't believe that big head was not even in the bottom three and ace and lisa were.
I definitely agree. The cute little underdog has gone on long enough. There is no way he should be there. I felt bad for Lisa. She always seems so upset and gets an "ungly cry" on when someone is leaving. We all know, you don't fake an ugly cry. :lmao:


nomoney said:
I can't believe that big head was not even in the bottom three and ace and lisa were.

Well, remember that Fantasia was in the bottom three more than once. So was Carrie Underwood.

I think both Ace and Lisa will survive longer than most people up there.


New Member
camily said:
I definitely agree. The cute little underdog has gone on long enough. There is no way he should be there. I felt bad for Lisa. She always seems so upset and gets an "ungly cry" on when someone is leaving. We all know, you don't fake an ugly cry. :lmao:

I hate the ugly cry! I want Ace out of the bottom three. Chicken little has got to go.


sushisamba said:
Who got kicked off the island???

Melissa McCall.
The one who forgot the lyrics.

I don't think she deserved to go this week. I definitely don't think she should've won the competition (or even close) - but I can think of two contestents that were WAY worse than her, and and a few that were borderline.


Toxick said:
Melissa McCall.
The one who forgot the lyrics.

I don't think she deserved to go this week. I definitely don't think she should've won the competition (or even close) - but I can think of two contestents that were WAY worse than her, and and a few that were borderline.
Agreed. :yay:
Kevin never should have made it in the first place.

Taylor needs to go. Don't really like his singing, and the gray hair just screams "NO" to me.

Bucky needs to lay off the hair bleach, or add some to his eyebrows. He needs to get his teef fixed. Needs to shave too.


New Member
I bought Taylor Hicks' album, it is his own material and it is really good :yay: Kevin reminds me of the Scott guy that was a wife beater from a different season, he kept getting through to the next week.


Loving My Life...
Geek said:
I bought Taylor Hicks' album, it is his own material and it is really good :yay: Kevin reminds me of the Scott guy that was a wife beater from a different season, he kept getting through to the next week.
Where did you get it from?


b*tch rocket
harleygirl said:
I am not a Stevie Wonder fan, so last night did not impress me. Chris was the only stand-out for me. Except for the gray-haired guy, all the other ones to me sounded like any typical pop recording.

I've never been a big fan of Stevie Wonder.

My favorite female is still Paris, she's just so cute and has that little tiny voice when she talks but belts it out when she sings. :yay: But her performance was just okay on Stevie night. :shrug: